More li’l things.
Is it WAD that I can take Bourgeoisie, then Former Slave, and get both relevant bonuses when Former Slave locks me out of Peasant and Itinerant bonuses? (I didn’t realize Black Power was quite so literal )
Trying to “connect with the military” in Ch. 4 does nothing and just leaves me doing research.
I fired the guns on a British fleet off Egypt, and got:
line 7007: Can’t fairAdd to non-percentile value: 110
I get the feeling that my exceptional military abilities broke something
So, I refuse promotion, and get this:
Brûlé shrugs. “I’ll… put the word through, then,” he says.
When they hear of it, most of the soldiers will appreciate what you’ve done. This grandstanding certainly won’t endear you to the higher ranking officers, however.
So, how will you approach this?
Approach what? I go straight into the fight-against-the-Federalists choice, except somehow I’m commanding the war on Lyon as a Soldat.
(After Lyon, I’m promoted to Caporal, and then go straight to General de Brigade of the Army of Italy, because prior ranks don’t count for crap. I’m intentionally exploring a corner case, as you can see.)
Playing a political game now…
The table likes your plan. No one dissents, and your proposal is immediately adopted without incident.
The plan is a huge success. You outmaneuver the republicans, showing they’re not so strong as had been believed. Your group then sees a huge influx of cash and new members.
I’ve had enough of this group. I want to meet with and potentially join the republicans, instead.
Oh, well. I’ll keep working at things here.
Why am I getting reactions like this after a successful anarchist attack on the Republicans?
“I wish to speak freely, Monsieur,” you say.
Brûlé hesitates. “Speak,” he says.
You lay out your argument: how his plan will harden opposition among the towns and cities, turn the greater population of the region against the central government in Paris, and create a whole new cadre of opposition from previously neutral citizens here.
Brûlé listens to your words, looking out at the last wisps of fog hugging the edge of the forest, dissipating as they are licked by the rays of morning sunlight. He sighs. “You’re right, Renárd,” he says eventually.
And he calls the whole regiment together to regroup and move to a more defensible position.
“Ha!” Brûlé’s eyes are wild, looking around at the others gathered with you. “Anyone else want to weigh in?”
There is no one else here with you.
“Good,” he says. “You have your orders. Now carry them out.”
What now?
Wait. Didn’t I just talk Brûlé down? Then,
You hear some rumblings of complaint within Command over what happened to Général Brûlé, but it doesn’t seem to amount to anything in the end.
So, I have a bit of a complicated situation regarding the National Convention, which I just couped. I was allied with the monarchist rebellion, but the sans-culottes also got involved - I think because I’d raised an SC revolution in Lyon.
First, is that a bug?
Second, if not (or if there’s another way to get sans-culottes and royalists on the same team - that’s the definition of a Clusterfuck Coalition)…
The foreign officers and victorious returning émigrés are clearly incensed by this decision.
The foreign officers and victorious returning émigrés have had enough of your schemes. They eject you from the planning process.
You’ve been shut out.
How can the royalists shut me out if I have the support of the sans-culottes?
And afterward, apparently my army fights in Italy and is then an independent force that I can attack Paris with. But I don’t get another shot at the Constitution…
When talking politics with my faction leader, apparently it’s repeatable.
Though there are few disagreements among ideological lines, many republicans have taken to sniping and personal attacks, and the problem has grown to epidemic level. A few have attempted to mediate, but things are starting to grow heated. It’s threatening to tear the group apart.
They have the right idea. I’ll push the position in meetings and committees to make it popular and accepted within the wider group.
How can the latter be an option when the Republicans have an ideological consensus?