Hy guys i am planning a game
Bacically society is a mech/science based religion (battle armor advanced weapons ect) waging war aginst a fairly large society of magic uses ,fire,water, light (bending light not creating),darkness (control of shadows) are the abilities so far.
Anyway the church (loginesia/cognia) ?? Good names for the church
Waes war to try to suppess the society they see as heretics.
Mages will be trained in weapons well as magic swords (dual, long sword, knives, throwing knives) they are not antagornict toward the curch only want to live, but church is determined to wipe them out.
Church soldiers will have advanced weapons (no gun as cannot maintain balence of skills then) e.g. Eletrified swords, plasma/heat edges
Also maybe armour suggestions welcome
Idea so far with regards to game is that you will be able to be member of church as part of the warrior preist order or as a war mage in the the “heretic order” you can choose two magical affifanys and two of the weapon choices. Same with the preist exept choose two body enhancements e.g. Strength,intelligence, speed, stealth boosts.
The game will start as you lie badly injured in the middle of a battlefield most are dead around you and you cannot move you dont know who you are, the plan ive got so farcis the game will be a relive of your lifeas you remeber with flashes back to the present e.g at some point you are recovered by either you people amd cared for or by the opposite side and attempted to be convered (if mage) or live as captive (if preist)
Any suggestions wanted with respect to game plan ideas for the story and changes and additons to the idea in general
Will not tale offense to any suggestions want as comprehensive feedback from many different opinions so i can make the best game possible
Thanks guys
Lookingforward to your responsees