One of the best WIP I’ve ever read.Good Luck with the rest.
May I ask that is there a choice for the players to go and buy ourselves a better horse? Something as superb and of better quality like Hadrian and Alessa’s mount? I mean, I personally had nothing against Billy, but that horse is really quite handful for anyone to handle.
Agreed. I hate/love that ancient bastard, but I’d much rather have a proper mount. Something that a certain group member can also be on instead of needing to mooch off of her. Also, he needs a retirement full of shitty wilted carrots, and not a behind the stables kind which is exceptionally likely as is given his current profession.
One thing I wish to know is that what is wrong with this Alfreded who would only give us that wretched Billy for real? I mean, I really don’t like the sound of that man who sold Billy to us.
A destrier breed would be the proper replacement…
Well, that’s easy - he saw the opportunity to sell an old horse and he took it. Business is business, after all. It’s the MC who was desperate enough to buy Billy.
Well, that’s no proper business, but a robbery. Wretched Billy here should never had been on sell in the first place in my perspective if I had to be honest with you, and in this case, we’re being robbed.
No, not really. It would be a robbery if the MC was blind and had to rely on seller’s word that the horse is young, well-behaved and hot-blooded. Since the MC isn’t, we have to assume that: a) the MC has no idea how a healthy and young horse looks like (and unfortunately, the lack of buyers’ knowledge is not the problem of a seller) or b) the MC was desperate enough to buy an animal which isn’t the horse of their dreams but at least is able to move in the general direction of their destination.
I’m afraid that the MC just learnt the meaning of the phrase “value is what someone is willing to pay” . They were willing to pay for Billy, now they have to suffer the consequences.
Guess you’re right. Still, I can’t believe that we’re forced to be stuck with Wretched Billy while Hadrian and Alessa are riding on decently superb horses and we’re not, it’s very undignified.
Now the real question is: what was the MC doing while Alessa and Hadrian were buying perfectly good horses?
Looking out for trouble or turning over the stones to gather intelligence?
If you ask me, my best guess is that guy who sold us that ruddy horse believes that he could undermine the MC by selling both horses specifically and only to Hadrian and Alessa while giving the MC no choice.
Which kind of reminds of a particular prank on a guy who had some problems with gay people, his buddies took all of his clothes and left with him only: a gay outfit. Turning him into Gay Daffyd of Little Britain. (I have nothing against gay, well…erm…eh…yeah, except for having a feeling being slightly uneasy around them I guess?)
Don’t talk shit about my boy Billy
Actually, I do seriously believe that we’re being robbed, this Alfered guy gave us that kind of look and offered only and only Billy.
But that only proves that the MC knew exactly what he or she is buying. Worse, our companions’ horses probably also aren’t Arab horses. They still bought them. Usually, when you desperately need some goods, you have to settle for something you wouldn’t buy in different circumstances. Such is life.
Personally, I’d rather travel on foot in order to save what’s left of my dignity and honour than to having to spend time dealing with an old horse that is suffering from old age and physical impairment that tells you he/she is not the right horse for long and rugged travels.
Should I have been given the chance and the choice, I’d snuck back to that stable and give ferret-face for the deal he had offered, swapping Billy with the other mare for myself while he’s asleep. “A pleasure doing business with you, Alfered”
Right now, you don’t have the means/funds to buy another horse, not even one in as poor a condition as Billy. So I’m afraid that, for the time being, you are stuck with your old mount.
As @Karenira has said, you were desperate and the choices were scarce. Alfered could only sell you three horses and alas, you were stuck with the “worst” one. Just to note that, while next to Billy, Kroner and Elly might seem like amazing steeds, that’s not the case
Elly is an apathetic, too mild mare that is better served on the plowing fields than carrying a mercenary. And Kroner is a youth that can lash out when you least expect it. They’re also both kinda small. All in all, not good horses in general, but especially not good for battle.
That’s fair. You also won’t encounter him again.
You don’t. I also think this issue is being a bit overblown by now. You have Billy, it wasn’t a choice but a narrative point. Who knows what’ll happen in the future but I’m not going to change that fact.
I really don’t like this Alfered guy who sold us Billy instead of the other mare…
In fact I really wished that Billy had kicked him in the face from the very start.
At least they’re still way better than to be stuck with Billy who is plagued and suffering from physical impairment. After all, it feels like you’re being given dust in the boot while Hadrian and Alessa still got the real stuff.
But as everyone said: we don’t have a choice, do we?
Well, I hoped to have a palfrey or charger breed for the MC.
But the other horses weren’t in condition for travel(going by the passage), even more so then Billy. They most likely would of died on the road. Billy is too stubborn to die on the road and honestly, I’m glad we could rescue Billy from that man. Seems he wasn’t taking very good care of Billy, which I plan on changing(and I’m not even particularly a horse person). Provided I have enough money, he’ll be treated like the King of Horses when he’s retired.
Maybe Billy would be a better horse if y’all weren’t so mean to him?!?!?
Real ones know Billy has a lot of character and appreciate him.
OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS😍 Definitely looking forward to next update