Spellbound: A Ghost Story (WIP) [Updated May 22, 2024]

Hi sorry for taking so long to respond, I had a whole thing written up, then just forgot to post it, so here it is now.

So since, as mentioned it is a fantasy story, I’ll avoid getting into minute details, and focus on big one which is pretty much relevant to any situation where people are fighting with medievalish levels of tech, and also the most plot relevant. Though I can also share some of the smaller stuff if you like, that I think still applies generally.

Basically the main thing for me, is that, battles aren’t so much individual soldiers fighting other individual soldiers, but rather formations of soldiers fighting formations of other soldiers. Even back in ancient times, battles could have thousands of soldiers and even if we’re only talking hundreds, the individual mattered a lot less than the whole. As a result, Callum’s plan doesn’t really hold up for me.

Basically, while I like the core idea of planting a bunch of magical bombs throughout the ranks disguised as helpful magic is a pretty good one, I think the execution is flawed. Mainly I don’t think with the plan in it’s current state, that a competent commander would agree to let him distribute the wards.
As mentioned fighting in formation is less about individual soldiers, so the individual prowess of each soldier is less important than their ability to work as part of formation. So while I could see the wards working if every soldier had one, since the front of the entire enemy line getting migranes would definitely make it easier to break, I don’t think they’d really do much on such a small scale, even assuming all of the wards were given to infantrymen at the front of the formation. And that’s before factoring in things like cavalry, archers and artillery. Like for an example more towards the extreme end, look at something like the Ride of the Rohirrim from return of the king, and imagine what 24 of the orcs having Callum’s wards would have on the outcome.

Now that in of itself is still not an issue; Callum wants to hand out a few wards, sure why not, they won’t do much but whatever. But the story also makes it clear that Callum doesn’t exactly have the best track record with these kind of things, so he’s effectively asking, “hey can I hand out these wards to a few people that probably won’t do much, I promise they won’t explode this time.” Which even if the MC trusts Callum’s word that they’re safer seems like a pretty big risk.

Off the top of my head, besides simply increasing the number of wards or like increasing their area of effect. What if he made something to specifically distribute to officers, realistically officers probably wouldn’t be at the front of a formation, so maybe they could be something like magic radios, so the MC can communicate better (they could also remain in their current state as migraine AOEs, depending on how concerned you are with realism). I think that would improve the plan both in the sense that, officers are more important as individuals, so giving them a magic item would definitely have more of an impact and be more worth the risk, without having to increase the quantity or power of the wards, plus it benefits Callum, as now instead of just random soldiers being affected, it’s all the officers.


Charlotte appreciation squad.


Super curious since this man seems so hard to please but what makes Cortez affection go up cause my measly 18% is so so sad.

Being a dick, kissing his ass, and being an asshole to other people.

In that order.


I think I’m too nice for that tbh…


To actually answer this seriously and in a manner accurate to the character (the above answer would actually be jokingly fitting of someone like Callum, not Cortez), Cortez is in mostly pragmatic mode throughout the chapter, and thus more receptive to respect increases than fondness ones (of which there are very few far inbetween–even his branch in Chapter II only has two opportunities). Consequently, I wouldn’t worry too much about fondness at this stage, just focus on upping respect in the meantime. Cortez likes professionalism (so don’t take serious matters too lightly), competence, and measured reasoning. Conversely, he dislikes flattery, hypocrisy (he’ll scoff at an MC that shills Valerie’s judgement in front of her while deriding her behind her back) and, relatedly, agreeing with Valerie on most (but not all) occasions, unless by Chapter 2 you’ve built up the secret cortez_valerie variable which improves his opinion on her.


@shadowfire101 Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll keep them in mind when I get around to revising the prologue…one of these days.

As @SourPeaches said, right now there aren’t very many opportunities to increase Cortez’s Fondness, which is by design. He’s slow to warm up to people, and as of right now you’ll have an easier time increasing his Respect instead.

With this in mind, 18% is honestly not that bad for where we are in the story. You’ll have more opportunities in future chapters, including the upcoming Chapter III, which introduces Kira, a character that actually does have a positive relationship with Cortez that you’ll get to see in action.

But for future reference, I’ll offer this:

  • Cortez values people that aren’t afraid to stand up to him, but are ready to back up their disagreements with logic rather than emotion. He’s very pragmatic and wants to work with people that bring utility to the conversation—ideally, an alternate point of view that makes sense to him, but failing that, someone who can at least fall in line and be useful.

    The latter might be where the perception that he likes people kissing his ass comes form, but he really doesn’t. He would much prefer the MC be an independent thinker and offer him good ideas he hadn’t thought of. His issue with Valerie is that she’s (currently) not very good at filling either role.

  • Cortez likes people with a sarcastic wit, even (or especially) if it’s directed at him. I think it’s worth noting that a lot of the current options to increase Cortez’s Fondness are calling him out on being an asshole.

  • I’ll echo what Sour said, that Cortez values loyalty—even if it’s to someone he otherwise doesn’t care for, like Valerie—and strongly dislikes people that he perceives as hypocritical or two-faced (this is why he dislikes Regina even more than he dislikes Valerie). He’s ultimately fine—if a little judgmental—with an MC that stays supportive of Valerie (he’ll even respect them more if they can back up their position instead of trying to appeal to sentiment), and he’s fine with an MC that consistently doesn’t like her (neither does he!), but trying to play both sides will actually annoy him.

  • Cortez likes competent people. Try to be good at the things you try to do!


