[RELEASING 3rd O(R)CTOBER 2024- WISHLIST NOW!] An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words]

Hi War Artist,

Great idea. I will try and figure it out in a later stage. I imagine you’d have to be on good terms for the dwarves to show you such a thing, or else the orcs might blow themselves up!

I’ll add it to the finishing-off list once the main bulk of the game is completed.

Thanks for playing.


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Bugs squished, typos corrected!

I think the map issue was due to incorporating Greenburg into your realm. I hadn’t updated the world map file to show the new acquisition. I have to make a new image for each map variation so it defaults to the non-green one if it can’t find a Snorc map. (I’m actually concerned that these might make the game files too large but I really like the idea of the map turning green. I might have to make the image sizes smaller, but then the map might go a bit blurry. The only graphic program I know anything about is Aseprite.)

I have just uploaded the new world map file just now so it should be showing in future- unless there’s a combination of lands I missed. Then I will add a new image file.

The minor powers are planned to have more of an effect during the city-building path. Not a large effect, a minor one, if you build a cosmopolitan city. Since the minor powers lack established nations and armies, I have not focused on them for the war chief path, although there is room for that at a later stage. Perhaps they will have a role in the dark chief path… (Given me an idea there!)

There are conditions where you can increase their percentage above 50 at present. A few of the events at the embassy in Grandardgard, while you are still a travelling orc, can gain favour with them. Some of the current options in the, not yet fully developed, city paths gain favour with them too.

Currently, I am focused on seeing through the king paths. This is the largest project I have ever worked on and am worried about getting lost! At present, the files on my end are more than 400k. I know this isn’t that large for choice-script games, but it is epic for me. I am looking forward to the time when the main game is finished then I can relish adding dashes of spice to the less-developed sections.

Cheers for sticking with it!


Dont have any bug reports or suggestions, just wanted to say that i greatly enjoyed playing this. I went into it skeptical and came out loving my orc King.


Thanks, Curly, for your praise. It means a lot. I want to make this game something special, a replayable adventure where it really feels like your choices matter. You can be a brute of an orc but you also get the chance to be something more… human?

I know it is a bit niche, being an orc, but hope players can have fun and convert to the green side!



Hello once again! Terribly sorry for my delay, I got distracted. I played it again yesterday and, as you likely know by now, the error is no more. Thank you very much!


I absolutely love the developments of this wonderful green world of yours and truly hope your day is filled with as much joy as this game gives me! Orcs shall rule the world!


@SusiganDeAlmeida @Chickenboy11

Thanks so much for continuing to support this game. I hope to make all your green dreams come true! Comments like this help immensely, just knowing people enjoy the world I am creating.

Please let me know if you find any problems or have any suggestions and with your help, I can make the best choice based IF game I possibly can.



Hello! I became the Shaman on my first playthrough, but unfortunately there is no content yet, will you be giving us new content on the Shaman path soon?

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@NumberedEntity has previously said that the shaman path is up after the war chief path has been completed. I’m sure it’s possible that’s subject to change, but that’s the info we have right now.


@anon12679161 @HerbertCV

Hi Herbert, thanks for playing.

Just as Lance said, the Shaman-focused route will be developed after I have completed the current king and dark chief paths.

It will involve, among other things, building a holy city around Krog’s Rock.

This is not to say that piety and Krog-focused orcs can’t take advantage of the King path. There are significant events there which cannot be activated unless you are pious to Krog.


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any change of u work on a part where the mc can become a deity? without being a follower of Krog

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I can’t quite remember how the appetite path currently ends, but I could definitely see it being possible to work it into your orc becoming some sort of orcish god of gluttony.


@HerbertCV @anon12679161

Hi Herbert and Lance,

Yes, in the Big Belly path, you become akin to a god if you can survive long enough.

In the game as a whole, you will be able to become a dark god (demon) and also be able to rise to the pantheon of the gods, to join as a new god, if you live a legendary life.

The Krog path is about being a devotee of Krog, rather than becoming a god- though that doesn’t mean you might not become a minor deity under him.

The ‘epic’ endings will generally revolve around your orc becoming a legend transcending history, or indeed, mortality.

Though it doesn’t mean that you have to strive for godhood or live a life of world-changing historical significance.


after finishing this project do u plan to write some new book in the same world you created? like a book where u play with one of the other races?


That’s a great question!

I have, for a long time, wanted to make an in-depth game about the life of an orc. I made a simple game once, like Reigns, where you swipe left or right to make a choice for your orc. Not very deep and very much needed an editor when I released it. That was probably only about 30k words. A fun little game cobbled together using a template for Unity.

Since then, I considered making a version for goblins, halflings, dwarves, elves or humans (although the human version might just be a little too generic here, considering all the wonderful choice script games which have deep fantasy worlds where you already play a human character). Other races/species would be interesting to try in choice script. Those games would have gender choice too, naturally.

I’ve also thought about using my setting, but in different ages, perhaps a steampunk-style age, or even a space-faring age.

