Stars Arisen Developer Diary

Thank you! I’ll try to get a fix for that up soon.

Finally gotten around to playing the new chapters and they were great fun. I do have a question though is there going to be a ending in which the mc takes power but keeps the Assembly around in some manner while also giving select people access to the Stars(Most likely just Remnant Star slivers so they won’t get too powerful besides Viv of course :grin:) and if so what would be the city stats you would have to be going for to get that ending besides high Harnessers power I’m guessing? Also would Viv be ok with all of it?

Here are my stats at the end of chapter 9

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Working through various ending possibilities now, and yes, it’s possible to put yourself in power and keep the Assembly around. There aren’t exactly specific stats you need for it - I try to set things up so that various different stat combinations can work to get you what you want. As for exactly who you can and can’t give access to the Stars, the details of that are a little farther along than I currently am and I’m not sure how specific it will get - it might be in somewhat broader terms than specifically naming the people who can and can’t use them.

There are few if any political setups that Vivian will have particular objections to, at least to the point of interfering with a friendship or romance. He’s much more accustomed to thinking of politics as Not His Business than any of the modern generation, because he comes from a time when the Sorceress controlled everything without question.


Got a strange result when leaving the cave with a prisoner Renard after restoring the Stars to Mother; the game reacts as if I’d sided with him against her, giving the ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I don’t want to see you’ choices, when the opposite happened.

Is it possible for you to get a screenshot or screenshots of what was happening there? There are a lot of things going on in that scene and a lot of ways it can go, so it’s a little hard to tell what might have happened without the specifics.

Well, I don’t really want to play through the entire game again right now, but looking at the code, it seems like taking Renard prisoner after stopping the Sorceress from killing him sends us to leave_w_rey, which seems to assume we either knocked Mother out or ended things opposed to her. That doesn’t make sense for a character who fought for and returned the Stars to her, even if she took a little convincing to be okay with the prisoner thing (and even for the Renard options that actually lose us relationship stats, it seems strange for that to transmute us from supporter to being on the same level as someone who gave the Stars to Renard).

Yeah, I took a look at the code yesterday and realized the same thing. I’m very focused on the next chapter right now, so I might not get a fix for that up right away, but I’ll make sure that circumstance is accounted for better. Thanks for pointing it out!


Just a suggestion, but I feel like getting Em and Nat together seems kind of hard, especially since the only way it seems like you can do it is to go to their meeting in chapter 5, which means pushing off the chance to romance somebody else until chapter 9. Could it be possible for there to be more choices earlier to push their relationship while decreasing the penalty you get by not going to that meeting? Or is there going to be another lock in point later for that if we miss the first one in chapter 7?


Yes, this is something I’ve been working on - I’ve already added some more places to boost their relationship than there were before, and hopefully I can find ways to do more. There is also another way to get them together in future chapters, yes. I’m still working on adjusting the difficulty and available opportunities, but it probably will always be something you have to prioritize to some degree to accomplish - they’re not in positions where they’ll get together without your direct prompting.


Thanks, that’s basically what I was hoping for.


This is definitely a very interesting and unique type of story telling, in the sense that MC is not immediately set as a larger than life hero or villain who set off in a quest to either save or destroy the world.

In fact , MC was given some background story to start an "adventure " and to explore the purpose of the said “quest” set by mother.

It is unique in the sense the story never indicating whether MC is fighting for the side of Good or Evil, along the way, MC will discover the perspective of the whole saga based on when he/she experience along the way and make their own judgement .

i especially enjoy the feel of the story where i thought i am doing the “right” thing but then witnessing and hearing people celebrate the fall of mother while mocking her past reign at the same time, this eventually will have 2 effects for my MC, either furious and want to punish those who dare to insult mother or willing to investigate their side of the story :smile:

The tone of the setting is not as dark as i had previously fear , as i initially thought mother was kind of a monster like the Sith Lord or Sauron, which actually made me wander… what if the rebels are similar to the Alliance of Middle Earth or Star wars ? where the Good had previously liberate the good people of the world while MC is seeking to revive the dark forces ? I admit such theme will make an interesting story as well, because MC will be given a choice of whether fighting for Evil against the real Heroes of the world or seek a redemption route ahead…

But as it seems , all went well and smooth because although a bit cruel , mother is not necessary the evil dark lord… Lol


I don’t know about that. The Sorceress may not be dark in appearance, but she’s obviously a tyrant who sees no problem with oppressing her subjects and killing people as it suits her. Apart from the fact that she’s not locked into a demonic form, there are actually a lot of parallels with Sauron, who also believed that he was the only one qualified to rule, thought his own intentions were worthy, ended up losing the keystone to his power in a final battle with the forces of good, and had to hide out in a diminished form while sending lesser agents to regain lost influence on his behalf. They’re not exactly a ghost stripped of their free will by a parasitic artifact, but an MC who sides with their mother is more or less a prettier Ringwraith.

To be fair, the forces of good here are a lot more flawed and nuanced than they are in works like Lord of the Rings, but this is arguably a good thing. The worst that can really be said about them is that one of their leaders turned out to be shockingly stupid and irresponsible. Also, in a step up from the Middle-Earthers, their brilliant plan wasn’t to liberate the land from an evil overlord and then immediately subject it to the rule of an autocratic monarch.


Out of curiosity am I the only here playing as a power hunger Lawful Evil or well any kind of evil. Love being able to play as a manipulative MC really reminds me of Age of Decadence (or as I like to call it Neutral Evil the game) which is the only CRPG that I knew where you can play though the whole game without entering combat once.


Probably not, but I was definitely playing somewhere around Neutral Good or possibly slightly more Lawful Good.


Well… i believe for some of the choices i witness, MC who sides with the mother could be of ignorant or misguided, i had been able to help mother in good faith , in a believe that mother was trying to protect her lesser “children”, i didn’t hate the rebels, but at the same time felt it was a good nature to maintain loyalty to mother, because i hate betrayal of sort . I disagree with mother’s decision but i tend to hide it from her while at the same time perform some deeds that are opposing her will, and the same time befriend ravena and vivian. I counter mother’s argument at some point but she usually gave me some explanation of her own, like the sorceress admit in loving Baz, so MC could be misguided in helping the sorceress returning to the throne… i haven’t finish the game yet, so it will be interesting how it ends :smile:


I play it very power hungry, but not really manipulative (too proud and feels too entitled to it all to be subtle) and largely stays loyal to Mother. I enjoy how you can be three-dimensional and act/think differently under different circumstances, makes it easier to play a somewhat complex character like my own.


I played a character that starts off as naïve, adventurous, and only slightly chaotic but by the end he’s extremely chaotic, pragmatic, manipulative, and somewhat power-hungry, mainly because he thinks every other major power is flawed in one way or another and he sees himself as the lesser evil. Whether that’s true or not is completely up for interpretation. What I like about this game is that there’s no true specified antagonist. Sure, it could be mother, or sure, it could be that idiot politician, or sure, it could even be you for Hells sake, but although you have to fight or agree with the aims of other major players, They all have their reasonable motives and their dangerous flaws, including yourself. I like games like this where your goal is less to kill the bad guy and save the world and more to survive and thrive in a new society while dealing with conflicts against opposition from every angle or two ally with a major power to gain status or power. that, or I’m just extremely overthinking this


Just want to say, no one is overthinking anything, these are exactly the kinds of debates and perspectives the game is going for. :grinning:


Epic cliffhanger, yo!


I can’t understand the stats maybe you should add labels to the stats that would make it easier to understand