I’m totally blind, I read “Cortez” as “Callum” when I answered them. :rofl:


So, I’m trying to wrap my head around the bomber’s goal here.
Terror bombings typically have an aim of either attacking explicit targets, jostling public opinion, or causing public unrest.
Thing is, Mundies don’t even know that mages exist, so there’s no opinion to influence, and if exposing magic is the goal, there are easier ways to do that. That leaves us with explicit targets, of which we have a museum and a corporate building.
Whole thing leaves me thinking our bomber’s bombs have a purpose beyond blowing shit up.

Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, Callum did something similar at the end of his life.
The amulets he handed out to the army, they would not have discriminated between friend and foe, and they only detonated after the battle had been joined, not before.
Both explosions used the same energy source, the amulet.


Today is the anniversary of Spellbound! Four years ago I posted the first build of the demo…and I’ve gotten about one year’s worth of writing done in that span of time. At this average rate of progress, it will take me twenty years total to finish the game.

In the spirit of this declaration, I should probably note that I don’t really have anything substantive to show for this occasion.

As I’ve mentioned before, my family is currently in the process of dealing with the consequences of my aunt’s death, including real estate woes, which have accelerated over the past couple months. This being the case, I really haven’t gotten any writing done in a while.

I think the earliest you’re likely to see an actual update would be late February, but don’t be surprised if it gets pushed to early-mid March.

In the meantime, I suggest you all think about where you think you’ll be in life 16 years from now, and plan accordingly. Make sure to mark your calendars for a tentative 2040 release date! I’m not feeling existential about this at all!!


Oh, dealing with death is made so much worse by the bureaucracy involved. You have my sympathy, and complete understanding for the delay. That shit’s real rough, to put it rather bluntly.

Also, you’re still potentially on track to finish before silksong so as far as I’m concerned that’s a win.

Today is World Goth Day

…Or so Wikipedia tells me. Having never heard of the event before this year, I can only assume that this completely reliable resource is telling me the truth, as always.

But it is natural, I think, for this observance of all observances fly under my proverbial radar, as those dark souls who claim gothhood slink deep into the shadows of night. It is a wonder, in fact, that any of the gothic persuasion would venture to celebrate this day, and so draw undue attention to their wicked machinations.

Perhaps it is all a part of their grand, dark design; I know not. Perhaps we are not meant to know.

And yet, know we shall—for today, I present to you, entombed within this tome of darkness, the introduction of a venerable beacon of black magic, mistress of sinful witchcraft, and vaguely goth-adjacent icon, the long-awaited Kira Watanabe, companion third of this grim tale.

I say “long-awaited”, of course, because I’ve been awaiting her introduction. I don’t actually care how the rest of you feel—and, coincidentally, neither does she.

And maybe that, in truth, is really the most goth thing about all of this.

Happy Goth Day.

This update is a little overdue.

I think I said early-mid March? Two and a half months is a bit of a wait—but in my defense, it’s really nothing compared to the two and a half years I took off a while back. The nice thing about setting such a dreadfully low benchmark is that I’ll always have that constant example to point to as “well, at least it’s not that bad”.

Speaking of not that bad, the moving tribulations I mentioned before are pretty much cleared up and settled, I’m in a new place, and the old house is sold—which unfortunately means I can no longer use that as an excuse not to write, but fortunately means I may start releasing content more often. (But no promises.)

Anyway, I guess I should move on from talking about the circumstances of this update and start talking about the circumstances in this update. This covers the beginning of Chapter III, marking a return to the present day, where you, Valerie, and Cortez embark on a trip to restore Andrei’s consciousness with the help of Cortez’s witch associate Kira. In contrast to the pretty dramatic last few chapters, this one is relatively light in tone, and eventually aesthetic (sorry, goths).

This update is ~28,500 words, which brings the total word count to ~322,000. Incidentally, this makes Chapter III-1 the longest subchapter so far (though technically this isn’t the biggest update I’ve pushed, since I’ve bundled subchapters together in the past).

I should note that a not-insignificant portion of this word count is another lore book, but as always, reading it is optional, and arguably more extraneous than the previous ones—the majority of information in it won’t come up in this particular story, and is just there if you’re interested in worldbuilding, and maybe hints toward some potential future projects of mine. As usual, if any information from the book does come up in the main plot, the other characters will explain it to you where needed.

Anyway, I’ll let the rest of the update speak for itself. I hope you like Kira as much as I do! (But if you don’t, that’s okay, because she doesn’t want or need anyone’s approval but her own :slightly_smiling_face:)

Oh yeah, and because I was told I should be plugging things more often:

  • Obligatory link to the Discord (where I’m more active than the forums these days)
  • And obligatory link to my Ko-fi (which has no extra content or anything, but contributions would be greatly appreciated if you’re enjoying the story and have a few bucks to spare)

I look forward to reading the update


Congrats on the new place! And thank you for your hard work on the update. This is one of those IF I’m very fond of (so mysterious, so intriguing) so I’m very happy when the notification pops up.

Wish you nothing but good things for the rest of the year :raised_hands:


@CorvusWitchcraft , you just made my day :slight_smile:

Reading your story is something I enjoy very, very much. Personally I prefer the past storyline, even though I still can’t figure out why that little shit Callum is so intriguing and attractive to me :thinking:

Yeah, I know, I have bad taste in fictional men. But I like Cortez a lot too, so enough rambling, I got to play the update. But before that - a big thank you for your work!


Whooo! Update!


So, I’m like 99% certain that Valerie is trans, so now I’m just waiting to say “same girl” in a ghostly voice.

Anyway glad to see another update :smiley:


Oh my F gooshhhhj! Welcome backkk author :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Yours is one of my favorite WIPs out there, and the update was amazing! I love it and can’t wait for more!

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Can I ask what made you draw that conclusion? :eyes: