Outsiders (WIP with demo) (edited on 25/08/19)

Do you have to join a faction or can you solo it.

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Awesome demo

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@Terrell_Williams, oops, forgot to code that part. I had so many versions of the project things like this probably slipped through. Thanks for catching that, I’ll fix it soon.

@Arcane_warrior, for now, you have to. Original plan was to have four joinable companies, and a rebel path, but it would have been too much work. Maybe I’ll change my mind once the fighting path will have been done.

@Michael_Millan thank you! The demo was written a long time ago, hope the strange flashback/present combination didn’t bother you. Hope you’ll still like it!


I got in reading your story to me going be fun read


what got you to make outsiders

I hope this gets continued i liked whats already there.


@Snowpanther – when you are ready, just let us know to reopen the thread.