The error I’m getting is: No selectable options at recess line 2006 which is the *label Ivan3
I have tried everything I can think of. Creating dummy options that don’t require a selectable_if, lowering the stats needed, checking spelling and capitalization of variables, making sure all of the gotos work.
I pass quicktest and am not having any errors when play-testing. Am only getting this error from randomtest. Have been stuck on this for like a week. Any help would be appreciated!
My code looks like this:
*label Ivan3
text that doesn't matter
#I knock loudly, hoping someone will let me in.
*set IvanOpinion %-5
*goto NocturneKnock3
#I loudly yell for Ivan to let me in.
*set reputation %-10
*set IvanOpinion %-5
*goto NocturneYell3
*selectable_if (residency == "Seventh Generation") #I use the secret knock my father taught me when we came here to celebrate my coming of age.
*set IvanOpinion %+5
*goto NocturneFancy3
*selectable_if (wisdom + charisma > 5) #I politely knock using typical customs of Port Brakish elites.
*set IvanOpinion %+2
*goto NocturneKnock3
*selectable_if (strength > 5) #I do not have time for this. I simply kick the door down.
*set reputation %-10
*set IvanOpinion %-10
*goto NocturneKick3