The King's Veins (WIP)

I like it, just not a fan of the stats being a like a currency.


Certainly have potential as long the game have long story because without long story and many chapters i think the intrigue in the kingdom canā€™t be really pictured in this story

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Heheā€¦ (Edit: Villainous chuckle)

Mmhhhā€¦ :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: Kinda think this is a cool idea. Will try to implement that.

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Arigato gozaimasu

And to be honest the weekly deadline, is meant for my future selfā€¦ :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: hosh :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

But your deadline seems more practical, at the moment so will consider it

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Arigato goziamasu, for willing to give it a chance. Despite your concerns.

So far stats is static pass for some move/check at least how itā€™s generally implemented, at least it is working so far, I am interested and definitely curious to see how this go.

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Arigato goziamasu!!!

Both you and I. :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: Not trying to be funny or anything, but I am kinda curious as well.

Been awhile since Iā€™ve touched a fantasy book. Chilled that I can make choices

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Hey, :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:<<to those who celebrate.

Hope all is well.

While I text to notify of a brief update to social media platforms:

I have a created a patreon account: @ tmaty

And a tumblr account: @tmaty-they-want-to-add-number.

As well as others.

Do keep well.


And PSA: I am NOT ignoring this person. We actually know each other irl, and I have no idea why @Noodle-s commented like a complete stranger, but it is what it is.

Just felt the need to clarify for those who were curious (which is no one :relieved: :sleepy:).


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The way I understand it. That has something to do with a cache error, and that sometimes it appears other times it doesnā€™t.

But if you are still getting errors. You can try this link: :point_right: THIS IS A LINK :point_left:

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A Morgana Her Coren!, the morning has come



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It was fun reading through the first chapter, nice worldbuilding, good move placing hiding achievements those were a joy to find mate.

Looking forward for more and learn more about that arranged marriage, quite a bit older the lass 8 years is a whole lot.


arigato gozaimasu!!!