Hello everyone!
I’ve found myself on the incoming urge to switch the operative system of my PC before starting a new endeavor in my life (cause fu windox11 and beyond), and with it, it came all the hassle of trying to find alternative applications to the ones I’m used to and taking advantage as of now that could do everything I do now, and maybe more, but on Linux.
A little of rambling
From windows, I use:
- notepad++ (to write choicescript and take notes about anything)
- simplemind (to make mind maps of the plot and branches as the game is created)
Regarding notepad++, I kind of made it work with the wine/bottles emulator, but I’m not that happy with it knowing that it could be a hassle to make it stable, update it, and whatnot.
I prefer a native application, and although there are some similar ones out there like notepad-qq, I couldn’t find a text editor in which I could easily make a new syntax highlighter for the choicescript language without having to learn to code it from scratch (which I don’t know how to do so it needs to be easier like Notepad++). Until I found that someone else had done it already.
The software that I’ll be replacing notepad++ will be VS Code
In which our friend here @Sargent has already created a syntax highlighting for choicescript, and some other testing tools you can add to the program effortlessly, so the notepad++ thing is pretty much all sorted out.
Now for what I’ve truly come here.
simplemind for me, is one of those apps that you can find similar ones all around the internet but all come with one or more caveats: a limited trial, paywall, lacking of functionality, compatibility, etc.
What simplemind allowed me to do was to double click, create a node from the selected parent, move it around freely to anywhere in the canvas (stupidly important for me), change the color, and pretty much that’s all I use from it, all of that with a simple dark mode that doesn’t burn my retinas.
Btw, this is what it looks like one of the chapters I made in simplemind.
Now, it seems easy, but I haven’t found a single free software that could create nodes you can reorient freely as you would like to. The free Linux compatible apps freemind, freeplane and a bunch of others, as far as I could see there’s no way to move the nodes at will.
Now I’ve found a free software that isn’t exactly made to create mindmaps, but it can do all that, and a lot more.
It is more of a second-brain, note taking, do it all, utility app, you can tune for whatever way your workflow needs. It uses markdown language, which is the same one we use here on the forum to make bold **bold**
, italic *italic*
, bullet lists, and much much more.
The software I’m talking about, and I didn’t find any mention of it here on the forum, is Obsidian
I think many of us would benefit from the feature rich potential of this app given the intrincate tangled mess of our stories, such as one of its community addons named “excalidraw”, in which you can create mindmaps:
Checklists to track whatever you like just writing - [ ]
You can create links that take you to another text file using [[ ]]
like in the image, if you click the [[chapter_2]]
, even if that file doesn’t exist, it’ll create one and take you there
I’m barely scratching the surface of all the functions it has, as I just recently discovered this tool and didn’t put my hands on it too much yet.
Another of the benefits is that, if you don’t go too far on the addons, everything is stored locally in plain text files, so your information is yours, and you don’t need to have the app to access everything you created inside it. The app also offers a proprietary pay sync method, but you can use dropbox or drive to store and access all your vault from different pcs.
Well that’s enough to get you started, you can take a look at it if you think it’s worth it.
If you happen to know another free app that could replace simplemind to create mindmaps and move the nodes freely with a dark theme available for Linux please let me know! Meanwhile, feel free to comment on what you think about Obsidian. Did you know it already? Does it seem useful? I’ll read you below.