I started working on my new game The crown. In it, you play as a modern monarch. Your main goal is to make sure that your country stays a constitutional monarchy and you don’t lose power by any means necessary. You will be able to marry and produce an heir to make sure that your family stays in power. You will be able to manage your finances and reputation. Will you lose the throne or implement an absolute monarchy where the control of your country is in your hands? Will you marry for money, power, love? Or stay single? Will you rule from the shadows or will you risk your reputation and do as you wish? Can you rebuild the prestige and power that your family once had?
I am currently planning an learning how to use the script. In the next update you will be able:
Chose a gender
Chose a name
Interact more
There will be more stats
More political activity
If I have extra time I will add romance options
Will you be adding some sort of prologue or a little background? Being thrown right into managing the kingdom from the get-go felt a little strange. I understand that it is the point of this story, but I feel like it would be great if we could get some backstory at least (not asking for an infodump, though).
I don’t know.
I think that I will add the option to have lovers of different sexes but you will only be able to marry someone of the opposite sex so you can get a heir.
You will not be able to go to war, you can only declare war or peace and manage some of the things from your castle regardless of your gender.
Yes you will but it will cost money to hire guards, servants and things like that. I think that I will replace the wealth percentage and add numbers so it is easy to keep track of your finances.
Yes numbers would be much better, but I think for personal royal guard there should be some customisation allowed, like how many. Or their armour and other such stuff. As well as their training, if they will be most loyal knights, young brainwashed recruits. Will there councilors or ministers available to MC? Like finance, defence, education and spying/foreign affairs ministers.