RPG maker with no violence/magic

Hiya I am aiming to make a Christian based RPG that is focused on story maybe including quests and character development rather than the usual battle based type and if there is a battle based type, one which includes prayer etc rather than magic. I would really like versatility so I can make something from scratch but as I mentioned I dont know coding! =(

If anyone knows of something please let me know! ^^


Well first you need to choose 1) what version of rpg maker to use and 2) learn how to code in ruby. I know you dislike coding but…you will most likely have to learn some at least.

Hate to break it to you but choicescript is about as easy as it gets for story based RPGs.

I’ve heard of people using one the RPG maker programs. Apparently you don’t need to know coding but I’ve never used them Franchise - RPG Maker. There’s also this one https://naninovel.com/ Neither are particularly cheap to buy, don’t get upset with me if they’re not great. As I said never used them.

You could go with something like bitsy which requires very little coding for a basic game and is free, but will mean you need to make simple sprites and the like. You’re probably not going to get the kind of game you want from it easily though.

Edit: I forgot about inklewriter. Probably going to struggle to get what you’re looking for out of this engine as well, but if you wanted to drop the battles or make them very simplified it may do the job for you. inklewriter

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