The Lost Bride

:drop_of_blood: The Lost Bride :drop_of_blood: is a reimagining of Bram Stoker’s iconic novel Dracula, where you have full control over the story.

Play as Mina and shape her fate. Customize her name, sexuality, personality, and relationships with everyone you meet.

:drop_of_blood: Summary :drop_of_blood:

Congratulations on your engagement, how you feel about it is entirely up to you.

Shortly after your engagement to your fiancé, he sets out on a journey to the distant lands of Transylvania, a real estate opportunity that proved too irresistible to decline.

With your wedding temporarily on hold, you don’t hesitate to respond when your childhood friend Lucy implores you to pay her a visit, seeking your company and counsel with an urgent matter concerning her very own future.

Ever since your fiancé left, you’ve been plagued by constant nightmares and strange dreams. More unsettling still is the persistent feeling of your every move being watched. This sensation only grows stronger when you arrive in Whitby, a small coastal town where the Westenra’s estate resides

Why do you keep feeling like that? Why is Lucy acting odd? And who is this mysterious figure you keep seeing?

Play here!

Chapter 1: 23790 (Released)
Chapter 2: 20128 (Not released yet) Estimated time, a week or so.

:drop_of_blood: There will be four romance options for you to choose. :drop_of_blood:

Jonathan Harker (M): Your sweet fiance who is currently in a land far away from that of your own.

Lucy Westenra (F): Your childhood best friend whom you share a past with.

Van Helsing (M/F): An experienced and knowledgeable Dutch doctor with a wide range of expertise.

Dracula :bat: (M/F): A mysterious Transylvanian noble with dark secrets.


This is wonderful!

Im interested about your choice of female only MC. Not a criticism, its not lacking due to this.

Having gender options, I can imagine then the questions this brings with altering the original story and so much more work , e.g. male MC could then mean that in Victorian setting would require female fiancee, but would a female Jonathan be allowed to travel to even run into Dracula?

If you do make it a less strict Victorian-ish setting (same world but tweaked in attitudes to gender and sexuality) Gender options mean a game is normally more successful as more audiences, but its only something to consider, and Im sure youve considered it fully in detail already.


Nice to see you again.

I did have a sudden idea, though. One of Dracula’s brides as an RO.


I did think about it since unfortunately fem locked games don’t seem to do well. But the thing is that a lot will have to be changed. From how your whole relationship work with Lucy down to her suitors. Which means almost everyone in the story will react to you differently.

I mean it can be done but I also feel that the wlw romance will be ruined.

I will think about it tho

I don’t plan to add more ROs since the more you have the less focus they get.

But depending on your choices, there will be a few scenes with the three of them lol.


omg this is so goood! this is my first ever comment but I just wanted to say how incredible this is ahhhhh!


I’m absolutely in love with this great job love Dracula :heart::heart:

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I am looking respectfully :eyes:. I get to play a wlw who due to society has been engaged to a man who ive become friends with, a giant crush on my friend before she moved, get a side of carmilla like lesbian vampire obsession AND the potential for hot lady van helsing???

What did i do in a previous life to be this blessed :face_holding_back_tears:


I’m so so happy you are back and I’m already in love with your story. The pictures are so amazing :clap: :heart_eyes::heart:


Is this a reworking of the former wip WILHELMINA? (sp?) If so, YAY! I am so glad you’ve returned to this story!!! I was a fan before and will certainly continue to fangirl out over your rendition…Your writing style and clear adoration of the original tale shines through and remains fantastic. So excited to read more!!!


As far as I know, this is a completely separate work from the other wip. Both games are based on Bram Stoker story.

Now, I’m very happy to see this up again! I read the older version and I see such improvements and new scenes as well! I wish you the best of luck!


Oh shoot, my bad! Well this one is fantastic as well! Cannot wait to read more! :heart:


I think I remember reading something something similar a long time ago. Is this a reboot?
Edit: Yes. I remember now, Wilhelmina. Hope this gets finished.


I found the Lost Bride only tonight, and was lost in the story moment’s later.

I LOVE the story so far, the writing drew me in instantly. Lucy, especially? My Mina (Alexandra) was utterly smitten by her old friend. Waiting for more, will be tough. Thanks for sharing the first chapter already, really really looking forward to reading more.


Ty everyone for the love! I wanted to ask smth tho.

How does having a first pov feel to you? The game was in second but I changed it to first.

Also btw, chapter 2 is now done but I need to test stuff this week or so to make sure everything is working alright. Jonathan’s pov will also come out with chapter 2.


I personally prefer the first person point of view. Second person feels like another person is describing how I should feel.

Narrator: As you step into the darkened hallway, you can’t help but shiver as a chill goes down your spine.
Me: You don’t get to tell how I feel.

As I step into the darkened hallway, I can’t help but shiver as a chill goes down my spine.
Me: This is a very bad idea, ‘the character I’m playing as’.

First person is just more intimate.


…and I prefer second person. If I’m seeing a lot of ‘I say this.’ or ‘I do that.’ I can’t help but think ‘good for you, now what do I do’.

For example:

Narrator: You eat the cookie, it tastes like home.
Me: Yummy.


Narrator: I eat the cookie, it tastes like home.
Me: You monster. I was saving that for later.


Same. Let’s hope she has a happier ending here. I will never forgive the author if she meets the same fate as her Bram Stoker counterpart. :sob:


I’m okay with both pov, so please write it with the one you are more comfortable :grinning_face:


No fucking way! You’re back! Wilhelmina was one of my Top 5 IFs of all time and now it’s come back to us. Seriously, when I saw The Last Voyage of the Demeter and Nosferatu, I lowkey found myself wishing this IF came back to finish the story. And now we have it. This is an immense joy.

Same thoughts as me. I can read either fine so it defaults to what the author is more comfortable with.