Hi, all. I’m new to the forums, posting this in General despite noticing a Hosted Games section. I want to ask about a few other things besides the Hosted label, to make sure I am understanding this process of publication and reception.
I’m an editor, and a published writer now too as of recently(non-exclusive)! But I also love programming and it’s kind of like a hobby that I fell into with Unity. Not long ago, I started on a project with a group of people as the writer, but sadly that game fell apart. Now that I have a little time back again, I have been making a tutorial series for programming, but I’d also like to learn more about how CoG works.
With that in mind, I downloaded Chronicler because it reminded me a little of ‘Playmaker’ - if anyone knows what that is. I realized I probably would like to code from scratch, because it seems faster, but I like the structure of Chronicler. Is this tool still recommended? I read there were some bugs - so any experienced users, any advice on this plugin?
I saw that the Hosted Games route seems like anyone can just write a piece, upload to the forums, request testers, and release. Am I misunderstanding? How long does this usually take once a completed work hits the forum? I saw some stating that the stories take a very long time to do, months and months on end, but what exactly is being implied by that? I’m under the impression that these books are in the realm of 30k-100k words , and they are somewhat more of a genre fiction write-up, thus reliant on some reader stereotypes to ‘fill-in’ gaps and project the self into the narrative. If I am telling the reader he feels this way and that way, sprinkling in dialog as summary over writing whole scenes of dialog, this is not going to take months to write.
I’m trying to understand a little more about this publication process in general, so my exact question that I think I need to ask is: after I finish writing something, do I just upload the work to a certain forum? Or do I have to be more involved in the community here, and can’t just come in as a new person? I have read Choice books, but I just signed up as a community member today. There are not that many Choice of Games stories I see, which I know is due to the Choice label being a publisher. However, why are there so few Hosted games? Is there just not as many people writing… or do games just get rejected? And if so, by whom?
I want to keep my thread in General if that’s okay, because I have more questions to ask, but just going to see what is said about the Hosted Label and Chronicler first.