I would definitely consider doing one of these. It would depend on how well-liked my first effort is, though. If the demand is there, I would be happy to try and expand the world through different perspectives or ages.

Cheers for giving me food for thought!


Raising a WAAAAAAAGH with the boyz


Haha! A galactic waaaaagh!

Though I would have to be sure not to make it a veiled Warhammer 40k clone.

Since most of the science-fantasy style universes have worlds divided wholly into species (human planets, Klingon planets, ork planets etc.), having the space-faring theme spring from a world of different nations and races, with them bringing their individual histories and understandings into the stars, could have a lot of mileage.


*NOTE: I have just downloaded the update. Sometimes the Dashingdon servers take their time to update new stuff.

UPDATE 4 (25th July 2023): 57k words added, totalling 444k
-Finally take on The Empire for good, either through diplomacy or war, to conquer the whole continent.
- Added a few more achievements.
- Added descriptions of your army in the stats screen, to help players keep track of the new units they’ve acquired.
- From the stats screen, you can now access a separate screen with a map and description of the places and political bodies on the continent, at the time of your birth.

I am nearing the end of the war chief/king path now. This doesn’t mean that things won’t be tinkered with later, but a player will soon be able to play through their orc’s life to one of the ‘epic’ endings.

The next update will focus on the final conflict with the cyclopes and filling in other events, like the Dark Elf rebellion (if you meet the circumstances) and visitors to your throne room. This may take a little while longer than previous updates as I’ll be away for several days.

Pointing out typos, errors and bugs is more than welcome!

Enjoy crushing the puny humies!


Okay, I haven’t even really gotten to any of the new content and I just have to say I love your writing style. I often find humor in Choice games to feel forced and a little cringe, but little things like this just make me smile. The idea that orcs are both too dumb to be allowed access to ranged weapons, while at the same time smart enough to recognize that fact and have the chief come along and take away their toys is very funny.

EDIT: Phew, okay, finally got the chance to conquer the Empire! Great update and very well written. The sacking of the imperial city was great.

That felt very good.

Is one of the things that can gain favour with them giving them loot at the embassy? because I gave them 15K loot and their opinion didn’t change.

Also, am I reading too much into the fact that the cyclopes are being set up to be this big world ending threat but that Krog himself is also always depicted as being a cyclops (not just one eyed, but one eye in the center of his forehead).

Typos and possible bugs

Capital needed

Comma not needed

Also, this is a very interesting tidbit of lore to hide in the political map (about the lack of soil fertility affecting baborc production). I feel this should get more attention at some point. It feels important as a driver for the orcs to conquest.

This may solely be a personal bugbear of mine, but permanence isn’t a sliding scale. Either something last indefinitely or it doesn’t. I would personally use “longevity” here.

Full stop, not comma







I did join the Green Legion, but chose to change back into shaman gear after taking The Mountain, so Nocan is saying the wrong thing here.

I think I’ve possibly brought this one up before. I don’t have a personal boar. I did round up the boars in the north, but it doesn’t mention giving you a personal boar (or naming him Porclin) that I remember and I definitely didn’t do the childhood event where you train your own boar.

Having this skull icon is a little confusing. I’ve come to associate seeing a skull with my orc dying, but here he is just defeated in battle, you still win the war and you don’t die.







I didn’t get a screenshot of it, but if you travel to the imperial capital with the orc bandits first and rob the fighters guild, it would be good if you then take the carriage to the imperial city and say you are looking for adventure the fighters guild people say something about the guild being robbed and not being able to hire anyone at the moment.

Is there a reason for this? I feel like if I reinvigorate the boar riders by gathering up the boars in the north they should come to my side instead.



I have NEVER figured out how to get the goblin’s support. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just a thought that it may either be particularly difficult, or there may be a variable not firing correctly.


Admittedly it would have bankrupted me but I did HAVE 20,000 bits of loot, but Roroc still wouldn’t make the foreign legion for me.


So the foreign legion doesn’t end up costing you anything due to the increase in trade. I would suggest that if you’ve chosen the war path which talks about how no one can enter into the orc lands without getting killed, then you change this as a consequence of choosing a more war focused path, making the legion cost you the original 20000 loot.

Imperial Majesty

Extra quotation marks




Capital needed

Comma, not full stop

Lost my green again. Possibly because of the Roya Road. Made the Emperor relinquish control of it to me.

Missing word “orc”

Three different spellings of the Imperial capital and I’m not sure which, if any, are the right one.

Found a fourth…




At my meeting with the Empire I chose the “Gain control of the royal road and don’t interfere with my dealings with the halflings” which the emperor agreed to. So should I be seeing this? I thought the forts would simply let me past? I haven’t started slaughtering the halflings… yet, so the emperor has no reason to try and stop me given our agreement.

Same here. I chose not to slaughter the halfling settlements, so they didn’t send off messages telling I was slaughtering them, so why is the Empire involving themselves?


I think this is meant to be “exhortations”

presence and cunning

Capital needed

I suppose I could have missed it but I don’t remember anything about being trapped between the forts and the imperial army. I just took the forts pretty quickly.