Rise of the Gladiator (WIP)

This thread is starting to get a little bit jacked don’t you think

Lol, @Generikb, so many posts! :smiley:

anyway, I would like both a historicaly accurate and a purely fantasy based game if it’s done well otherwise (plot, characters, balance etc.). It’s up to @ImmortalOutis0079 to decide which way he goes. Of course making two games would be best. :stuck_out_tongue: :smile:

And since Rome was an empire that conquered all nearby nations, I think it wouldn’t be inappropriate to include things from the greek or celtic, egyptian or other mythologies into the game.

Ohh you misunderstood I said it was Greek in origin not roman that doesn’t meen Rome didn’t have werewolves but that’s also historically accurate as well seeing as the myth of lycaon Is Greek in a sense werewolves are inherently Greek not roman but that doesn’t meen there couldn’t be werewolves in Rome

How out getting some perks by praying to a certain god like if you ares you get a berserk mode where you attacking power increase greatly but your defense decrease greatly or by choosing ares you change your name to kratos and just go on a killing spree

Mr. Reaper Ares Is the Greek god of war Mars is the one of whom your thinking kind sir

And no one wants to be to be a charecter from the god of war series plus that’s a copy writes name so you can’t use it without paying a fine and that’s not what the games about didn’t you read the other comments

Although the praying part is a good idea it depends on where Mr. Immortal takes it

I thought everyone was taking about greek gods because of all the mythical beast and I know that he can’t use kratos I was just making a joke about just going on killing spree because the god of war favours you or any fight loving god. But yeah it would be cool to have a god lend perks for praying to them and maybe if they like you enough give you a tiny percent of their godly power if you are in a dire situation. Also sorry if sounding rude

No not rude but brilliant and it’s okay we haven’t been too specific (he says sarcastically) but didn’t you play the demo

Oh by the way Rome had plenty of mythical beasts just some of their names changed when they became roman that is

Yeah I did and liked it alot just wished we got a little taste of gladiatorial combat like winning you first fight however you chose your fighting style then after beating the opponent look up at whoever does the thumbs up or down thing then decided to follow or disobey which sets off how people will see and threat you the guy/girl who follows orders so they can survive for another day or the defiant fighter that will one day make the arena burn as they escape to freedom. You know what I mean.

Yeah that’s actually a great idea and he did say gladiatorial relationships were important

Ohh and bye the way the emperor wasn’t at every game usually at the smaller arenas it was either the local slave seller the arena owner or some one who represented the emperor in that town or city who gave the thumbs up or down and in most cases it was the crowd that judges your fate if it comes down to it but still the crowd had a really big part in one on one fights between gladiators for example if it came to the emperor saving your life and he hated you if the crowd loved you and I mean loved you he would let you live to stay in favor with his own citizens so even if you lost you could live but for gladiators the crowd was their savior and the arena their fiery crucible if you would so mr. Immortal other than the gladiator and fighting the crowd mechanics should have a lot a lot of work put into it. Also this only applies In the case of a non death match battle

Hey mister immortal I have some good ideas for your game okay really good ideas

Ohh by the way if you you add praetorian guards as a competitor you would have to wait until the mc is a really high level because they were the most elite soldiers in the whole roman empire but they never actually fought as gladiators seeing as the were the emperor’s bodyguard but if you do add them in they have to be a later fight because if they did fight in your game it would be to the death

Or the it has too be a team battle or the mc has to be very lucky

Generic, just so you know, you can edit posts to put stuff inside them rather than making new posts ^.^

I’m really looking forward to the demo for this. Can’t wait :slight_smile:

@Derpy I know I just wanted to make apoint because it was important

Is this thread dead or something

Yes Generikb with your constant posting(please just edit) and this thread made 5 days ago with tc mentioning demo be made in oct/nov its totally dead -_-