Every once in a while, I’ve tried to write a CoG story. While a couple of attempts did make it to this forum, most of them died before they got anywhere. And as I relapse again, I hope this one has a different ending, or an ending at all.
If I had to pitch the First Wielder in an elevator, then I’d say it is about the founding of the Jedi Order in a fantasy setting. I think it’ll be around 10 chapters long with passages of time between some of them. Here is the opening crawl -
The Great Eclipse has ended. The Long Age of Ice has ended.
After decades of hibernation, humanity has spilled out from it’s battered strongholds, from deep under-cities and dark holes to a green, fertile and unclaimed world. But all is not peaceful. Infant Kingdoms, nomadic tribes, belligerent races and a dying Empire struggle for their place in the world. Old hypocrisy, new hysteria and the familiar lust for power brews new trouble and there is even talk of a Scourge from the Steannish heartlands. The world is on the precipice of violent change again.
You are the student of a famous wanderer and explorer, one who has kept the meagre outposts on the far edge of civilization safe from the encroaching of malignant beings. And you are now about to stumble onto a talent that will change the shape of the world.
Comments, criticism and any thoughts are sincerely appreciated. Your feedback will be very valuable to make write because anything beyond the first chapter is uncharted territory for me.
Without further mumbling, here is the link for the opening and the first chapter.
UPDATED - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/avzaxs9eys3zvsq/The%20First%20Wielder%20V2.html?dl=0
Disclaimer -
It’s been a long time since I’ve played around with choicescript and my hours working on this has only reminded me of how bad I’m at the whole thing. So, expect more than a few errors.
There is a lot of work to be done, the transition to choices need to be handled more naturally, a lot of editing and cleaning up. Apologies for that.