Terra Immortalium (WIP) School for Immortals

Death is hardly the worse fate in the universe. >> Most “troubled” gods are exiled (permanently cast out of the galaxy never to return) or forcefully put into deep sleep (Which I guess you could consider being sealed away?). However, special cases do arise every now and then. These cases are not…pleasant.

Ah yes, eternal torture. Always healing, never dying, never ending pain and suffering. I don’t think I need to provide further details, you guys are using your imaginations quite well. :wink:

Power can be taken from a god, but again, only the Creator can make a god.

As a competing god, I’d say stealing away all of that God’s worshippers, killing off all of their Emissaries, and destroying all of their temples would be sufficiently satisfying. They would be about as powerful as a Scion at best (the gods’ left and right hands - extremely powerful Emissaries) and a bit more powerful than a 5th year Adept at worse, besides the whole can’t die thing, ya know.

Oh! Forgot to mention that while demigods obviously can die, they are difficult to kill under normal circumstances. They don’t physically age, they can’t get sick (magic diseases are the exception), and their bodies regenerate like crazy. All demigods are 100% healthy which is why many parents pray for their ill/disabled children to be chosen by a god (although they would take their children just being healed as well >>).


Well, most demigods → gods choose something/s that people already associate with them as it is an easy way to gain additional divine power and they already possess skills in that subject/s. For example, Yi (God of Archery and Night) was already well known as an accomplished archer and both demigods and mortals alike sought him out to train underneath him when he was an Emissary. However, there are no requirements/restrictions on choosing one’s domain/s.

Just remember that there are 72 gods in existence so there is a lot of overlap between gods which can create some pretty intense rivalries. Being the God of…Oaths might not be as super glamorous as the God of Death and Misery, but at least you won’t have to fight for the title. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol. No, there is no specific God of Evil. Similar roles, but not “Evil.” What is your ultimate goal, O god of evil? :slight_smile:

What if there were ones like “god of chaos” and “god of order”. They wouldn’t exactly want each others positions, but they don’t really like each other either.

Sounds like funzies. I have a feeling it has so many potential content-wise that it could slip out of your hands with all the coding and content. Good luck with it. It has most of the things I like, so I’ll be sure to check it out! :blush:

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Why stop there? Make everyone dress like clowns, too!


Oh yes, there are plenty of rivalries like that as well. Just no actual “god of chaos” or"god of order" because the Creator is in charge of “Balance” of which both aspects are essential to.

I know! There’s so much I want to do, but it’s quite a bit overwhelming. >> Thank you~

I feel like I would get bored pretty easily past the first century though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I approve of this.

Alright, so I finally decided upon Imm’s symbol and school colors: a circle representing wholeness, perfection, eternity, and balance threaded in olive black (#3B3C36) for power and authority on a background of moss green (#8A9A5B) for life, renewal, and growth.


Okay so, gods, demigods, and mortals are all human (only the Creator isn’t really a human being). Originally, there were only gods and demigods, but then the Creator took away all of the demigods’ powers. Mortals are thusly restored to demigod status, made, not born.

However, actual children of gods do possess special powers related to their godly parent. :wink:

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Alrighty, I’ve been working on the backgrounds you guys will get to pick from…here is the first one, please let me know what you think! <3 Notes will also follow as I think of things that I haven’t mentioned yet.

  1. I have completely done away with different languages in order to save both my sanity and yours. Portals are commonplace on Ankhet = easy communication. However, there are different dialects unique to different regions of the world and coded written languages do exist in order to pass down messages secretly. Dem spies.
  2. The last speck of divine power that mortals were left with was elemental magic. Everyone has a certain element that they are more in tune with than others, but it is possible to become proficient in more than one branch of elemental magic. The elements are: water, wind, earth, fire, electricity, light, and darkness.

