Samurai of Hyuga Book 5

I think you’re playing a far better Ronin than I am with that red sandals thing, how I remember that scene is my girl just indiscriminately butchering everyone while thinking “WE ARE SO F***ING BACK!” and lamenting that her stolen katana wasn’t as sharp as Gensai’s.

Agreed on sensei being a real piece of work for sure, he’s right where he belongs.

Edit: There’s a pop quiz about what the sandals represent which I think is what you’re thinking about, Ronin and Basho agree to keep an eye out, but I don’t remember that actually coming up again later.

Probably, though mine was still brutal, but it doesnt matter what type of ronin you play, they all say something about targeting red shoes because of their connection to the cult regardless.

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I found it a website of Ainu-English Dictionary.
pirka menoko means(ピリカメノコ) - a beautiful woman, a fine young lady


This game is hysterical on my 3rd playthrough, when I’m truly understanding just how divorced The Ronin’s thoughts are from reality:

Even the hallucination of Masami starts lecturing them for talking back to a hallucination and expecting it to know things only the real Masami would know

Ronin: Tosh… that smell… it may be charred human remains
Tosh: … honey that’s the smell of fresh bread.


Quite a few characters now have some information about their families/parentage, which makes me curious about the Ronin.

Their life before the orphanage remains mostly unknown. I think they were six when adopted by Gensai? But in Book 2 they seem to remember their mother. Was her fate ever confirmed?


Hey! I know it’s late—I mean very, very late—but in Book 3, what did Jun/ko mean by “Behold the true form of Jigoku Itto Ryo!” ? Is it something like Ichiro when he acquires the Jigoku, where he turns into a fully demon-looking thing? I don’t know if people have already discussed this, but I just need to know what the true form of Jigoku Itto Ryo is.


Its a demonic art style, may turn into a demon?

Its been awhile since I went thru 3. Currently in book 5, holding place till 6 is ready.

6th is into chapter 16/17 right now.

I may have to dive again. But Jun didn’t turn into a demon, they had full control over it. Or maybe they didn’t have full power like the MC does.


In Book 4, if I remember correctly, when we asked about the third students, Jun/ko also said, "I know Jigoku better than the third students, and even you (the MC) ".

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Right. The third student was, according to dead master, to marry Jun. Or something like that. While we took Masters place.

I loved beating him in hell.

I thought the MC was supposed to marry Jun because by being Sensei’s heir, it basically made them a Takeda anyway?

I didnt think much of the statement, I thought he was just showing off since the style is pretty unknown (if not completely made up by accident). Ive seen many characters in other stories say that & then do a basic move, so I thought either he’s showing off or he just got really good at it.


Edit to here: The letter said that Jun was to marry the other kid to unify the mountain people. We were to take over the Masters spot, not to marry. This was specifically F!MC, the only paths I run.

Edit to add: You might be right if your a M!MC and Jun is F. There are differences I wouldn’t know about in other scenes. Some I know because they were evidently different to women and men.


That means this series has varying differences between not just man or woman MC. Also, if straight, lesbian or gay. Nice!

This series is number one favored, now knowing that letter changes, doubly so.


There doesn’t seem to be a difference based on sex (maybe whether or not you romanced Jun or not, but even then the letter & what Jun said when they met the 3rd student is the same).

*“You are the son of my master, Gensai Takeda. I have come to pledge my service as he intended.” ${Junko} bowed *
“Don’t you understand, ${name}?! Sensei made you the heir of the Jigoku…because I was meant to marry into his family line. To unite the Uesugi and the Takeda!”

I mainly play them both male (I have other paths I play too) & that’s what was said. It makes more sense for Sensei to have MC & Jun marry, making them his heir makes them a Takeda anyway & they already have a close bond with Jun (regardless of how they feel now), so might as well. I can see how it can be interpreted as that though, but after that, there are no comments about it that hint at that.

And the red string spell which Jun treated like getting married.

The MC is made “heir” to the Jigoku combat style, not the heir of the clan. It doesn’t make them a Takeda.


Oh nevermind, they say Jun is supposed to get married off if you pick a certain dialogue choice & I just never picked that one :sweat_smile:

I knew being the heir to the style didn’t automatically make them a Takeda in of itself, but I could swear there was something that hinted at that that’s what Sensei wanted to do.

I wish I knew what that letter said because I really wanna know what the point of the string spell was & most of all WHY was he trying to release actual hell, since he never answered when asked.

Which apparently is what I get each time then. Jun to be married off both times. Me inheriting being the Master. Never did see, heir to Takeda. Though they treat me as Juns concubine in that mountain.

