The Lost Heir 3: Demon War Bugs and Errors

Any other Lost Heir 3 bugs out there? I’m putting together an update and I only have this fixed so far:

  • Praying to Unknown no longer checks alignment during the “You plummet…” scene.
  • Shadow Weaver actually gets the +20 Stealth.
  • Artificer actually gains their bonuses.
  • Luckmage Requirement down to 90 Arcana, and give +10 Arcana upon completion

Being a Luck Mage gives you +20 Arcana but it requires 100 Arcana so you basically gain nothing.

I did that on purpose, but maybe it looks like a bug or looks tacky? Giving you more Arcana when you can’t use any more? Yes, I changed it to this:

Luckmage Requirement down to 90 Arcana, and give +10 Arcana upon completion


I’m having trouble with the Look Who’s Back achievement on Steam. I’ve triggered the quest line to bring Jace back, researched the ritual, bought the counter-poison, and killed the witness (once by opening the door, once using a spell). After that, nothing happens throughout the rest of the game. The Red Wizard is never reanimated. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Legacy advantage bug report- you ask the Wizard in Vernex “How do you die?” Should be “How did you die?” Right?

Storing this here, to be looked at in the future. :slight_smile:

1, During the class training, the ranger option says “roam around Ludd” instead of the capital.

2, Knight training replaces the the top of the class name (Knight Champion)as the generic name (Knight), which seems like a downgrade.

3, In the tornement session, for some reason device stats are not calculated anymore wth legacy

Additional bug/error with LH3: As a demon summoner, despite the story progressing as you did not take the stones from Torro, they still shows up in your inventory and can’t be removed. Also Moff’s stone does not show up in inventory despite having it.


Suggestions- Top Knight, First Knight, Knight Captain, Knight Commander.

LH3 Bug report: In the gypsy camp fight, after landing on ground, the in game text indicates 50 unarmed required for unarmed attack, though I still failed this stat check with 57 unarmed.

@Snowflower Thanks for this one:
There is still a bug in the escape from the Academy scene where it says that Level 1 Paladins can be healed by their god on the boat (rather than only laying on hands), but I cannot do that as a (female) Paladin of Auriel, even though the choice text says that I need one level of Paladin to succeed.

These bugs were fixed during the May 15th, 2022 patch when the newest in-game menu was added:

Still inventory the sleep roll line is “-sleep roll” instead of “- sleep roll” like other items


There’s a jump to the line / blank line missing in the stats page between the tattoos and inventory section (I have a screenshot of that one if needed)






Unsure what this error is. I don’t see Legacy interacting anywhere in the Brightwater Tournament.



Time travel makes that tricky, but yes, I think I like “did”. Changed.

11.36% of people have achieved this, so it seems to be working okay. Must be a necromancer and not destroy the undead red once raised.

All known errors to this date will be fixed with this update.


I bought the games on Steam and happen to have an issue while trying to load a character. Strangely enough, both Lost Heir 1 and Lost Heir 2 recognize my save from the end of Lost Heir 2 (I even replayed the game and made a second save with another name just to be sure), but Lost Heir 3 only find the Lost Heir 1 save, I don’t know why…

I have a problem with Lost Heir 3 : the game keep updating and I’m stuck at “restarting the game”. Is there a way to fix it ?

That one is for Choice Of. Make sure you’ve updated the files and give it a restart, if it’s still not going, please email tech support and they will help you.

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Hello. I’m not entirely sure this thread is still being used to report bugs, but I think I have one.


At some point when I visit demon world in person, I get the choice to either move in the open or go at it stealthily.
Whichever I choose to do, after the text informs me of my success/failure, it abruptly seems to start a section about a wizard telling me I failed to kill T’dari(not sure I got that spelling down right). Then the wizard disappears and I “exit the cavern” and continue on my way to kill K’gir (pretty sure I’m spelling that one wrong). The story continues with the K’gir plot, and the whole few paragraphs about the wizard are incredibly out of place.