Achyn (Loosely inspired by: The Celts)
Demonym: Achyese
Nickname used by outsiders: “Sky gazers”
Inhabit The Caedma Highlands (mountain range far to the south)
Climate: Typically cool, windy, and cloudy. Windstorms common. When it snows, it blizzards.
Wyverns (picture a feathered dragon with only two legs) are their preferred mounts; breed the prized Caedmadian Wyvern which is well-known for its wild nature, intelligence, and durability.
Favored branch of Magic: Wind
Form of Government: Aristocracy (The Seven Families)
Purposely isolated (with exception to portals) - poor foreign relations
Prize: Intelligence, the academics
Despise: war, unnecessary violence
Economy built upon: Mining
Home to the Grand Library of Cotyn (Cotyn = capital city)
Divided up into Seven Provinces each ruled by one of The Seven Families
Military Force: composed mostly of wind mages selected via aptitude tests as a peacekeeping force
Image of the “typical” Native Achyese: Long platinum blonde hair (both men and women) often worn braided/plaited, hazel/green eyes, pale skin with blueish tint, slender build, tall (men - over 6’1", women - over 5’9"), wear thick furlined robes with elaborate patterns
Patron National God: Caelai; Mountain Goddess, Goddess of Storms and Wyverns
MC’s Background - Province: Anfon Province, Town: Maenmerth Town
Patron Provincial God: Seshen; God of Knowledge and Riddles
Town Population: 10,000
Provincial Ruling Family: The Singleirs
MC’s Family: Wyvern Breeders; Middle Class; been breeders for generations; well-respected profession but not as good as a more academic line of work


Zanjer (Loosely inspired by: The Achaemenid Empire aka the First Persian Empire)
Demonym: Zanjerian
Nickname used by outsiders: “Dealers”
Inhabit The Khuzai Desert (central desert in the middle of the Western Continent with many oases dotted throughout)
Climate: Typically hot, sunny, and dry. Sandstorms every so often.
Rhinoceros (like our world’s rhinos only larger and with additional tusks around the ears) are their preferred mounts.
Favored branch of Magic: Light
Form of Government: Democractic (Elect 2 Imperials who then select their own councils: Imperial of Open Hands - trade, diplomacy; Imperial of Closed Hands - military, security)
Borders are always open - good foreign relations
Prize: trade, wit
Despise: closed-mindedness
Economy built upon: Trade (caravans mostly)
The Black Market flourishes here.
Need a thief? Look no further!
Don’t bring up “Shadow Field” - the desolate former battlefield of two gods of War; many Zanjerians died there and the whole area reeks of dark magic
Besides the Imperials and the Imperial Councils, wealthy traders enjoy positions of power.
Divided into eleven states watched over by the Imperial Councils but unofficially run by trader families
Military Force: composed mostly of volunteers for defense; well known sniper unit - The Lucky Scoundrels
Image of the “typical” Native Zanjerian: Short dark red hair (women usually grow their hair longer), dark eyes, copper colored skin, average to curvy builds, of average height (men - around 5’10", women - around 5’4"), both men and women wear light, thin, flowy clothing (typically linen) and headscarves that can wrap around the mouth/face for protection during a sandstorm, usually the more jewelry one has on, the wealthier and better off they are.
Patron National God: Fari; Sun Goddess of Kibo (The Yellow Sun), Goddess of the Desert
MC’s Background - Home State: Radji, Caravan: Qorvi
Patron God of Caravans: Manee; God of Roads
Caravan Population: 600
Caravan Lead: Deva vi-Hy, niece of the caravan’s first Lead, Qora Hy; her caravanees usually call her “Boss Lady”
Caravanees (members of a trade caravan) normally add part of the name of the caravan they are in to their surnames. For example, the Qorvi Caravan takes the last two letters - vi.
MC’s Family: Caravanees of the Qorvi Caravan; Upper Middle Class; the Qorvi Caravanees have quickly made a name for themselves and are on the verge of surpassing the Sadaf Caravan who are the current #1 caravan in the state of Radji and as a result enjoy a lot of power over the state


Tiandi (Loosely inspired by: Ancient China with Japanese/Korean bits)
Demonym: Tiandine
Nickname used by outsiders: “Spirits”
Inhabit The Mingfei Woodlands (located in the northern region of the Eastern Continent at the foot of Mount Mingyi)
Climate: Hot, humid summers and cold, wet winters. Occasionally rains.
Reindeer (like our world’s reindeer only with longer antlers and bioluminescent eyes) are their preferred mounts.
Favored branch of Magic: Earth
Form of Government: Monarchy (Emperor/Empress)
Borders are well-guarded; so-so foreign relations
Prize: nature, health, magic
Despise: disease, filth, frivolity
Economy built upon: Timber and Fruit Farms
Tiandines overall are a very proud people and typically consider even the lowest (poorest) Tiandine to be worthy of more respect than a foreign ruler.
They are also a serious and practical people and unlike many other nations do not adorn themselves in extravagance. Rather, wealth and rank is hinted at (usually by the quality of one’s possessions).
The Mingfei Woodlands are full of life and most Tiandines keep pets.
Magic is favored in Tiandi and many great mages choose to spend at least a portion of their lives in Tiandi.
Divided into ten territories each ruled by a Liange (governing pair) comprised of a Respectable Duke/Duchess (noble) and a Governor (non-noble); there are also city-level Lianges that are ranked lower on the totem pole.
Tiandi has been struck by many terrible plagues/diseases in the past.
Several secret societies and cults are rumored to lurk in the woods.
First names are typcially composed of two parts; ex: Wen-he
Military Force: composed mostly of mages for protection; well known Earth Mage unit - Zero Squad
Image of the “typical” Native Tiandine: Brown/black hair styled for practical work, yellow/amber eyes, light tan skin with golden undertones, average to slender builds, of shorter than average height (men - around 5’8", women - around 5’2"), both men and women wear simple, practical clothing, usually tunics and trousers (the upper class tend to wear more brightly colored high quality fabric).
Patron National God: Keten; God of Medicine and Posions, God of Health
MC’s Background - Territory: Tsano, City: Kipchi City
Patron Territorial God: Kichirou; God of Sorcery and Decisions
City Population: 215,000
Liange of Kipchi City: Respectable Count Wen-he Wang and Mayor Ha-eun Jia
MC’s Family: Viscounts; Lower-Mid Nobility; once Counts, this ancient family lost much of their power and prestige in a scandal 104 years ago and have been slowly working their way back into favor ever since.

Xotlolca (Loosely inspired by: The Aztec Empire)
Demonym: Xotlolcan
Nickname used by outsiders: “Seekers”
Inhabit The Raychun Coastline (large part of the western coast of the Eastern Continent)
Climate: Typically warm and sunny with cool night breezes. Winters are exceptionally mild. (Varies slightly depending on location along the coast)
Winged serpents (giant serpents with bat-like scaled wings and aquatic head fins) are their preferred mounts because they can traverse land, air, and sea.
Favored branch of Magic: Water
Form of Government: Democractic (Elect the Triad - a representative from each class; Lower, Middle, and Upper) titled as Voice (Name) in reference to being the Voice of the People
Borders are open; so-so foreign relations
Prize: freedom, strength, the arts
Despise: restrictions
Economy built upon: Fishing
Most Xotlolcans live active lifestyles and greatly enjoy physical and artistic pursuits.
There is always some kind of movement and/or rebellion taking place in Xotlolca.
Xotlolca has its own black market system, albeit smaller and with less variety than the Zanjerian version
Home to both the Crimson Eye, an infamous mercenary gang that will take on any job for the right price, and the Justices, a far more noble mercenary group that only tracks down/captures/kills criminals.
Divided into twenty-one states each ruled by an elected official with the title of “High Representative”; towns and cities elect a “Representative” to lead them.
Corruption is common at the local level of government. Bribes are the name of the game.
Xotlolca seeks to bring freedom to every corner of the globe; not always peacefully
Military Force: composed mostly of warriors; train bersekers (offensive, durable brutal weapon wielders), knights (sword wielding mounted units), guardians (defensive, durable shield wielders), wavewardens (martial water mages), and more. Xotlolca has one of the strongest military forces on the planet and their local guardforce is no joke either.
Image of the “typical” Native Xotlolcan: Blue-black hair often adorned with feathers or beads, dark blue/gray or black eyes, deep bronze skin with cool undertones, muscular build, of taller than average height (men - around 6’0", women - around 5’8"), both men and women wear light clothing for warm weather, favor patterns.
Patron National God: Moichu; God of Freedom and Victory (unofficially also titled God of Rebels)
MC’s Background - State: Sacniete, Town: Pango Town
Patron God of the Justices: Roka; Goddess of Truth and Justice, Goddess of Death (one of a few)
Group Members: 180
Judge (Leader of the Justices): Xiutzin Ordonez
MC’s Family: Well, the actual family is presumably deceased; technically Lower Class; orphaned MC was taken in by the Justices and is currently in training

Whew, and done! Okay, I did my best to make the backgrounds diverse. Please note that things may still change around and that what is “typical” or “usual” doesn’t mean your MC has to be! <3


The water ones sound awesome. Winged serpents all the way.

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I like it, a lot of world building going on!
I’m not sure if this has been asked before, but do we choose our own fighting style/weapon, or is that based on the background choice?

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:slight_smile: You can choose later, although you might have more experience in one style or another depending on your character’s background.


oh my, so much writing in the two emails. but back to the sensible stuff I a just really excited to see the story progressing

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Long story made short: I think I ate something bad yesterday, I threw up a lot and generally felt terrible all last night. Wasn’t able to work on the demo much…but decided to post up the little bit I did do so that people could get a taste of my writing style. Head back over to my first post if you want. <3