Hey all! This is my first every attempt at writing a Choicescript game or really anything in general. There seems to be a real lack of sports games here on the forum so I’d figure I’ll give it a shot.
Quick note: I call it soccer, but in the game you have the choice between soccer and football. The most important choice of the game.
My game, Penalty Kick (Working Title) is going to be about your career spanning many years. I want the game to be in the soccer universe but not focused around you having to make 50 choices for every single game. Your character will go through many stages in his career and have tons of big choices to make, both on the pitch and off.
These choices will affect your legacy. The legacy system is my idea and hopefully it will provide replayability by allowing for many different combinations of endings. There will be 5 different types of legacies your player can change depending on their choices. And, at the end of the game, depending on the level of each of these legacies, there will be tons of combinations between these five legacies. I hope this makes sense because as I’m typing it, it seems confusing. But it makes perfect sense in my head.
Throughout your career you’ll encounter signing your first contract, hazing, drug offers, the chance to win championships and make the hall of fame, deaths, and perhaps even romance along the way.
The demo is currently only 5,000 words, but I’ve worked on it for only one day. I’ve got most of the story mapped out but I would love to hear everybody’s suggestions.
Before I post the demo link, I first wanted to say that I’m not a writer. I really don’t believe that I’m a great writer. But I enjoy it so…what the hell, I’ll give this a shot. With that said, I take constructive criticism extremely well so I’d love to get as much of it as possible. Whether it’s grammar, plot events, or character developments, I want to hear all of your thoughts and suggestions.
To play the demo, go here: https://dashingdon.com/play/pulsedk/test---soccer-game/mygame/
Hopefully that link works at least. I look forward to your comments!