Very well written story. Keep it up!
what gender rafael and alain is?
They’re both male.
Read this a while ago before the update and really liked it, now reading again and I can confirm that has moved firmly to love.
The characters are absolutely fantastic, the romances feel like they’re going to be really well fleshed out (and I have no idea how I’m going to choose between Alessa and Ysabella!). You really get the chance to craft your MC exactly as you want them as well, and with characters reacting to you slightly differently depending on your estavlished personality, it really just takes it all to a whole other level.
Just fantastic. Can’t emphasise how much I’m excited about this one!
For some reason my save keeps getting messed up and when i load it locks me in the stats screen. Anyone have a solution to this?
Sometimes when you save after leaving the stat screen you get stuck. Maybe try from the start again?
Don’t save the game when or after check(ing) out your status, it happens to… it’s safe to say all the games? I don’t know what causes this though.
I think is a dashingdon issue?
No, it’s a glitch with the save system. I believe it was around before the dashingdon website and it did it even then. I remember it when Dropbox was used before they changed it.
So a quick progress update!
I’ve just finished writing the first draft of the upcoming update! That means the Harbor, the Docks, and the Chapter climax have been all planned out. Now it’s time to hop into Word and edit these scribbles I’ve been writing. Fill out the meat of the choices, make fiction interactive.
This behemoth of a chapter is near its end, and I can’t wait to share it!
Chapter 4 is essentially 6 chapters bungled into one - each path is the length of a chapter, plus the 4 time events and the climax make up for another one. Chapter 5 onwards will once again have “normal” lengths, so they should be both quicker to finish and less prone to give me headaches
I leave you with a picture of the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos in Lisbon. A beautiful monastery I have taken inspiration to write The Ministry Building. Where all roads must eventually end.
I hope May has been good to you all, and that June has a gentle start.
I’ve been there!
But when I was in Lisbon I could not try the famous Pastel de Belém. The store was chock-full, the waiting line was bending around the block!
I want to visit again soon. Portugal is absolutely stunning. My parents are planning to move there, they love Cascais.
That was a Fortified Monastory in the old age right? Read about the Fortified church in Chronicon Apocalyptica , it was build lile a fortress to repel the Norse invasion, Portugal is near the river bank, hence it is possible that they suffer the Norse invasion as well
By the way, it is great to know that you continue working on Golden Rose ⚘😊
Edit : btw, @Anathema is it that when Alessa fully commited her love to MC, the choice to visit Vallen will be hidden and we couldn’t have interaction with her anymore?
And i love the scene where we discover the power of Jutarna the goddess can’t wait to become her decipher and let the church chase after me , i am not going to be burn by them though… i am so fascinated in collecting all those lovely relics in your game, thus far i have the coin of Jutarna and the Gaunlet of Nero , i am going to be an immortal like Thanos by putting on all those relics:smile:
Really enjoyed playing the demo. Can’t wait for the full game.
The reason you can’t visit Vallen at the Gates is that I haven’t added that path yet. You will be able to go to the Gates in the next update regardless of your relationship with Alessa.
And for future record, being in a relationship should never lock you out of choices. Much less one that has nothing to do with romance, to begin with. If there are to be consequences for your actions, I’d rather them be narrative ones. Not locking you out of paths.
I’ve already written 500k words for this project. There’s no going back now, I’m finishing The Rose.
So this has been my first time playing this demo and I must say, I love it. I love everything possible about it and watching my MC slowly (or rather not so slowly) Slip into a smiling sociopath who sees the universe as one grand joke with her as the punchline. I honestly can not wait for more of this and wish you a good day
This particular monastery started construction in the early 16th century and was finished a hundred years later. It was funded by King Manuel whom promptly ceded the monastery to a specific monastic order, in the hopes they would prey for his soul into the afterlife and also to provide spiritual guidance to the mariners who would then go on voyages to find new lands. It was built in this strategic position due to its closeness to the river Tejo, since it was right around the Discovery age, it was a relevant place for docking and commerce. This kind of architecture was later recognized as Manuelino, in honor of the King.
É bom ver a nossa cultura em forums estrangeiros.
Yeah , it was fun to read when other lady bought me drink and chat with me, while Alessa was watching … i can imagine it will be funny😄 , i always wonder what will Alessa thought about it…
If we had been empowered by the relics and become a heretic ( witchcraft) , perhaps you could add some scene of consequence for this event to indicate our power too ? Like the lore say witchcraft will make a person float on water , so if MC is in a water again, it could be we feel that we will never get drown and we somehow manage to float on water… that will be cool😄 it will also give readers an idea how magic change them😁
@IvoryOwl that’s a very great history to read , Portugal used to be a major power in medieval time
I’m in love with this demo. Keep up the great work.
Hey Ana! I absolutely love your writing style, dude. It’s so fluid and easy to visualize that I can barely notice the time passing by whenever I revisit TGR. The MC feels like an actual person and the way we get to decide basically everything about them made me love this game even more, especially that our backstory is, for the moment, unknown except for some snippets here and there. Also, I went code-diving a while back to understand how you implemented the flavor text based on the MC’s personality and, honestly, it was so cool to see some Portuguese words in the mix! I was shocked and thought it had something to do with my phone in the beginning, but it made me smile. I’m anxiously waiting and re-reading so I can see Alessa again, her romance route was INCREDIBLE. THE MARKET SCENE!!! She’s so cold but so soft, i’m gonna cry. i just wanna give our favorite mercenary wife some more rice pudding and a hug
Basically, you’re awesome, TGR is definitely one of my favorite WIPs and I’m looking forward to it!
Um abraço de uma brasileira e boa sorte!
What a marvelous demo. Your writing had me gripped, and I am keen to read more once it is released.
Good luck my magnanimous friend. : )