Rainvale - (WIP) Update 15/08

You definitely must have played wolf among us.

Lil mini update! Not a whole lot added, but there is now a non-binary option, and I also have a question for everyone: Would you like to be able to flirt with anyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, or if they’re a RO, or would you only like to flirt with compatible ROs?

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That would be awesome if you can do it most of the games do have it like JimD’s ZombieExodus(series) :grinning:

Flirting is the name of the game regardless of gender, at least if your a hopeless flirt…

It’ll take a little longer to do with the extra coding, but it’ll be super fun to write all the characters’ reactions. Some in particular will be very interesting if you try to flirt with them.


Flirting with everyone would be a fun option even if they never take the MC up on it or even like it. I think people would appreciate having the freedom to be able to do that.


Another update! I’ve finished the detective intro scenes, so I’d really like to know what you think of them.

The ROs introduced so far are Gabriel, Tate, Marina, and Sunshine. Gabriel and Sunshine are available to MCs of any gender, and Tate and Marina are gay. Although, since I’m still changing some things around, what do you think of Sunshine as an RO? I’m reconsidering it, but if you like her, then she can stay as one.

Also, would you like information on the other four ROs now, or wait until they’ve been introduced in the story? And if you’d like to anything else, please ask! I’m really enjoying writing this, and it’s so nice to know that other people are enjoying it too.


How about if you put information about them but blur it? Just a thought :thinking:


I couldn’t really get a feel for Gabriel as Sunshine and Rikuto are the ones that really take the scene. The others at least you get to converse with more (or observe in Tate’s case), so I felt like I got a quick peek at them.

I would not be interested in Sunshine as an option, but I tend to go toward romancing men anyway, so please keep that in mind. Yet even so, her whole smashing heads together seemed a bit extreme and a turn off for me. I just can’t see myself partnering with someone like that, so it would be hard for me to want to romance them. YMMV though. :wink:

If it takes a while to get to the other ROs, then yes, maybe blurring it out like @Vattena suggested would be a good compromise between those who want to know now and those who would prefer to wait to meet them in text.

I actually would like see her as an RO. She has potential, especially if you flesh our the character more. Character arks and all that. She seems like she could have a lot of depth.
So, I’m for it. She seems cool.
Can’t wait to see more from you :blush:.

Gabriel and Rikuto seem like they’re bffs and provide comic relief to the team I’m really surprised about Sunshine smashing heads I was like "Whoa! That bitch is Crazy(with capital C)"I’m not saying she’s bad or anything just that man! what would happen if I piss her off on our date would she smash our head to the table!? (if we’d get a bit more backstory about her violent behavior then she’s badass-est RO ever) Marina seems cool and Tate seems very “interesting”

Grammar Inspector Strikes(again)

His dark brown hair forms a concealing cloud around his head, and when you’ve been stood there for what feels like ages, he raises his head a fraction.

you’ve been standing

Good Luck!

Thanks for all your feedback everyone! I’m still debating with myself over Sunshine, as she’s one of the more… harsher characters, shall we say. Her replacement as RO is a lot nicer, but I think a bit too similar to Marina, and I really want to have some variety. Maybe I can pull a character from somewhere else and insert them into here, that’s what I’ve done with several characters already. I’ll make my mind up after chapter one is finished, because the rest of it involves you spending quite a bit of time with two detectives of your choosing.

Also, something I forgot to mention earlier, the story that this is based off is a lot darker than I intend for this to be, the humour in it is very dark, and there’s mood whiplash all over the place. I’m trying to tone it down for the game, but if anything seems out of place in that regrard, it’s because I’ve accidentally let something slip through.

And here’s a little bit of information regarding the other four ROs:

Ariel Washington, a member of the highly esteemed and influential Washington family, a family of vampires, though he’s still human, despite the fact that it’s tradition for them to be turned as soon as they become eighteen. He’s the detectives’ main source of vampire information, and also good friends with most of them. He’s also Angel’s doppleganger.

Antonia Stevenson, a werewolf, who with her brother Emmett, runs the local charity for helping werewolves, which seems to get vandalised a lot, and as a supernatural related crime, it always falls on the detectives to investigate. She’s more open to humans than some of her kind, though that’s as long as they’re not treating her like a monster.

Leon Leapai. He died a few decades ago, and was then resurrected by a necromancer by accident, and became a ghoul. Then he died again, but he soon get better. And again. And again. And, well, you get the picture. He works for Secret Service for Supernatural Control, and his main hobby is flirting with his boss until he eventually cracks.

Wes Schwartz, a witch, and another agent for the SSSC, working on the same team as Leon. She’s the main diffuser of arguments on the team, often using her powers, so it’s a good thing all her teammates are immortal. She’s also the most “normal”, so usually the one people will go to when they need help.


Hiya everyone! I haven’t written anything more since the last update, and for a bit, I thought I was just losing interest in the whole idea, but now I think that it’s just in this current incarnation. So, I’m going to do basically a complete overhaul of it, mostly to make it very different from Rainvale the story, because both were effecting the other.

While I’m doing this, I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. The amount of characters is going to be slashed, so if there any in particular you’d like to see stick around, let me know. I may just create all new characters, and honestly, I might make an entirely new game. I’ll think about it for a week, I’m busy this weekend, going to a pride parade and to visit my older brother, but after that, I’ll focus more energy into this.


I like it so far, especially your comment about a werewolf RO. Vampires may be cool, but werwolves are my favorite!

What stuck out to me the most, though, was the lack of details on certain characters. For example, we get to know a bit about the expressions and a run-down on the clothes between the two men and Sunshine. But when it gets to her, it just says she’s a little fit and her hair is braided. Compared to what we know of the other two, it feels like she was forgotten. Then when we get to the two women watching cat videos we only know about their hair. Again, compared to the other characters, we get just about nothing.

Well my idea was not to reveal all the information at once, and I’ll admit that I like some characters more than others, and those tend to be the more developed ones I also don’t write female characters much, so that feeds into it as well. I’ll keep your point in mind for when I redo the game.

This demo was kind of short, but it did catch my attention, and I am curious to see where it goes. I’m kind of a little upset that Angel isn’t an RO, but I’m also kind of curious to actually meet Ariel (though honestly I at first thought he was a girl because of his name :sweat_smile: ).


Thanks! I was considering making Angel an RO, as he is my favourite character, but I ship him with another character too much.

Ariel’s another favourite. A lot of my male characters have female/ambiguous names. I have no idea why.

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Yes, I had that same issue. I had to look up Ariel to even see that it had been used as a male name. I thought I had made a mistake. :smile: To be honest, it was kind of off-putting, but I try to not let character names bother me too much.

Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by off-putting?

Where I’m from, I’ve never heard of Ariel being a guy’s name, so I associate it with being female. It was just so unusual for me that it jerked me out of the narrative itself, and I didn’t like that. Sorry. :worried:

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