Permission Denied

I was having a lot of trouble figuring out some stuff so I sent the file to 2Ton to see if he could fix it. He said that everything was working fine and when he sent it back to me it was. But then when I opened the startup file and edited it, and then I opened the index, I just get the error “Permission Denied”. It doesn’t say why or anything, this is all that comes up (except for the message about email that comes after).

Make sure to “Unblock” the zip file before you extract it. Redownload what you’re trying to open, then Right click>Properties>Unblock.

Posting this for computermouse123 to consolidate threads…

Recently, I posted a thread called Permission Denied because that was the error each time I opened the index. Please read my problem here so that I don’t have to repeat myself. Anyway, I think I found what’s causing the problem; after right clicking on the main folder that contains all the documents, I noticed that the “Read Only” box was filled. So I unchecked it, hit apply, and then okay, and then I closed it down. But when I opened the properties again the box was re-checked. I tryed checking and then unchecking one of the other boxes to see if it worked and it did, so it’s only the read only setting that’s being affected. Can anyone please help me out with this?

@computermouse123 To repeat myself, you’ve got to unblock the zip file from the start. You can (I think) individually unblock files, but that’s prone to everything locking up again. So, redownload the zip, unblock it, then extract.

Okay, here’s a new one:

line 46: increasing indent not allowed, expected 4 was 6

It means on line 46 you’re using 6 spaces instead of 4.

(You may want to use a better text editor, like notepad++ too, if you’re not already. That way you won’t have to count lines.)

I am using Notepad++ so I know which line I should edit. Line 46 is a # choice after a choice (with an indented outcome of the choice in between) so I deleted two of the spaces and am now getting this error:

line 46: It is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.

I know what this means, but each time I try to fix it the indenting error comes up, so I’m kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Copy and paste what you have. Use `

` before the code and `

` after it to keep the indentation.


You walk through the woods with the breeze ruffling you hair. It's night time, although when you look up there aren't any stars to be seen. The night air is comforatble warm and you feel like you could dwell here forever.
You take a big sniff and smell prey scents, making your mouth water at the thought of real food. You feel as if you're on top of the world; you can hear the wind whispering your name. 


  #What name are they whispering?
    *input_text player_name
    #Your name reflects who you are, so I hope you chose well.
      *Move on

#Your name reflects…etc is line 46. This is after I deleted the two spaces I was using for the indent on that line.

You need another *choice on that line

Okay, I think I know what you’re going for. Try this:

You walk through the woods with the breeze ruffling you hair. It's night time, although when you look up there aren't any stars to be seen. The night air is comforatble warm and you feel like you could dwell here forever.

You take a big sniff and smell prey scents, making your mouth water at the thought of real food. You feel as if you're on top of the world; you can hear the wind whispering your name. 

What name are they whispering?
*input_text player_name
Your name reflects who you are, so I hope you chose well.

*input_text is its own command. It does not use *choice.
I also don’t know what the thing was with \*move on

Okay, that’s fixed. But now I have “Line 48: bad label name”

After the next


it looks like

      #Your name reflects who you are, ${player_name}, keep that in mind.
        *goto name

I made a new scene called “name” and put it in the scene navigator.

*goto_scene name

*goto is for labels in the same scene.

More indenting problems:

I’ve come across this error before, the insufficient amount of tabs or spaces on line ___ expected 4 was 6. I went back to the three lines in question and found nothing out of the ordinary with them- all of the lines used spaces instead of tabs and each one had six spaces from the first end of the page. I can’t find anything wrong with it, but maybe someone else can?

If you switched from Notepad++ to normal editing it does that you have to reindent it idk how to explain it but there is an invisible error line get rid of it I just move whatever I want and put it a space down

I’m still using Notepad++, and I’ve noticed that after the fourth space a line literally comes up and just goes down and down and down and then this happens after the next four spaces. Considering it’s “invisible” I have no idea where it is.

I dont know how to explain it Ill probably confuse you even more but I have that problem sometimes to thats why I just normally do it without notepad

Could I send you the file again?

Yah sure