I’m having trouble with the selectable_if command. I scoured the other topics already but nothing really helped.
I want to use it so if the condition is not met, the player could still see the option but greyed out and the other options are still selectable and visible. I had all kinds of errors that I fixed (somehow) and it landed on: No selectable options.
I also have the problem that when I got it to work that you couldn’t see the option without conditions *selectable if attached.
The error I’m getting is: No selectable option even tho there are options.
My code looks like this:
*selectable_if (broke_door = true) #Now I feel bad. "If it's any help, I'm really sorry about your door."
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it. Of cause I break the door of a really nice healer.
"If it makes any difference I am truly sorry about breaking your door."
The healers head snaps to me. "You did what?"
"Nothing!" I give him an honest try at a smile but I'm pretty sure it's more of a pained grimace. The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it.
"We can talk about my poor door later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apprently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#Gods, this is embarrassing. "If I'd known you're home I would have knocked. Like a normal person"
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it.
The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it. "We can talk about you breaking into my clinic later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#I'm not sure about this, but what am I supposed to do? "You're not going to poison me, right?"
I keep an eye on him as I slowly move towards on of the beds to sit down. Why is he so relaxed? I mean I [i]do[/i] need the help but shouldn't he be more concerned about all of this?
"You're not going to poison me right?" I cannot help but ask. The Healer signs but shake his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not offended by my question. "Of cause not. You are hurt and I am able to help you. Now show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#I'm just happy so sit down. "Thank you."
My previoulsy raised shoulders sack with relieve while I let out a grateful sigh. "Thank you. I was afraid you would chase me out or call the guards." I let my weary body sink on the side of one of the beds.
The Healer signs but shake his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about all of this. "Of cause not. You are hurt and I am able to help you. Now show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
Note that the " *temp broke_door false " is further up at the top of the scene file.
I’m very new and very frustrated with the selectable_if command as it’s giving me so much grief.
With what you coded it Will be several separate choices instead of one with multiple options. You dont need *choice before every option, only use it once before first option
I am on phone, so i cant give you detaled answer , but the short one:
*selectable_if (condition) #choice1
*goto next
*goto next
*goto next
*label next
Good Catch!. Those were from another attempt to solve another error.
I took them out again but now the only option I can choose when I test it is the *selectable_if (broke_door = true) Option. The others don’t even show up.
It gives me the “No selectable option” error again when I select another class (meaning the door didn’t get broken)
Okay I tried something that just confused me even more:
I changed out which option is first in the code meaning I pushed the *selectable_if (broke_door = true) to the bottom. Now when I try a path where the door does not get broken it only shows the #Gods this is embarassing yadda yadda option. I think you’re right that it doesnt read the other options but no clue why??
heres my code before changing out which option is first
*selectable_if (broke_door = true) #Now I feel bad. "If it's any help, I'm really sorry about your door."
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it. Of cause I break the door of a really nice healer.
"If it makes any difference I am truly sorry about breaking your door."
The healers head snaps to me. "You did what?"
"Nothing!" I give him an honest try at a smile but I'm pretty sure it's more of a pained grimace. The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it.
"We can talk about my poor door later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apprently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#Gods, this is embarrassing. "If I'd known you're home I would have knocked. Like a normal person"
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it.
The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it. "We can talk about you breaking into my clinic later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#I'm not sure about this, but what am I supposed to do? "You're not going to poison me, right?"
I keep an eye on him as I slowly move towards on of the beds to sit down. Why is he so relaxed? I mean I [i]do[/i] need the help but shouldn't he be more concerned about all of this?
"You're not going to poison me right?" I cannot help but ask. The Healer signs but shake his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not offended by my question. "Of cause not. You are hurt and I am able to help you. Now show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#I'm just happy so sit down. "Thank you."
My previoulsy raised shoulders sack with relieve while I let out a grateful sigh. "Thank you. I was afraid you would chase me out or call the guards." I let my weary body sink on the side of one of the beds.
The Healer signs but shake his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about all of this. "Of cause not. You are hurt and I am able to help you. Now show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
Got it. All your text should be on the same level after choice. Meaning this:
*selectable_if (broke_door = true) #Now I feel bad. "If it's any help, I'm really sorry about your door."
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it. Of cause I break the door of a really nice healer.
"If it makes any difference I am truly sorry about breaking your door."
The healers head snaps to me. "You did what?"
"Nothing!" I give him an honest try at a smile but I'm pretty sure it's more of a pained grimace. The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it.
"We can talk about my poor door later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apprently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#Gods, this is embarrassing. "If I'd known you're home I would have knocked. Like a normal person"
I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I take a seat at the edge of one of the beds, careful not to get [i]too much[/i] blood on it
The Healer signs but shakes his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not all to upset about it. "We can talk about you breaking into my clinic later. Show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
#I'm not sure about this, but what am I supposed to do? "You're not going to poison me, right?"
I keep an eye on him as I slowly move towards on of the beds to sit down. Why is he so relaxed? I mean I [i]do[/i] need the help but shouldn't he be more concerned about all of this?
"You're not going to poison me right?" I cannot help but ask. The Healer signs but shake his head with a little smile which I take as a good sign that he's not offended by my question. "Of cause not. You are hurt and I am able to help you. Now show me your wound." He has gathered everything he needs apparently and sets it down on a little table next to me.
*goto main002
Ots Hard On phone to redact so much. What I mean is: all text assossiated with choice should be on one indent lower than a choice
more text
*goto laststring
more text
*goto laststring
*label laststring
New text
You are an absolute darling, thank you so much! It works now. I’m using ChoiceScript IDE and something seems so automatically do some weird spacing. I think it has something to do with the smart indention feature
Thank you, I was so frustraded
You are welcome. In IDE there is a setting that allow you to config this thing - smart indent or something, but it actually wery helpful once you get the basics)
And an advise: if you want a new paragraph, you dont need the linebreak. Just make empty space with enter button
I tried with having it disabled but it doesn’t really change anything. Is there a better way to align things than spamming the space key and hoping you don’t have to edit the text ever again?
Okay that was poorly worded, I use tabs to, but when trying to align everything tabs didn’t work so I spammed the space key. I changed the font to mono and would you look at that, suddenly everything is neatly in line, so that was what made everything so wonky! Mono makes my eyes bleed but it’s better than aligning everything by hand, I guess. I also had the wrong “Tab type” selected apprently in die options. Now I can use taps and it works.