Sordwin by Thom Baylay

Hello all,

Thank you for helping with the class survey. Very interesting to see the spread. Of course, I will do my best to make sure that all the careers get equally interesting stories!

I now have another one that would be helpful to check so please do take a second if you have time. Again, if you have multiple MCs you can select more than one option.

Where did you choose to live at the end of Sordwin? In order from cheapest to most expensive…

  • Dockland
  • Southbank
  • Wallside
  • Trade Square
  • Marble Hill*

0 voters

*This one is a hidden option and only becomes visible as a choice if you have enough money, hence the spoiler blur :wink:

Thank you! You all continue to help in making this series the best it can be. Check out the Book 3 thread here for updates on how much I’ve written. It’s a long road but I appreciate everyone’s support as I attempt to travel it :slight_smile: