[RELEASING 3rd O(R)CTOBER 2024- WISHLIST NOW!] An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words]

Hi Zarkrai,

Thanks for spending time being an orc. In this world, orcs are referred to in the masculine, despite being genderless since they are basically grown, not birthed.

The orcs here are, generally, brutal warriors, traits seen as ‘masculine’ to the medieval sensibilities of their fantasy world. With this in mind, they are referred to using masculine pronouns and they use those when addressing each other.

Hope that helps clear it up!

Also, as Lance said, befriending the wolf can have very beneficial consequences.



UPDATE 3 (14th July 2023) 60k words added, totalling 387k
-60k worth of new content on the war chief path.
-Finally meet Emperor Callistus V, of the human realms. (Tip: Be truthful)
-Deal with the New Shires, the halfling lands, through conquest or diplomacy.
-Build a navy after acquiring the harbour in the New Shires and explore mysterious eastern islands.
-Added Battle Reports, recording your victories and defeats in major battles, on the stats screen.
-Added several achievements.
-Any help with typos very much appreciated.


I don’t know if I got some weird bug or if it’s a coding issue but I can’t progress into the king path anymore.

I defeated Morgorc and I got to the part where you can buy slaves if you want, but it won’t let me go past that, it just keeps looping back to buy slaves. I don’t actually want to buy any but I’ve tried not buying and buying slaves and it just keeps going back to the buy slaves option. I think there’s meant to be an option here to continue on that’s missing.

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Hi Lance,

I’ve added extra checks to the code preceding that event.

Could you please tell me if you are a corrupted dark chief or not?
Have you conquered the plains surrounding the Dust Clan, or beaten the local brawlers?

Have you conquered the Mountain?

Have you acquired Krog’s Rock, or destroyed it?

Have you fought and won the battle in the western hills?

Sorry for the questions, this just helps narrow things down.

Also, are you playing from a pred-update save file? If so, this might be the reason.

Nonetheless, I have added extra checks to try and smooth it out, though you may have to go through the Morgorc battle again. Please let me know how it goes.




See answers above. All of the battles you mentioned above were fought prior to becoming chieftain.

Edit: Reloaded and now I have the option to attack Krog’s Rock, even though they were already brought under control of the Dust Clan, but at least I can continue on now.


Great! I didn’t take into account certain actions at Krog’s Rock when checking for conquests.

Fixed now!


Loving the new content, especially the meeting with the Emperor, that was very well done. It’s a bit late for me now, so don’t have time to go through again to see different paths, but love that I was able to get the Empire to start worshipping Krog and I look forward to playing through a few more times to see the different paths.


Aha! So you get the meet the emperor

That particular meeting behind the meeting is also where the Dark Chief’s path diverges- although, at present, you don’t get to do anything but fester in your all-powerful nastiness.

As always, cheers for playing!


It appears that I am unable to access this particular scene unless I am in the war path.

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Dammm I love this game, I have just been upstaging the human emperor in every way possible
conquered most lands through force then showed mercy when done
cured his illness
gotten more titles than him
and finally built the first ever navy


Hi Nexus.

That’s an odd one there. The only modifier on that scene is a true/false check on being a DarkChief.

I have gone through and rewritten a few things and reuploaded it.

Thanks for playing!

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wait how did ya do all that? I just bested him and then conquered lands. I got nothing about navy or his illness.


Haha! Sounds like you have the knack of being an orc! Great playthrough.

I find it interesting how many players prefer the pious-Krog path.

Did you go to the islands?

Cheers for playing!


yup my mc is now the king of both sides of the sea


Nothing has changed. It is still there, even after creating a new save. By the way, I did not play as a 'Dark Chief. I forgot to take a screenshot of the error, but I believe it’s the same error. The error occurs when I choose the “Culture Path,” and I’m fairly certain the same error will also occur in the “Embassy Path,” except in the “War Path.”

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Hi Nexus,

This is frustrating. I have tested it on my end with both the culture and embassy paths and cannot repeat the error.

Could it be an issue with DashingDon?

Because of the fairmath error in your previous screenshot, I have commented out the rewards for that choice (I can easily slip them in somewhere else).

If possible, if you have the time, could you test it again?
Could you tell me what % your Human Opinion and Presence were before the error?

EDIT: I will see if someone in one of the help forums can give me advice and use your previous screenshot (though I have added to the game and the line numbers will be mixed up- :face_with_peeking_eye: )


You have to be honest with your intentions during the croquet match. It helps a little if you let the emperor win, though this is not the deciding factor.

After this, invade the New Shires and subjugate them peacefully, or through conquest. Then you’ll have access to their port town, where you can build a navy.

(Honesty is judged here by how you treated other nations. There are some special modifiers that check if you have committed certain actions and a general check for the opinion other races have about your orc Kingdom.)

If you destroyed their harbour, you’ll have to rebuild it first.

Thanks for playing, Hayden.


Hey from what I’ve seen, this error is due to the fact the stat increase from the decision caused it to go over 100, or in this case to 104. If the stat increase instead went from something like 90 to 95 there would be no error and the scene would be proceed normally.


Thanks Crusader.

The way I understood it, shouldn’t the fair math system take care of these values so they never exceed 100? Have I misunderstood this?
These are the 2 values changed it that choice, if it helps.
*set Human_Opinion %+5
*set presence %+10

@NumberedEntity – try putting a space between %+ and the number … %+ 5 vs %+5.

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