The Chaos State

One grammar thing I’ve noticed so far is that you use ‘of’ instead of ‘have’ quite a lot - ‘could of’ and ‘must of’ where it should be ‘could have’ and ‘must have’, for example.

Other than that, the setting is certainly intriguing - and you have to love the chance to play as a lady orc!

Go hit up these games:

They are one of the inspirations (dragonfall especially) of this wip :smile:

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@Talkingtaco what I’m hoping from Marie is a confident girl who loves stirring up trouble (the argument at the end may have been entirely her fault. but also not very good with asking.

And Keith will totally be an asshole :wink:

@Obsidian thank you!

@SheaMcD thanks for pointing that out, I’ll change it around once I go through it again.

@Scribblesome I always have that problem y’know :laughing: I’ll sort it.

@LordOfLA especially Dragonfall. My favourite out of the series.

Great start so far. Some awkward phrasing in places, and others have already pointed out the “wrong word” errors.

Give a list of all errors you see and I’ll be sure to edit them on my next look through.

But question for you all is, anything you like to see more of? Anything that could be added?

Excellent start Nathan… I see twisted plots are being laid already. Most of the grammar and structure feedback is being provided so I’ll give you a couple of thoughts in general:

1: When we are choosing a race, you might want to put the race name in parenthesis at the end of each descriptive - I’m 99% sure a pointed ear would lead me to an elf choice or standing on a stool to a Dwarf choice but it might not be clear to everyone.

2: I assume choosing our weapon defines our character class? If I choose the rifle does that mean I can not be a Tech-knight? Perhaps, do what others have and once we choose the weapon go to a choice where you explain the consequences a little and what each has for benefits and weaknesses. That way, we can change our mind if we want to.

Being a charming Tech-Knight who is also a snap-sniper sounds delicious. Also ty for allowing us to name our pet :slightly_smiling:

Overall, great start.

Hey, they’re all in the Steam sale…

I already have them at GoG :wink:

Good point on the race choices, I’ll be sure to add that.

The weapon choices define your character class yes, here’s how it goes:

Rifle = Tech-Knight.
Throwing Knives = Shadow Rogue.
Amulets = Street Mage.
Katana = Chaos Samurai.

Right now, the weapon choice chooses your strongest stat and what class your MC will be. Later when you and Marie are on the job, she will ask you how you want to proceed with a certain obstacle. The choice you make chooses your secondary stat. Earlier when you choose your views on your lifestyle, you also choose a stat that is boosted by 2.

I’ll include a description for each class when you choose your weapon too.

(Note: Chaos Samurai is merely a phrase for the traditional katana and the fact that bringing a knife to a gun fight is insane in people’s opinions.)

I had to let you guys name the big guy, you’d be rioting if I didn’t :wink:

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I went with the katana for slice in and dice in XD

Nice demo so far! I like your writing style a lot! :blush:

As for some possible errors:
her deft hands has picks every lock you two came across.
“has picked” instead of “has picks”
when you discover there’s two capsules left
“there are two” instead of “there’s two”
Wow you must of had a terrible night
“must have” instead of “must of”
to sell their wares to ranging from fake magical artifacts
“sell their wares ranging” instead of “sell their wares to ranging”
Couldn’t you of snatched me
“you have” instead of “you of”
I could of, but this much more entertaining
“but this is much more” instead of “but this much more”
y’know? so erm… why did you choose this life?
“So” instead of “so”
The Orcs voice is rough
“The Orc’s” instead of “The Orcs
Marco let’s out a throaty laugh
“Marco lets” instead of “Marco let’s”
and fold his giant arms across his chest, he tower above you
“folds his” and “towers above” instead of “fold his” and “tower above"

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Hmm, if you read it as “there is” then it’s wonky, but it’s “there’s”, which in British English, at least, is conversationally fine even if the non-contraction is questionable. I would probably remove “capsules” though if leaving it as “there’s”.

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Oops, my bad! Sorry!

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It’s weird. You get taught in school that it’s always “there are two” and “there is one” so not sure quite how “there’s two” became a thing given that it is essentially a contraction of “there is”. It is however accepted outside of formal English to say “there’s two left”.

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British English is weird, many things that make sense to us are complete gibberish to everyone else.

@daydreamsincolor thank you for pointing those out for me!

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Should be empathetic.

A blinding red pulse and screech rattles your head into the waking world, it feels like an ice pick digging into the centre of your skull.

How about: A blinding red pulse screeches your head into the waking world, it feels like an ice pick digging into the centre of your skull.

This is no paradise, then again a smuggler working the shadows such as yourself can’t really afford to live in flashy accommodation, draws too much attention.

Can’t really afford to live in flashy accommodation-it draws too much attention.

You began smuggling years ago and become rather infamous in the underworld and built yourself a nicely sized list of contacts and clients.

Became instead of become, and a dash before and built yourself nicely sized a nicely sized blah blah blah.

Your PDA beeps on what’s left over of an end table, you scoop it up and it’s blinking a pale blue light.

Get rid of the over.

Her personality can be… Overwhelming at time, but she watches your back and her deft hands has picks every lock you two came across.

The o should not be capitalized.

You tilt your head back and let them slide out the cylinder and into your mouth, afterwards you fill the cylinder with water to wash the two little circles down your throat.

Replace two little circles with capsules.

You know better of course to avoid being talked into buying some of these, after all, you smuggled half of these trinkets in.

Replace of course to avoid being with than to be.

Sorry if this comes off as telling you what to do, and I’ll finish proofreading tomorrow.

Doesn’t come off like that at all. The feedback and proofreading helps a lot to track any errors. Thanks!

That’s still an awkward sentence. Light doesn’t make sound.

No need for the “it”

Train wreck on platform 1. When giving corrections make sure you can be understood.

Personally I’d stick a “have” infront of “become” and swap “built” with “building”

You missed that “time” should be plural there :wink:

Uh, what? That is all fine as is. At most I’d swap “to avoid” into “and avoid”

I really enjoyed what you have so far kind of disappointed when it ended I was really drawn in

Happy new years ya’ll