Otome Games

Haha yeah. First time’s rough. Getting insight in particular was bad for me x/

@Zanite There’s a topic especially for Seven Kingdoms now thanks to alliebee so I think if you have any specific questions there’d be a good spot for it.


Thanks for the heads up!

No problem! x) anytime

How did you find that out?

And I concur about the Blind Griffin. It’s just a gorgeous game

About Lisle being gay? Just do his route (be good, be friendly to both him and Penelope) and choose him for the pre-matchmaker date. He’ll tell you. (Also I think you need to invite Penelope to the boat race and then win it w/ her.)

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OOh, also, “Queen at Arms”, the first version, got released!

I’ve been waiting for this game and I’m soo excited to play it. It’s kinda otome-ish but is also deals with gender identity and such, so not strictly otome?

Here’s a quick description:

“As a young girl, Marcus Cordale was rescued from a violent political coup and taken away from the country of her birth. To protect her identity, she was raised as a boy. When she comes of age, she joins the army of Orthera, in search of her elder brother. But when war breaks out, the Ortheran army is thrown into turmoil, and the young recruit is catapulted through the ranks. Can she step up to lead, and wage a battle against the kingdom she called home?”

There’s romance and a lot of cool stuff. Tons of choices and complex themes and gah, I really love it. ;o;

Here’s a link to the itchio page for more info and demo links as well as the purchasable links;


Any their official website:


The delux addition isn’t out yet, but I think you can upgrade later on? Don’t quote me on that!


Thanks for linking to that! I played the demo awhile back and wondered when this was coming out :slight_smile:

Uuuuh. Thanks for reminding me about Queen at arms, I’d almost forgotten. Demo was so awesome, that I had to get it.

Sorry to comment on a dead thread but it is better than starting a new one right?

Anyway, I recently played a game called Our Personal Space, I really really love it.

I’ll uh copy and paste the description of the game: Newlyweds Jack and Kelly have come to colonize the Earth-like planet of Talaam, along with two hundred other brave pioneers. They thought their love would be strong enough to hold them together no matter how difficult the circumstances.

But love on its own can’t regrow failed crops, repair broken equipment, or dig cellars. Love doesn’t make one immune from wild creatures, diseases, or depression. Their choices will decide their fate…

I don’t really think the description does the game justice, just go play it. :wink: :wink: http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=30470


Hanako Games is the way to go for safe Otomes imo.

Yo-Jin-Bo (The bodyguards) is excellent, I played it and it was a hoot, there’s a lot of modern culture mocking going on in there, including references to Beauty and the Beast and various other Disney stuff, which I thought was quite unusual for that type of game. Basically there’s a lot of breaking the fourth wall done in this one, but only ever for comedy.

There’s a website that lists all the English otomes (either, official releases or fan translated), and actually marks down if they’re 18+ or all ages. I can’t remember if it is against the forum rules to post links though, so just for safety’s sake I’ll not post it for now.

I just wanted to say that Moacube’s Solstice is out now, and also on Steam. It’s an absolutely gorgeous game, with a very diverse cast, a beautiful setting, and an interesting plot.

I’ve an awful lot to say about the game but SPOILERS. :slight_smile: I really enjoyed it, there’s a lot of endings, and a romance for each of the main characters.

Cinders is also still worth a look but I’m sure I’ve spoken about that above.


For those who may like it, C-14 is out by Winter Wolves Games as well.



While I really enjoy a lot of art from Winterwolves, I often find myself yelling at their games- Loren is a rip off battle wise of Dragon Age, to classes and even special attacks, while Chambara is practically a replica of Morrigan- witchy snarky shapeshifter woman with dark hair in a bun and flashing skin who lives in a bog and always knows better…


C14 was nice, but I didn’t enjoy the representation of Hendrik as he’s an asexual, but Melissa still pressures him to have sex in the good ending . Like… :persevere: Argh!

And they tried to be more inclusive of MC racially, but she is still incredibly white-washed in most CG.

Heileen wise…she’s just incredibly immature. I can’t stand the character. (And the heileen 3 theme song makes me sad)

HUSTLE CAT: Hasn’t been mentioned yet so…it’s awesome! You are a person, of any which gender inclination, and can choose one of 6 appearances, basically of two varying builds and hair lengths, then of three varying skin tones, and it’s adorable. No spoilers but there are cute boys and girls, a funny MC, and lots and lots of cats. And spoilers here, lots of magic. :slight_smile:

AMNESIA MEMORIES: …Does this count? It’s not made with renpy, which means no using the ctrl key, which freaks me out, and MC is very…generic, but the changing stories are good and really creative, I think. Only hetero romance, but the boys are very cute. :slight_smile:

CHRISTMAS SWEATERS: Simply brilliant because its so real- short, sweet, no cg, free- should be on lemmasoft. Basically you’re a restaurant owner and its a snow day (night) and you need to stop that cute guy from freezing outside.

BACKSTAGE PASS: Really like this one, as it has an okay representation of the media- a positive one more than negative, but thats okay. A kind of bland MC, but not as bland as most, and some really good romances. I’d romance Nicole too, but her voice gets on my nerves. ^^;

BREAK CHANCE MOMENTO: VERY UNIQUE. There is only one romance- and it’s completely optional, and on its own path. If you don’t choose that path, you can’t get romance, and then you can see other paths without that romance. You play a young man who is a bit of a…ehem, well, he sleeps about, and has personal issues, and a very strong personality, but things go down when- his brother is killed and a man from the future gives him the ability to save his brother. A game more about family than romance, which is a nice change of pace, with good art, and detailed characters. Funny moments too, concerning how at other times its wringing heartstrings.

OUR PERSONAL SPACE: Think its already been covered, but its one of my favorites, so much replayability, and its free on lemmasoft.

ROYAL TRAP/ BLIND GRIFFIN: Both already covered, but brilliant.

RISTORANTE AMORE: Awesome- and it takes you on a bit of a spin. Something good to think about- its free, so give it a shot. Think they also did BCM.

LUCKY RABBIT REFLEX: Been covered, but I love it particularly because MC is not overly pretty, and has a strong personality, while its also a break from the stereotypical American or Japanese focus.



COMING OUT ON TOP: Wow. Just…wow. It’s awesome. All Yaoi fangirls/boys will hail it, all men who like other men will gasp and drool and giggle like school kids- this game is the pinnacle of renpy male gay stories. You’re hot, you choose hairiness, and the relationships are real and VERY sexy. Worth it if you’re into it.

CUTE DEMON CRASHERS: If you’re new to games with any sexiness in them, give this one a bash. It is highly graphic, but it is a game about comfort- things are supposed to be fun, not scary. I think it was released as a demo for last years nanoreno, but they continued working on it. Full game released late last year. It’s brilliant, it’s cute, romance both male and female, but don’t go asking for a full plot- it’s about the sexy-times. Still, its sooooo adorable. Something for everyone (um, in terms of your preferences, don’t go showing great aunt Bertha :smiley: ).

LOVE AND ROMANCE: A STORY OF INTIMACY: Basically very similar to the aforementioned, made for this years nanoreno by Michaela Laws. Not as free in choices as CDC, simply because you only have one option, but what I do prefer in this is that your character has a far more established relationship with your romance partner. Hetero, cgs (not as involved as CDC), but very cute.

THE SEDUCE ME SERIES: Spoken about already, but not at much length. Seduce Me 1 can be seen on their itch.io page, lemmasoft, or steam, and, when I first played it, I wasn’t really into it, because I feel it built up way too fast and felt a little fanfiction-y in the sense where its ‘Cute cute cute SEXY TIMES EVIL WOMAN STEAL YO MAN cute SEXY TIMES’. But you can kinda romance the evil woman, so it’s okay . I feel it redeemed itself when you play the Seduce Me 2 demo, as I replayed it after the demo, and I realized then that the first game had voice acting. Oops. The voice acting covers a multitude of sins- its brilliant. I don’t like Sam and Damiens new character designs in SM2, but I love James’. The full game is being released at the end of the month, hopefully, so I’m looking forward to it. Also by Michaela Laws.


ALONERS: Oh man, spoken about already, but it’s my favorite otome game. It’s just…sooooo gooood and so original and -gushes-. Yeah. It’s pretty awesome. AND ITS FREE GO PLAY IT!

NACHTIGAL: Not so sexy but that one cg with both…you know what I’m talking about. But yeah, free, nice story line, original character, pretty good. :slight_smile:

And that’s all I’ve got, sorry for the double post!


Aloners is probably the most depressing otome game I’ve ever played.

Frozen essence is on renpy. The arts not the best, but the story and multiple routes and endings and a secret romancible character makes this one of my favorite games.

Red Spider: Vengeance and Red Spider2 (the prologue) by Studio Wasp are really long with interesting characters and a complex story. It does have mature themes of abuse because it’s about a Chinese mafia assassin web ,but nothing gets too sad. Its on the Apple app store, Google play, and PC, but you need Adobe air.

Kisses and curses is a ticket style mobile otome game. It’s not very good, but if you’re board it can waste some time. The MC is explicitly bi, but she’s also very thirsty and it’ll take a long time to replenish stamina and gain affinity for a few Minutes of play.

A very splendid otome game is very short, but cute and fun.

Hatoful Boyfriend lets you date pigeons and is the best as long as you don’t play bad boys love . It’s not free, but it’s worth it.

Jurassic heart is a short free online dinosaur dating game. Hasn’t everyone wanted to date a dinosaur?

The knife of the traitor is a good free downloadable game. You get to be a zombie! I like it for the bird’s . But, it has mature suicide themes.

Romance is dead is another downloadable zombie themed game.

Other age is a free online game, but some of the minipuzzles are too hard for me to beat.

Skights is a cute free online episodic game, but the MCs’ personalities are weak. But, the art is so cute.

Diving in the deep is short free and has cute mermen. It’s renpy.

Serifina’s saga is ok, but you can’t date the adopted dad so it’s not that good.

Matches and Matrimony: A pride and prejudice tail is comercial, but it’s good of you like pride and prejudice.

That’s all I can think of so far.


Oh, lord Solstice is SO good. Seconded, thirded, fourthed. I still haven’t found all the different endings, and have been playing this game for a month.

I’ve had this game on my radar for awhile… Do you think you could give it a rating? I want it but I’m struggling to commit lol.




It is good- the art is brilliant, the choices are finally concise, but the story sometimes feels a bit rushed, and there are a LOT of things that could have happened, but didn’t.

Replayability wise isn’t that great once you’ve gotten all the endings, and some scenarios can be a bit ambiguous- like, what happens to everyone else when you have an ending with one specific character- no-one experiences growth if you don’t romance them, in fact, quite strongly, as seemingly very little friendship is cultivated between characters until the final scene.

Stereotypes are broken in some cases, but then that plus is lost by stereotypes being solidified in other scenarios- the awkward poetry nerd being the cringiest in my opinion. (And they talk it up too- he moans about iambic pentameter, but doesn’t even incorporate it into his poems)

That being said, the game greatly redeems itself by its main character- firstly through your choice on gender- he/she/they, and physical appearance, taking into account different skin tones too. MC also has a strong personality, but still doesn’t alienate the audience- which is awesome- simply because the personality caters to the buyer- it’s a cat cafe otome. You gotta like cats, you probably have some mild hobo attributes somewhere. ^^

The game strictly follows its own lore, characters are detailed within their paths, and character paths aren’t awkwardly and horrendously complicated like they can be in some games.

I don’t like how it isn’t in renpy, because you have to click or space-bar your way through the first chapter when going to the other paths.

And there’s this glitch that deletes your saves and pictures and crashes the game sometimes, but I know how to get around it if you want help.

It IS a very good game, but I do think it a little over-priced.

So…yeah 7.5/10.

Me being bias, because I am rather critical, but the art, the MC, and the cats make up for it. :slight_smile:


I loved Solstice so much, and most of the characters.

I’ve not got all the endings either. I think there’s a couple of achievements I’m missing too. The limited saved games is frustrating for me and makes it a bit trickier. I did play it repeatedly though when I first downloaded it.

OH! And thanks for reminding me about Hustle Cat. I had it bookmarked as a should buy probably thing. :slight_smile:

@Mim Thanks so much for that review.

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That should keep you busy XD

Oh wow, this review was so much more than I had hoped for!

Hmmm, your review has given me a lot to think about. Character growth is very important to me, but I can sacrifice some things as long as the routes are good? Also uh, hmm… I’ll avoid the poetry nerd if I play it. That sort of stuff makes me cringe :persevere:

I think I might get it when I get paid and have some time off. I love cats…

Oh, also, I saw you played Amnesia: Memories, and I was wondering… DID YOU GET LOCKED IN THE CAGE?? He locked me… in a cage… I was so shocked. I thought he was going to be my fave-- he wasn’t a dick, he wasn’t dramatic, he wasn’t selfish. But I was wrong. So wrong.

I lived and breathed Solstice for a week after it came out. I’d preordered it a year before and I was SO READY. The characters, the story, the art, the world building, thelaksdjf. I’m so sad that the company didn’t received the response they wanted. They really deserve for their games to be more well known, though I suppose it is a niche genre…

It’s good they’re on Steam now! That should help sales. I haven’t looked at the developer’s twitter in awhile, I should check up on him.