Sunset: a character-driven, pre-apocolyptic WIP

I love it :wink: It’s very British with some good characters. I really liked how you didn’t ask for gender straightforward but with those shoe question. Also I liked the hairdresser visit - I enjoy when I can specify how my character looks.

Keep up the good work!

Can’s stop thinking about Yes, Minister series after playing the demo.(definitely not the 2000s remake version lol)

Especially when the Permanent Secretary shown up.

"You can already here the rattle of the distant machine gun fire " should be hear :smile:

“You got with them to a Caffe Nero” should be go there :smile:

“Hey, hey,” Tom interjects, "Nicola was just trying to . She doesn’t know better ← looks like you or the code accidentally a word after “trying to” there.

Great so far. The above are the only issues I noticed playing through as a girl attempting to get together with Charlie. Looking forward to more!

A bit odd at times for me during the dialogue because of word choices, (I’m not British) but I can manage.
Like @mika_ce, I like the character creation you’ve done so far, and the descriptions you provide give a good image of the locations we visit.

this game is pretty good keep up the awesome work.

Thanks guys, I’ll have a look at the errors you’ve pointed out in the morning and thanks for the praise!

Just on one point, I mention an obvious joke about Yvette, the home sec, namely that she’s a ballsy woman. Top marks if you got this joke, it’s only really an obvious joke if you know about British politics, namely that Yvette Cooper, married to fellow politician Ed Balls, is shadow home secretary, and (hopefully) should become home sec if labour win the election this year. Just thought I’d clear that up!

@KitsuneGoto Brogues and Oxfords are types of men’s formal footwear common in England. I prefer Oxfords over Brogues.

Brogues are known as brogues is because of that patern in the toe of the shoe and piercing, its very distinctive. They were also informal before and were worn by most men, the brogueing made the shoes easier to clean.

While Oxfords have the shoelace eyelets sewn underneath, so they are not visible while wearing the shoes. This gives it a more clean look in my opinion. However Oxfords can have Brogueing patterns on them.

So, not all brogues are oxfords, not all oxfords are brogues.

But that is just my personal opinion

Well I thank you for that very vivid description of English footwear. I live in America and I pretty much only wear my Uggs, Converse, or sneakers.

I really like the “The Thick of It” vibe I’m getting from this. It reminds me that I need to finish watching it.

Great game so far; the idea of being able to play BEFORE the apocalypse begins is an interesting one and I’m excited to see how it plays out. It’s also great to be able to play something set in my country. For some reason that’s rare.

Thanks again for the positivity. One thing though, I was play testing it last night and found a massive mistake; namely that if you rate Zoe as girlfriend material, it accidently then asks you later if you want to ask Tom out. A simple mistake with the wrong *if, now fixed.

Which, given that no one mentioned it, leads me to think that, maybe no one fancies Zoe?

Well, maybe not a lot of people but I do. I don’t know why I like her so much but one thing that I didn’t like about her was that she is a smoker. I usually don’t like that kind of people but you know: "Live and let Live

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I did try that with Zoe but thought the asking Tom thing was just what you planned lol. Will try playing it again now.

EDIT: Just asked her if I could walk her home and got turned down lmao.

Phew, glad I haven’t produced a universally hated character, was on the verge of starting a #pray4zoe hashtag for a moment lol

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Ha, yes perhaps I should have said intentionally hated character. No, you won’t be able to stand your ground with Cunningham in the first encounter but taking him on does boost your charisma

Haha no actually I went for Zoe right away on my first playthrough and only went for Charlotte on the second. I like the ROs that don’t fall for you easy, plus Charlotte was one of the popular at college types that I don’t immediately go for.

I have a feeling going with Zoe will be a more rewarding experience since she’s obviously a more layered character than Charlie at a first glance. (Don’t take it as a criticism of Charlie, I only said “at first glance” lol).

So yeah I’ll be flying the Team Zoe flag by myself if I have to XD

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The game looks good so far. Keep up the good work!

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Is it possible to ask, what are we to expect from the Jeremy romance? :wink:

Love the game so far, really looking forward to more office commotion :grin:

Nice, like it so far.

@Flux Well the interesting thing about this project is that I know where it’s going, but I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to get there, so I’m not sure I really know what to expect…

Ah alright, but it looks promising so far ^^