[RELEASING 3rd O(R)CTOBER 2024- WISHLIST NOW!] An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words]

Thanks Eiwynn, will give it a try.


I have not been putting spaces in previously and it all seemed to be fine. What are the differences in the way Choisce Script understands these?


The error should now be fixed.

As far as I am aware it was an issue of formatting the percentile values. Since your stats were high, the bonus included in your choice broke the 100 barrier. This shouldn’t have been an issue and just left your stat at 99 or 1000, except for the fact that I formatted the value incorrectly (without a space.)

I have updated ALL game scenes (thank Krog for the find-and-replace-tool)

Thanks for helping me smooth it all out, Nexus.


Good morning! First of all, I must say that I am absolutely fascinated with An Unexpectedly Green Journey - awesome title, by the way, very accurate - and look forward to playing and replaying it more.
Second of all, I am terribly sorry to give you the news, but it seems that the error pointed out by Nexus still remains.
Captura de tela 2023-07-15 114839


Hi Susigan,

Thanks so much for being a great orc to get this far!

Can I confirm that you are not using any devtools to adjust values?

I will comment out the value for that item. Please could you check if it reoccurs?


Just to confirm, had you, just before, made the elves your subjects?

Because I found a stray value which wasn’t set as a percentage. Now it is!
Bless you for directing me to the right path, haha.


I am terribly sorry to inform that my save, for reasons unknown to me, loaded to another decision, the one in which I decide with the orc nation will follow a path of war, cultural development or diplomacy, and, after choosing the the second option, the same error happened once again.

I was not using any devtools and, indeed, I had previously made the elves my subjects.

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Just re-uploaded the scene with a special modifier for saves affected by the previous error. Should be okay now.

Since the error occurred in the forest scebe, before the emperor’s meeting, the error will persist. I have added a modifier which should set your presence to 98 if the error brought it above 100.


Unfortunately, the error still happens after I choose the culture path. I have also tried the diplomacy and the war path and the result is the same.

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The error persists, sadly. I know it is likely unrelated, but I found it odd that the save date shows “15/06” instead of “15/07”, despite the fact that my last save was today, from a few minutes before my first report.

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I am not sure how the DashingDon saves work. The error could lie there- although I don’t know how. The only real control I have over those saves is setting how many slots are available. It seems to load you at the top of the scene, which starts with choosing your kingdom’s path. I have added modifiers to skip the initial section if you have already selected your path.

It might take a little while for the re-uploaded scenes to take effect.

Also, it may require starting before the elf forest again. This way, you will not acquire the error in the first place. Trying to think it through, it could be because I mixed a non-percentile into a percentage stat, the error might be ‘baked in’ so to speak and appear no matter what I try to do after it occurred during a playthrough.

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This. The servers on both DD and Moody can take several hours to update. So, don’t go bonkers until 48 hours or so has passed if you upload a file.


Thank you!

My head nearly popped!

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Ooohhh, I see, I was not aware of that. No problem, I can replay it without problem, it is quite enjoyable, after all! I shall return some days later, or before, if I have good news. Thank you for the help!


Anyone know how we can recruit the wolves?

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Hi Velvet,

To recruit the wolves, you must, when a mere orc baby, crawl to the edge of the tribelands, when you get the chance. You will be approached by a furry, yapping maw- a wolf cub. If you pet it, rather than punch it on the nose, you’ll befriend it and get to name it.

Not only will this wolf personally aid you in times of need, but it’s future offspring will too.

Many years later, if you rise to be the chief, you can enlist the pack of wolves to fight in your army.


I love that. Thank you for the info!

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I’m glad you have identified the error, and I apologize for not mentioning earlier that I made the elves my subjects, which might have triggered the error to appear. Additionally, I created a new save and reduced the “presence” stat to prevent the error from occurring again.

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Yay, finally got a chance to run through some different variations of the new content.

Some questions:

I know it probably isn’t because it’s possibly a little too power wish fulfillment but on the barracks path during childhood is there any possibility of beating Grancor if you challenge him? I’d love to get that satisfaction if you solely focus on one stat for your entire childhood to get it to as high as it’s possible to go at that point and choose the right option and actually surprise him with how strong you are, but I fully get why you would choose for that to be impossible at that stage.

Are the dark powers that you can pledge yourself to separate from the Cyclops (Cyclopses? Cyclopi? Cyclopodes?) They feel like they should be on the same side but there is the time in the mine where the dark powers tell the cyclops to back off, and even if you WANT to help the cyclops in the elven forest he tries to take over your mind and you HAVE to try and fight off his influence.

Speaking of the dark powers, this was my first playthrough as a corrupted orc and I have to say, I think I like it as much as being Krog blessed! The corruption scenes are super well written, and far more extensive than I thought they’d be. I can’t wait to see how we get a chance to scour the lands barren in the future.

