The Myrmidon (WIP) (Minor update 03/10/2017)

While this is slightly off topic from its original intent I must say that as far as the mainstream of sci-fi and fantasy goes I’m more pleased with what Seth macFarlane’s new show “The Orville” is doing in terms of depicting non-straight relationships and situations then I ever was with Star Trek TNG itself to which the Orville seems to be an hommage in spirit. In addition the fact that it is nominally a comedy show ironically allows the characters to be more human, with all the flaws that entails, in many ways then the perfect people TNG’s Federation was seemingly populated with.

As for the original topic, in my mind the Myrmidon always was serious literature too, though my opinion on such matters counts for very little of course.

Also the “Hero Unmasked” game reminds me of all the possibilities that come with possibly gaining an identical “twin” sibling towards the end of the rebel path. So many delicious possibilities, among the rebels I kind of imagine only Engel and maybe Navi in addition to whomever is Flash’s lover being able to actually tell them apart.

Where it concerns the possible noble ending I also hope Grey keeps up the Chevalier’s habit of wearing those almost impossibly tight trousers (or would they more properly be tights?) of his on occasion. :heart_eyes:

Take all the time you need to get well again, and I’m sure Rena is already getting nervous with the thought of “Sensei” poking around her project. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Besides this is only the original plot structure, I’ve no doubt that if our dear author ever takes this one up again half of that stuff will be changed. Just hope the Chevalier and his tight trousers stay. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: