@dreamshell, inconceivable!
@CitizenShawn another great idea
I like the idea here…I am hoping that some crazy stuff happens though…like the witch that cursed you…of you were cursed
Chance to play as an NPC? And a Tavern Keeper, the most overly used quest giver in any RPG? Let’s do this.
First thing I notice while scrolling through the relationship percentages page are the names arn’t capitalised. Jeoffree and Arlene it should be I think.
Albion? Classic name, makes me think of the Fable series and perhaps after Chicken Chaser had enough adventures chasing chickens, he opened a tavern.
Awwww… Was hoping to be stabbed in the eye, a one eyed tavern owner working in a dive bar. Dream come true.
A curse to the neck? You mean like Force Choke? Let’s go with that. I think a spear to the neck might be abit fatal, trying to stop a daggar or sword by impaling your hand on it though, that’s possible.
A daggar to the ankle. Urgh… trust the rouge to backstab me when we’re facing the BBFG.
Woodsmythe is an actual thing, I think. Huh, new word. I SHALL ABSORB YOUR DEFINITION!
Improvements? Yes, being able to use funds to improve the place would be awesome. Could I recommend that I steel plate the bar though? You know how many adventures get chased by guards? They burst in, fire their crossbows as the rouge dives for cover behind your bar. But they miss him and hit you instead.
Might need an escape entrance if that happens. Oh god… they’ll destroy the place in the ensuring fight. Now I know how it feels…
I chose a great big roaring fire, so I thought the name “The Summer Solstice” would be a good name for the bar. Could throw a party on the Solstice, would go over well with pagans.
A talented cook and an easy going serving girl. Yes, I think my barkeep can get along with them.
An Adventurer appears at the door. And then… and then… damn it. I need to know class, Paladin? Fighter? Cleric? A damn sneaky Rouge? Maybe a Mage? If I was Forced Choked and that left a curse, would they suspect it to be a malicious spell or something used in the heat of passion?
Anyway, this is bare bones stuff but I do think it has a lot of potential. I await further updates.
(I am so going to go with Force Choke from now one).
So Arlene only likes you if you don’t like her?
Wow, so many great comments! I’m sorry I’ve been too busy to reply!
@Zanite I’ll see what I can do, but I think I mean to use patriarch as in “paternal” which, I suppose, could apply to either a man or a woman. If you used “maternal” it would be a different meaning completely; (stern and fair vs. nurturing and kind, for example?)
@MutonElite You’ve got some great ideas there! I feel bad because I should probably have though of more of those -_- and now I feel like I might steal some of your ideas! Definitely some good stuff in there, and I planned on adding more in that vein.
Btw: Yeah, the serving wench was meant to be “un-romanceable.” If you’re a man and gay, she’ll like you. If you’re a woman and straight, she’ll like you. If you’re bi, she’ll like whatever ISN’T your gender. I kind of got tired of having EVERY attractive in a game romanceable, you know? There will be other romance options, of course
@Arcania thank you and thank you for the kind message! I’ll try to finish the game!
@dreamshell Thank you! Yes, the main goals I planned on were having a strong mentoring role towards Adventurers or secretly sabotaging them but also there will be different roles you can play towards the townfolk. Getting back at your nemesis will be a part of the game, though I haven’t decided where or when it will take place.
@Taiho Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Definitely will be adding more, and I like your suggestions.
I was thinking about letting you choose the KIND of adventurer for the first one, and he/she will be a recurring adventurer. So she/he could be a Rogue, Paladin, Warrior, etc., and you will be personally responsible for pretty much everything they do not really, but you can be friends or enemies, or even romance them I suppose.
I didn’t think about the eye; definitely going to be an option now! And I suppose many of the wounds could be comedic, which is good in a game like this And Force Choke will cause your neck to spasm erratically at some points, so be prepared for embarrassment. But it will be the same as if you had a cursed ankle. Noticeable, but it won’t kill you.
And a metal bar would be a good improvement, perhaps as a future upgrade to prevent permanent damage to your bar. There will also be the option to fireproof your tavern by building it out of stone or metal as well, or expanding it to become a brothel or something like that.
Thanks everyone for playing! I’ll come up with some expansion soon! This will be an easier game to write than Sovereign, I think, and perhaps a little more fun for me at this point xD
*rolls d20. Convinces heroes to bring me all of their loot from now on and work for me free of charge forever*
Can you name your tavern? Totally will name it Sovereign xD
@Razgriz I think you can,I saw the option.
@Razgritz, yes you can, that’s already in the game
love this game you got everything right so far.
I took a moment to play. I was not sure how I would like this style of play, by the end I was Nooooo I need more. Great job, I really look forward to more.
@CitizenShawn They’re all yours for the taking, more fun for me!
I’m loving this! I’m also loving the fact that I can say “Arrow to the knee” lol. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would like it but then I was like “nooooo… I need to get back to my tavern…” Can’t wait till you finish this and Sovereign Reality! I’ll support you all the way!
@Taiho the “one-eyed tavern owner” idea sounds awesome! For some reason it gives me an image of Odin or Arne (from the tv show Vikings)
I used to be an adventurer like you then I took a sword to the neck.
Small world. I took a spear to the neck.
I took a curse to the neck
Oh? How’d that work out?