The Chaos State

Go for him then, @RyseAbove. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Bit to late for that…already told him you were interested and well…fists can be very convincing… :blush:


I would say something about him and fists and wanting more from you, but I promised him I wouldn’t.

Oops. :astonished:

Have no fear, I’m writing a new character to include in the update and he’s totally a dude :wink:

@RyseAbove you mean Keith right? Don’t worry. Marie used to give him a very convincing fist every now and again… Damn Marie, and I wrote you as innocent.


The chance of Keith being a RO = 0. Remember, @Nathan_Faxon has a hate of all things Keith.

My guess is Keith will be selling us out to our mysterious military goons…

@Talkingtaco - you can’t use your imagination? At all?? Things like using the tanks on the toilets to store beer is something that all dorms go through… but your imagination prolly can provide lots of different scenarios. lol.

Well, you didn’t even hint at what things happened…so… I think it’s a little unfair expecting @Talkingtaco to know what you’re talking about…

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Surprisingly I was going to have Keith appear at least once more, but I can’t fit him in anywhere so for now he’s a one time character.

Anybody chose the gear check choice yet? cough plot stuff cough

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I did, must be that irish elf

You mean: there are multiple tracking devises?

Also, a minor thing that is bothering me - Rowdy is an elf using her charm ability in the market but my character is an elf too, so shouldn’t I shrug her efforts off?

@UmbraLamia - I expect everyone to know what I’m talking about :slight_smile: It is one of my natural abilities :wink: lol

One other thing @Nathan_Faxon - if you want focused feedback on something down the road, just let me/us know and I’ll focus on that issue on my next playthru.

That is something I always dream of, but can never hope to do…

@Zolataya the charm ability is just how good an elf can talk their way out of things. Rowdy’s little eye trance is do with her mage powers. I’ll be sure to explain it in the game. I wonder if anyone can guess her type of aura?

just the one tracking device. I was wondering if anybody chose that path is all. Plus I would suspect everybody with the tracker, everyone is a little shifty.

Right now there’s nothing I need feedback on. Though I enjoy the theories and suspicions, it gives me ideas for the next update :grin:

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It is as I feared! Our paranoia is giving him ammunition to feed our paranoia with! :scream:

…looking forward to it. :grin:

Just for all of you guys, in the next update, I have laid out an option to confront Rowdy about her coincidental appearance. and things can turn ugly if you really want it to.


Can I beat the shit outta her?

I can hear her say ‘Yer can try, mucker, yer can try.’ :hushed:

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Wait and see. Just wait and see :wink:

Okay I’m currently writing a social scene with Rowdy. Any suggestions you guys want to ask her?

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Can we start asking her for tid bits about her past?

And I think I know what one of us wants to ask…

@Jerred_Manns: “Can I beat the shit outta you?”


Ya - will she teach me the trance spell - and how to properly counter it… I like the idea of the trance but don’t like the vulnerability to it I have.

Don’t think someone would reveal the workings of their trump card so easily.

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Ya but by being open and straightforward you establish the relationship on the best possible terms. I’d want to ask her to establish the honesty in the relationship, if that makes sense. Nothing to hide as our friendship(?) grows.