SoS: The Mortal Coil (WIP)

What is everyone’s favorite Angel blade to use?

  • Greatsword
  • Rapier
  • Quarterstaff
  • Double bladed Battleaxe
  • Dagger
  • Steel studded gauntlet
  • Sword and Shield combo
  • Morningstar

0 voters


Im getting the wrath of god title with a puny blade.


When I first saw the dagger option, I decided then and there to make my Gabriel a rogue/assassin-type. Stealthy, quiet/stoic, covert/subtle as hell, a little manipulative, and pretty balanced on plan/instinct. Adding the “Wrath of God” just makes it that much funnier.


I have two Gabriels, I have the silver winged mage who uses sword and board so he isn’t a squishy wizard, and a six winged battleaxe swinging purveyor of brute force.

I suppose one of these days I should round that out and make a smoky winged dagger rogue of an archangel.


My main Gabriel is a healer with a staff. Kinda Suave, a bit candid, but not lacking in subtlety when needed. Merciful in most situations.

Basically a nice person with a friendly, if a bit teasing, personality who says what they sincerely think.


I like playing a rogue!Gabriel who improvises! A lot. She’s doing her best.


As a Gabriel who specializes in offensive - Affinity grace, The Rapier and Dagger were the standout for me, since:

  1. Your Rapier becomes a paintbrush that draws, using grace, a calligraphy of death. That is badass.
  2. Your Dagger becomes, essentially, a sniper rifle. That is also badass.

As someone who mains a long range grace using Gabby on the canon run (probs will also try to invest in healing skills if possible), reasons why the dagger is my go to :))

Like I think of my Gab as someone who works as an infiltraiting scout type – heads out first and clears a path by taking out key units before the main bulk of the army rolls in – and a dagger works best

(Sorry dad)


Love seeing everyone’s favorite Angel blade.

I really enjoy the rapier and morningstar, dagger also. My three faves! Planning on making a ruthless, stoic Gabriel with a Morningstar, a sneaky, subtle, deceptive Gabriel with the dagger, and a sweet talking, subtle, impulsive Gabriel with a rapier. Not sure which will be canon, though…

My favorites are the battleaxe, the sword and shield combo, and the morningstar.

Okay I just chose a Gabriel who preferred precise targeted attacks with holy fire and then chose the battleaxe as my weapon of choice.

Which results in my Gabriel’s favorite tactic being hitting the ground to create a fiery earthquake.

Not that being a walking volcano isn’t cool, but it’s hardly a precise targeted attack with holy fire.

Perhaps such a Gabriel should channel their holy fire into their axe blades so that every one they attack with their axe gets burnt by holy fire as well?

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I choosed the steel gauntlet, I like the idea of punching demons to death haha
and this choice also increases ‘might’, grace explosions :sunglasses:

Israfel: “You take far too much delight in destruction”.


Possibly very vague ones. Personally, I hated reading The Divine Comedy. I like some of the concepts it has about Hell, but overall I don’t particularly care to make any specific or extensive references to it at this time.

Hello and welcome to the thread!

More like Lucifer will never stop increasing the value until no one can meet his demands.

It’s for story reasons that he isn’t an RO. And not because he doesn’t fit in with the story.

The poll is really interesting to me. Rapier is far more popular than I thought it’d be.
Hmmm. I appreciate the feedback, and I agree that when looking at those two choices like that, it may not make sense as currently written.

However, the way I have written it is that the form of your Angel Blade takes precedence over any skills you may have been especially good at as a younger angel (at that point you only had a spear, and the intention was to increase your skills in a certain area–none of these specific battle skills have been checked yet.)

Having a battleaxe doesn’t speak to precision, to my mind. Angel Blades are supposed to a manifestation of personality/attack approach, and that was my intent with this scene. I also consider using Grace a separate subset from using their Angel Blades, in terms of choices I will have in combat sections in the future. This section is intended to be a full combat scenario. There are no checks of any sort. There are no fails or passes.

I’m not sure at this point if I want to try and fix this scene. If I did, I would have to write a minimum of 64 variations, and really if I started to go that route I would probably do the full 256 variations.There are 32 possible combinations currently, between Angel Blade and attack route. To take into account the preferences from the initial battle, I would look at offense vs defense vs blade vs flight skill, so there’s 4 x 32 right there. Add affinity vs might vs strength vs agility and we end up with another 4 x 32, bringing to a total of 256 variations for a battle that doesn’t have multiple outcomes. Currently I’m not inclined to go through and change that.

To try and cut down on that, I have considered trying to do variations for sneak and lead using only strength vs agility, and then using affinity vs might on heal vs hover and strike, but with the addition of skills, that still leaves 6 x 32 which gives me 192 variations.

I’m going to think on it some more, and I welcome other suggestions! I just feel that your suggestion of switching that to channeling holy fire through the blade anticipates there being a check that does not currently exist, and I couldn’t do that check for only 1/32 of the variations and feel that was a valid design decision. It works for affinity, but I don’t feel that it does well for might, and then I’m back to doing 256 variations that I really, really don’t think I should do. ((Feels like a fairly sizeable scope increase for an ultimately tiny scene)).

Edit: Ah, screw it. I’m doing it. Only adds about 200 words per playthrough, but it’ll about double the scene overall. Probably going to do it on a rolling basis rather than all at once, but we’ll see. First one went fairly fast, and that was new variations for sneaking with a morningsar.


Oh right I also forgot to mention earlier why I chose a dagger:

Ramiel wields something similar and I’d like to imagine this is how the crushing stage began for my Gabby

(sparring/close quarters combat and being very distracted by Mr. Oblivious)

(and then there’s Michael pining from a distance)

(and then there’s Izzy looking at this trainwreck and deciding that there’s nothing in heaven strong enough to deal with this incoming headache)


Glad you liked the poll @Dae-kalina.

For my first Gabriel my favorite blade is the quarterstaff since he mainly heals during battles.

My second one uses a rapier for either grace striking, sneaking, or charging the front (i can’t decide which position suits him best :sweat_smile:).

My third one uses a morningstar and either shores up wesk points in the defense or charges the front.

Gab with the sword and shield ftw

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Im totally amazed,this is some good content dude (or girl), but the only bad thing is thatcomes to an end

My Gabriel is based on the comic character lucifer lol