Redemption of the Damned (WIP) [11/4/2018]

You lived with your grandparents ever since you were still a child. You were told that they were killed by wild animals. You were saddened by the news, but you vow to protect your grandparents and prevent them from being harmed.

This doesn’t make any sense to me. I assume the second sentence is about your parents, not grandparents, but there’s no any mention of your parents beforehand.

Clara is one of the few people who welcome you with open hands when you first join the clan.

Should be “welcomed” and “joined” I believe.

Clara hand you a mug and pour you some wine. The noise dies down and everyone stare at you.

Hands and stares.

Everyone roar with joy. You smile and put down your mug on the table.


Time pass by quickly. You eat, drink and sing along with them. You are having a good time.


Lots of missing “s” at the end of verbs. You gotta pay more attention to that.

The story itself is promising, though there’s not enough yet to comment more on that.

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yeah…I know most of my mistakes are on s/es.

The grandparent part is still a placeholder until i can find proper vocabulary to make the paragraph.

Thanks for helping me fix the gammar.

At first I thought I had some font problem or whatever and the “s” were simply not displaying for me, because usually people who have problems with “s” at the end of verbs are simply bad at English altogether. Your sentences on the other hand seemed perfectly fine, so it seemed baffling to me that someone capable of writing so well would have problems with sufixes of verbs, but I guess everyone is different.

I’ll be happy to help with grammar in the future updates, though I’m not a native speaker, so some more specific grammar problems might escape me.

The previous one is closed though? I don’t really know how the threads here work, do what you think will work best for you.

Actually, you can flag this old post so the mods can merge it to your other thread.
Let me do that, actually. (The flagging, not the merging. I’m not a mod "xD)

I already closed the other thread.

Uh… oh. :fearful:
Well, I guess… yea? :sweat_smile:

I’ll leave it to you guys, for the best.
*creeps out to the door

To be honest, I’d prefer the new one to be closed because the one who bookmarked the old one might not see the new post.

ok. I’ll set it up then.

@Niteshade - Everything the way you want it?


I think so lol. Thanks a lot, Eiwynn.


I suggest you take away the genderless option if you’re just going to ask us to pick male or female. Or, at the very least, take out the “helicopter” part since it’s kinda sorta an offensive joke.

When I try to be anything other than a raider or a scout I get an error, and it makes me a scout anyway. The backstories are interesting, I like them.


yeah, sorry bout that. I swear it sound less offensive when it was in my mind. I have updated the game.

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There are lots of grammar errors that I could correct if I put in enough effort, but I’d rather not right now. Maybe later, but more importantly, the date on this thread should be 26/8 not 26/9 :stuck_out_tongue:

Having seen the old WIP, I can appreciate how you tidied things up. It’s pretty short but still fine.
As always, looking forward to seeing your progress with this

Unless he found a time machine and is strollin around through the timelines making fun of his other selves Please can you tell me who my wife would be and will I ever be the President? :grin:am gonna edit back to give grammar errors


The princess have been kidnapped! But the knights are not the ones who will be rescuing her this time! As an ex-criminal, you are tasked to save the princess and bring her back safely to the kingdom in exchange of clearing your name from all the crimes you have committed. But you are not alone, as your old comrades are there to help you for old time sake.


Old time’s sake

You yawn widely and shook your head, trying your best to stay awake. You think about a few months ago, before you join the bandit clan.

I believe it should be better rephrased as
You think back, a few months ago, how you had joined the bandit clan… Or something else

You try to not think about it, but as you grew up so does your curiosity.


They declined when you offered your gold as payment, stating that the Goddess always protect and help those in need and doesn’t ask for any payment.

protects. helps

He nod, but you are pretty sure he doesn’t even listen to your whole story. He grab something from a nearby table and look back at you.





He grin as he offer his hand. You shake it.



He hand you a small clipboard. It looks like a list of jobs.


You look at the list. There are a few job you can do:


As a scout, you are to infiltrate a place and draw out the whole place down from your memory.

How does

Map out the entire place of course it would be from memory so no need to State the obvious :sweat_smile:

“Ah, my favourite.” Clove chuckle.


Clove look at you funny and shrug.


He lift an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.


You rub your eyes and look at her. She stop right beside you, a wide grin on her face.


She insist that you join anyway, because everyone is waiting for you.


Clara smile. She drags you to the gathering room, where everyone is sitting around the large table.


Cute little demo you got there :smile:

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Liking the looks of the game!

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I have fixed the errors. Thanks for helping me edit! If it doesn’t bother you too much, maybe you can help me proofread the future updates? You can message me your response in private.

It says “non existent variable ‘evil’.” While choosing thief.

Thanks for telling me. I fixed the stat variable. It should be okay now.

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