SPOILERS! Heroes Rise 2: The Hero Project

@Madwolf023 No, it’s likely something wrong with the game. It’ll be really helpful if you report it either on a thread here, or sending a mail to the choice games bug reports.

i hate Lucky and black magic pure stereotype both. Also BM loveIs pure false if you always help him you only dont vote like he wanted and he automatically hate you and dont answer my call he is 11 years old. And lucky is a puppy without personality is there only to sustitute BM. Jenny is a great romance but is women and OLD sne has like 20 year more than you, if she help you when you was child she was at least in his twenty now she has like 40 so go away. I want romance Prodigal in next game also both twist were Way obvious Way i note prodigal is the one who send messages at second

I started the thread on the Heroes Rise Forum page.

I do have to say though: I have it on my iPhone, which is a model 3G. (No S, just a 3G) So often when it comes to bugs I’m told it only happens because my phone is too old to support the patches.

Though COG’s generally don’t have that… so meh.

@MaraJade I’ve always assumed that Jenny is the same age as you, if only a bit older. I mean, you’re 18ish (I guess) so it isn’t out the way to guess that Jenny is your age.

Or, that they would use a young child to help you adjust. I’ve assumed it’s that she was used to help young children adjust. That originally there was an adult, but as she aged Jenny took over your case file.

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I’d thought that Jenny was just slightly older than you too. That you were her first powered, and that you were friends. I can’t find any reference to how old she is.

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I’m not typically one for the romance aspects of these games but I did try hooking up with all three love interests in the game. I don’t think it’s possible but you can end the game being in a +80 relationship with every possible love interest. The third might allow for some serious girl fights (of course, depending on gender and orientation).

I called most of the twists and turns (Prodigal). Only thing that really shocked me was Rebellion turning into a douche. Although it was pretty obvious where Rebellion’s loyalties were during that PUMP scene.

Some interesting parts of the story has to be when you find out Jury may not have any special powers of his own, that they are somehow connected to Inherit’s through the MeChip. Using him in that third challenge was hilarious because his skill set is so bad. It was extremely funny that he got knocked out and that was contribution enough since he sucks so much.

I was a little upset that you could not control the story a little bit more. I was hoping for a little more variability in the voting process. I will have to poke around the code to see how much variability there actually is. Perhaps there is a path that I have not found that offers this. As far as I can tell, the first vote gets rid of Scoundrel and Mach Girl or Fumble. The second vote gets rid of Mach Girl or Fumble and Black Magic or Lucky. The third vote gets rid of The Bear and You or Null. If anyone has found out any alternatives, please let me know although I suspect I will snoop around the code to find any before that.

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I guess it’s speculative on how old she is.

The one thing I wished they had though:

Officer Sanders. Because the first thought that went through my mind was this: The Jim Gordon to my Batman.
And there was no way that I was the only one thinking that.

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I have no problem with her being a female only romance. My problem is that they have no male-equivalent.

I would have thought four choices.
Jenny F/F
Black Magic F/M
Character C M/F
Character D M/M

Or something like that.

And Jenny’s age: I guess that it is left to the players imagination: Which I like.

@Madwolf023 Then your issue isn’t really any different than mine. BTW, Black Magic is F/F, F/M, M/F, M/M all rolled up into one. So is Lucky. Jenny is the only character with a definite sex and a definite sexual preference.

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I want a prodigal romance it would be strange but interesting

I know that. Just it’s boring only having one story line romance for all of that.

Still, Jenny is my favorite character even if you don’t romance her.

Because she’s just awesome.

Anyhow… OFFICER SANDERS WHERE ARE YOU??? I need you to light the bat signal… er I mean Hero Signal!

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If pulled off correctly, then yes it could be extremely interesting.

By the way: What is everyone’s opinion on GG?

I liked him: But he is definitely a guy with an agenda.
So was he a part of the conspiracy? Or was he truly unaware of it.

He is part of agenda if you go with jenny you have the intel

@MaraJade It’s not clear. Jenny says that he was the one to step up with the information. And she also says she thinks he wasn’t apart of it. So the question remains did he really know what was going on? Or was he another pawn in the game?

I agree with the Black Magic blackmail theory. The sudden ultimatum seemed driven by something, and it does indeed seem likely that he was being threatened in order to influence your vote.

GG I strongly dislike. He was just waaay too friendly, and he definitely knew at least some of the master plan, since he knew Jury was going to be safe no matter what.

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Knowing jury would be safe doesnt make gg bad jury dad is running for president and is well liked by the meek so people wouldnt vote him off GG seemed like a pawn being used by Rex and rebellion But I still liked him

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I hope your theory this is true. I really liked Black Magic is the first game and hoped to learn more about in the second.

But the way he acted with the ultimatum completely turned me off about it. Which forced me to vote for him on the elimination.

But both romance routes ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger and hinted at the possibility of Black Magic being able to forgive me one day. I only hope so. Now I can’t wait for Herofall to come out.

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@TheValkyrie how do you know it going to be called herofall