Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

I think your beginning [quote=] has to start on a new line on its own for it to work!

So it should look like

[quote=“DudeinArmor, post:2247, topic:34470”]

instead of being on the same line as your other text, if that makes sense. :slight_smile:

It’s very helpful when replying to a long post or to multiple people to provide context and avoid confusion!

Of course, we were all new here at one point. :slight_smile: I would also suggest reading the community rules, since I saw that you posted on a “dead thread” earlier! This isn’t stated specifically in that FAQ but I believe threads are considered “dead” after three weeks of no one posting on it! There’s also this thread by one of CoG’s founders and the admin here explaining things to newcomers!

No problem at all, no need to apologize! :slight_smile: At the rate we’re going I feel like we’re going to hit 10k before the game even resumes again LOL.

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