@Felix_Ronan I think you’ll have to wait until next year, I’m mostly looking for artists right now. And thanks dude, it was slightly inspired by slammed that is why there is a wrestling club, but slammed needed more stats and options. Glad you prefer mine
Umm mate the link to the game is going to your other project, the one involving the villainous genius and the god’s champion thing, it isnt going to street jam. Basically the link is wrong
I’ll admit I have a soft-spot for stuff like this and Def Jam Fight for NY was the best street fighting game RPG to feature D-Mob ever made, so I can only hope to enjoy your work in the official capacity soon.
Your story could work with colorful text as the cover.
For instance: find free graffiti style fonts and a creative commons picture of a brickwall, and bam! A quick MS paint png file latter and you have yourself a cover photo
@Megus@soprano yeah, I know. I suck at photoshop, believe having a cover like that would not let Street Jam stand out, and I’m nervous I’ll accidentally find a copywrited one.
Where have you looked in regards to finding an artist? You might find one on something like fivr that is affordable with reasonable quality. Hell, one of these forum goers may even do it. Possibly even free just because they like the game. Or even for a free copy lol.
I hope you find something that makes you feel good about how the cover looks, I’d love to play the finished game.
I assume the requirements are something along the lines of: giving feedback when it was a WIP and following progress. Unfortunately I just now discovered the game but it sounds good.