Tally Ho Spoilers Discussion

In order to be with Frank you have to be frank with Frank.


But don’t tell Frank you eat franks.


Franki was an interesting character, pretty much all of the characters were interesting, but the offered poly triad with Rory, was definitely very different. Not being bi my character wasn’t interested in a physical relationship with Rory as well, but was sufficiently dedicated to Rory that he felt really bad about being responsible for Franki rejecting Rory for himself.

I like how different all of the ROs were in Tally Ho! ((Cough cough but Gus will remain my favourite, he))


I’m so glad you enjoyed Gus. So many people didn’t go down that romance path, but it’s a real favorite of mine, and it was loads of fun to write.

I spent today working on a romance scene for Cakes and Ale. I don’t want to say too much about it, but it is highly erotically charged and involves someone writing the word “litigation” on your bare back with a fountain pen.


you should Blur that! for the fragile mind filled with wild imagination…

there goes my sleeep…:sweat_smile:

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Especially the scene on the farris wheel in which Gus and the protagonist discuss movies and their endings was really memorable. I was wondering: Does your preference of romantic-lovey-dovey endings/ comedic endings/ adventurous endings/ sad endings which you can express influence Gus’ behaviour towards you? Or where any differences in the endings “with him/her” unrelated to this?


Wait a- I played Tally Ho a bunch of times and I don’t remember the game having any romance with someone named Gus. All the ROs are Rory, Valentine, Haze and Frank, aren’t they?

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Gus/Gertie Porpey is Valentine’s real name.

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Ah, I didn`t know Valentine’s name changed when their gender also changed. I guess it makes sense now, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:.

Speaking of that, “Gertie Porpey” sounds to me like what a British person would imagine an American name to be like.


When in fact it is what an American (me) imagines what a British person would imagine an American name to be like.


Hello, I’m big fan of your work. I’ve played Tally Ho a number of times and still laugh out loud at some of the scenes and discover new things. One thing, though: I have never gotten an ending where Rory and Frankincense remain engaged. I’ve tried to smooth things over, get them to fall in love, etc. and it just doesn’t work. I’m currently trying to achieve the poly ending. Any advice?


Haze was my first RO but around the midway point she started acting eerily like a certain bad influence in my past and so I immediately leaped away from her with all the grace and alacrity of a ballet dancer.

That isn’t to say I think Haze was a bad character. She was (in my own interpretation and opinion) a remarkably lifelike depiction of Bipolar II and I applaud @Gower for it. She is a bit meta, though.

Valentine was my second love and I never looked back. She’s extremely delightful.


Kissing the doggies makes me cry in joy. Where is my game written with such tenderness? I feel starved of something of which I never knew I had a hunger.


Glad you like the dogs. I like them too. Not, perhaps, with the affection I have for the peafowl, but nevertheless.


Hm–there are lots and lots of tests that move that variable around. But I would guess that if you pretty much leave that plot alone entirely it’s likely that they end up engaged–but getting the poly romance is hard–you have to get them both to like you a lot, as well as each other. Starting with a love past with Frankincense will help with Frankincense; going to the gazebo in chapter six will as well.

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I had the same self-protective response to Haze. I was reminded too much of a past relationship that has left emotional scars…


Val was fun!


I love this game as well, after a ton of playthroughs I feel like there is still so much to do — I haven’t even managed to get the ending where Aunt Primrose gets you another position yet (I’m sure it must be pretty straightforward once you have high rel with her, I just have a tendency to get too sidetracked with the LIs to make her birthday perfect :grin: ). Needless to say I’m looking forward to playing the sequel too.

By the way, do you ever get to ask Haze about the tarot card deck you find in their room? That struck me as a cute little quirk (I can totally picture Haze being some sort of occultist :joy: ).

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The tarot deck in Haze’s room is a hold over from when I was going to have Haze be more of a mystical charlatan than a sneak thief, but I liked the notion of them having one, as some unwritten and probably painful memento of the past, so I left it in. If I ever write some side adventure or Haze prequel, I’ll have to account for how they acquired it…


What or whom should I sacrifice for this to happen?