FYI this is an unrelated project (with similar themes, obviously).
I love this. I’ve always been a fan of Dracula stories, and I’m enjoying what you have so far.
I don’t mind either POV.
I always say to do what feels more natural to you. I wrote something years ago in third person and was asked to rewrite it in second, and it was awkward and awful, because I had never written in that POV before and it definitely showed lol
So I think you should go with whichever is more comfortable for you to write in.
I’m excited to read more
Indeed. I remember really liking it, waiting for the proverbial bomb to drop with Lucy’s condition. The demo is lost forever now, isn’t it?
I just found this and really I’m primarily commenting to encourage you. You have a very strong start here and an engaging premise. I love the options that I’ve come through so far for responses, but am a huge fan of how you’re interpreting the character of Lucy as well. Keep up the fantastic work!
I like the story so far and I can’t wait for the second chapter.
But be aware of someone accusing you stole someone story because your story have the same theme with someone else story. It happen before and the writer pull out their story from COG Forum, it’s too bad tho but I’m glad I can read Dracula story again.
Well this was certainly an interesting start. I like the spin you’re putting on a classic story. The little bits of haunting we get from Dracula stalking our Mina were perfect, and I cant wait to see just how deep and twisted that all gets.
Also can’t wait to see how you write Van Helsing into it all. Now, I rarely go for gender-locked stories, but I do see how it makes sense here. And the fact that we can switch up Dracula and Van Helsing’s gender while also giving us room to manuever how we really feel about our engagement to Jonathan is a great touch to letting us mold our MC even if she is gender-locked. So, well done on all that.
I saw you question about the POV you’re writing in, and all I can say is: do what you’re comfortable with. If you get swayed in one direction or the other and you’re not comfortable, it’ll show in the writing. You could always experiment. Write the same scene in different POVs and see what feels best for you.
To wrap this all up, I did really enjoy this first chapter. From what we saw of Dracula, I think you nailed them so far. Everyone else feels so real too, more so for the time period you’re writing. I have a feeling my MC is going to … explore her options a bit, but I can’t help but feel for Jonathan, especially with that letter he wrote. I already see myself doing multiple playthroughs to get everyone’s story in the future.
Looking forward to reading more!
Oh! For real? Fuck it, we still get a Dracula IF and I’m here for it.
Side note: so it seems fem!Dracula is also Carmilla. An interesting way to incorporate both characters into one for Femula.
I want to kick Dracula’s butt. This is fun to read so far.
This is everything… The concept of ancient vampires, especially Dracula and his brides drives me insaneeee. I’m soooo excited for this and wish you all the best I WILL be tuning in for every update.
Having fun so far!!
Keep it up
I think what you’re referring to was this author. I believe someone noted the similarities between their story and the (presumably dead?) WIP “Wilhelmina” by @fidere, and then this author got upset and deleted their game/post.
But I’m glad to see it’s been resurrected because who doesn’t love Dracula?
I’m sorry but what is the point of brining this up now in kinda of a rude tone and not only that but tagging the other author as well? I get it you were explaining it to them but I don’t see the point of tagging the other author other than trying to start drama.
I see this will never be let go. Pls don’t start any drama here.
Fidere if you have any problem or concern about my game pls don’t hesitate to dm me.
This with a mod box. Move on everyone.
I’m sorry - not at all my intention! I was just trying to be helpful and certainly didn’t intend to have a “rude tone.” That author is inactive and I just tagged them rather than linking the other story for convenience. For what it’s worth I never really understood the comments - of course two stories based on the same novel will be similar!
Anyway I think your game is great so far. Only note is that in the letter from Lucy there are a few typos (missing letters at the beginning of sentences). Best wishes and I look forward to reading more!
I’m sorry too, like really sorry. Been under a lot of stress in the last 2 days and not thinking str8
Rn now, I’m trying to have chapter 2 out on time, but should it be late, hopefully it will only be by a few days.
Please remember to rest!
I will check into this soon! Piqued interest.
No problem - I hope you get some rest and relaxation first!
Really enjoying Lucy. Interested in seen more of Cammie. Curious about VH.
My thought of Johnny was, bye bye, in last scene.
Loving it so far.