The purpose of the red string spell was to unite the clans via a (magically enforced) marriage. Sensei did choose MC to inherent the style, partly because they’re much more mentally stable but also because he had other plans for Junko/Jun. Sensei stored the letter and spell inside the hidden compartment in the dojo, and probably forgot about it towards the end when he became senile.

Junko would be married to Ichiro, while Jun would be paired with some woman in the Takeda. I imagine Sensei would prefer Jun to marry a daughter of Ichiro’s (not inconceivable, considering his age) but Sensei’s son never married. I like to imagine this plan was all an agreement Ichiro made long ago with his rival, Izō Uesugi.


Ah. I was thinking after that maybe that’s what the string might have been for…


Continuing the discussion from Samurai of Hyuga Book 5:

I don’t mean to be rude tho but not everyone shares the same theory about the reason why our mc isn’t being mind controlled is because they absorb the demons smoke after being slain/killed i think that theory is really flawed I mean I don’t know maybe it’s just me but during my playthrough after defeating the snake demon in book 1 if I remember correctly the mc never absorbed the smoke am certain of that we killed the demon and left the smoke right there it was the same for the general or have forgotten his position the one in book 3 after the death of ige and pretended to betray our comrads to get close to the demon after killing it the book didn’t still prove that we absorbed the demon was the same in book 4 when fighting the shujenga demon we never did absorb his smoke even after killing him the only demon I can say I yes we absorbed was the kitsune demon from the island of book 2 and back then after killing him we didn’t technically absorb him if I remember clearly the demon said something like a curse and our mc merely brushed it off like it didn’t have any consequences by saying they accepted his curse I think that was when unknownly to the mc the demon and him became 1 because of our mc willing accepting it’s curse I think that demon played us there if you look at it it was the same freewill and permission momoko also gave sakiko to become 1 with her I don’t think the reason why the mc is immune to mind control it’s because we killed and absorbed every demon we came in contact with hence in book 5 when sakiko tried to control us with that kiss she only sensed the kitsune and not the other demons so am not really buying our mc absorbing the demon shit tho I don’t know if you guys have forgotten or maybe again it’s just me but was it not revealed that the main reason why the mc isn’t being affected by mind control powers it’s actually started way back in book 1 when we newly became the sword that cuts the heavens we went to that old lady kondo home when she washed our mc’s hair it wasn’t just washing she actually did something to him why washing his hair which kind of symbolize a baptism in my playthrough there was a scene I have forgotten which of the book tho when our mc literally had a flash back on that same old lady scene washing our hair in book 1 in my play through my own mc confirmed that scene as the main reason he isn’t being affected by mind control and actually started suspecting the old lady that theory of the mc not been affected by mind control powers because he absorbed the smoke of every demon he’s killed has been flawed from the very beginning

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In the first book, the smoke is described as going directly down the mc’s throat & they comment about it’s final attack being indigestion.

In the 3rd, the mc absorbs the smoke from the kitsune & the kitsune just erases the memories that pained them. If it said anything about a curse, it was probably talking about the kitsune cursing the real Roderico & him finally being able to rest, not the mc being cursed by them. All the kitsune did was answer their question & erase their memories. Sakiko also didn’t make the same offer as Roderico.

In the 4th, mc did absorb the smoke from the shujenga & they choke on it.

In the 5th when Sakiko kissed them, it seemed like the smoke from HER was going into the mc & they say that it was just like all the other demons they killed & how their smoke entered them in the same way. I assume she only felt Roderico because he was probably the only one she knew personally (she seemed to like him, maybe they had some “relations”?), she had never met Shatao but knew he existed (I don’t remember if she even knew his name or not), probably didn’t know Kiyoshi or the new demon we see, & she mentions the 1st demon in a side story, but she didn’t like her so probably didn’t care to be around her if she could help it.

I don’t think the mc is immune to mind-control, I think Sakiko’s brand of it just doesn’t work because she needs to kiss people to do it & makes her vulnerable to whatever causes the smoke to be sucked up in them. The 2nd & MAYBE the 1st demons that had some form of mind-control powers worked (or COULD work) because their methods were different. The 1st demon relied on how much you wanted something & choosing any of her offers would put you under her influence. The 2nd, they were pretty much under his spell until having wine poured on them & being told they are being “baptized” & “reborn” made them remember Ume-Ume. It was the memory itself reminding them of the truth, not being “baptized” by her. If it was just that, they wouldn’t have been fooled in the 1st place & would never be able to succumb to the 1st demon. And in the 2nd book, they were also being affected by the kitsune’s magic & slowly went back to their usual self & they don’t really question it as much as you’d think they should.