Would it be possible to have an option for a very orc focused playthrough to have Ser Snorc and his retinue (obviously only if you help him in the tourney) replace the human knights you get if you free the human prisoner? My very proud orc who wants to return the world to the good old days of a green tide washing across the face of the continent doesn’t want any help from disgusting humies, but it would still be nice to be able to get some heavy cavalry to help against Morgorc.

A couple more typos below.

Corrupted git run

*Extra full stop

*Extra space and capital needed


*series of strikes
*Paragraph break needed

I think there might be an issue with the Nookie fight in the barracks path. Even though my strength is 40 and my appetite is 15 in this fight section:

The strength option was a failure for me, but the second option (which I am assuming is an appetite option) was a success.


*Space needed

*Space needed

*Could just be a word I don’t know but is this meant to be jerkin?


I don’t know how doable it is, but I’d love it if you have a high level of presence (or possibly a dual Cunning/Presence check) that the MC moves all the orcs into formation, maybe getting some praise from Grancor in the process?

*Capital needed

*Missing word “the”

*Comma should be outside the quotation mark


*Full stop and (I think) a paragraph break




You can, in fact, go back to the guild. This loops the quest again and provided you keep choosing to wear the amulet, you can do this infinitely.


*who remain in the area

*Picture not loading


Hi Lance,

As always, great job! Many thanks. Will upload the corrected scene in a bit.

I think I’ll keep the Grancor fight as a loss, for now. I really want the player to feel that they are just a kid (albeit an orc one). If a kid beat Grancor, then he’d probably be for the chop and the repercussions would be immense! None of the little gits would respect him after that. He might even feel he has to kill you to save face. Also, I think coming from relative weakness and developing to be a tough grown orc will resonate more. Haha, I understand though that experienced orcs like you would want to beat him.

For the cyclopes (yeah, I had trouble thinking about singular and plural- One accepted version is cyclops singular, cyclopes plural, though cyclopi/cycloipia sounds cooler) they have their own plans. They respect the strength of will but recognise that a demon is not to be trifled with. They see all others as something to be dominated and accept only near-mindless tools, or drones, rather than free-thinking allies. The Powers of Below and Beyond ideally want to possess remarkable individuals, through who they can influence the world and tilt it towards chaos and destruction, rather than control it. The cyclopes may have a role to play in the demonic schemes but are not really allies of the darker powers. They are their own version of evil. Sort of, ultimate authoritarian control and order versus blood-soaked anarchy.

Ser Snorc does indeed have a retinue of knights ready to join you. This becomes available after the halfling conquest if you accept his fealty. I will look into adding him for the Morgorc battle, that could work.

Cheers for helping me out!!!

EDIT: Uploaded the typo-fixed scenes. Their servers have been slower lately so it may take a little while.

EDIT2: The Nookie fight takes into account Strength and Constitution or Strength and Appetite. Nookie is weak but has high stamina. Bulk and strength tire him out. Strength alone needs to be prolonged.

I think you needed to have a Constitution of 45, or above 45 since you were strong enough. I might tinker with this value if it comes off as unbalanced.

-You need either strength or appetite of 35 to use your bulk to beat him. I will make it clearer in the text that you need strength and stamina to wrestle him to defeat.


Very nice story so far. I like how there are so many different paths that our orc mc can choose.

Btw I think it would be cool if we could get the bearded gits to build boomsticks for us if we peacefully subjugate them. Maybe a separate unit? Or give them to the sharpshooter dark elves?

Some more typos and possible bugs

This choice is a little long and misleading because it talks about two different actions. Maybe just change it to “Ride Porclin to the human capital of Grandargard”

Hitting the “Next” button here does nothing and you get blocked at this point. Luckily I had a save earlier so I could reload. If it matters this is after I have retreated my forces from the human flank facing the undead army so the humans get attacked.

*I don’t think this needs to be possessive, or if it does there seems to be a word missing. Also the emperor’s name is spelled wrong.


Is my map supposed to be updating with my conquered territory in green? This is after I have visited the emperor, so I have already slaughtered the elves. I’m not sure at what point it lost it’s nice green hue.

*giving the great finger?


This confuses me a little. This is right after the message is received from the human emperor warning you not to attack the halflings. It makes it sound like you are in an active battle with the forts right then, even though just previously it said you had set up camp just out of range of the forts before your attack. Is it meant to be warning what -could- happen when you attack? Because that’s not what is coming across here.

Capital needed

This is after I have already taken the New Shires.


Is there currently any way to influence minor powers opinion? I’ve never seen it at anything other than 50/50 on any playthrough.

All the other options end in bits of loot except this one.


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