Opposed Pairs Question

I’m wondering how to make the opposed pairs stat show the percentage as it changes throughout the game a little differently than what I’m seeing.

The first choice of the game will add to 3 of 6 stats, but it won’t take away from the other 3. Is there a way to have the opposed pairs only count toward the 3 added stat points? Say, you choose warm and comfortable, which adds to “family”, “codependent”, and “carefree”. What I want is for those 3 stats to be at 100%, and the opposing stats to be 0%. Then, as it changes through the game, to reflect the same type of percentages.

I have literally just begun using CS, so I’m still figuring out pretty much everything, so I’m sorry if this is a super n00b question.

This is my setup

#Clean, sterile, and well organized.
*set perfectionist +10
*set independent +10
*set self +5
Everything is in its place, right down to the pens and pencils in your desktop
organizer. Books are arranged on your bookshelf by type, then author’s last
name. All of the shiny, metal surfaces of your furniture are so clean that
you can literally see yourself in them. Nothing hangs on the walls but a calendar.
*Page_Break Next

#Warm, inviting, and homey.
*set codependent +10
*set family +10
*set carefree +5
There is plenty of cozy seating, complete with extra throw pillows, for
visitors who drop by. Your furniture is made of wood, well crafted and
sturdy, but also worn around the edges. The room is tidy, but close
inspection might reveal some dust bunnies you may have missed. There are
photos of friends and family placed here and there throughout.
*Page_Break Next

#Open and modern.
*set independent +10
*set self +10
*set perfectionist +5
Each room is connected by a large, open archway, giving the space a feeling
of fluidity and spaciousness. Your furniture is sleek and streamlined,
in hues of black, white, and lipstick red. Abstract art adorns the subway
tile walls. All of your belongings are neat and organized.
*Page_Break Next

#Messy and chaotic.
*set carefree +10
*set codependent +5
*set family +5
There is no rhyme or reason to your belongings and decorations. There are piles
of papers on all of the flat surfaces, and piles of clothes littering the floor.
A few old coffee mugs hang on the edges of tables and desks. Random art, posters,
and pictures of your favorite people hang on the walls, some of which are a bit
off kilter.
*Page_Break Next


Hm. Well have you been using the opposed_pair in the *stat_chart?
If you have it should show one as more than the other, like so:

This is the code for it:

You should also look at the wiki here for help on stats.

Do you mean you want something like the “Outgoing/Shy” bar in @Xionide’s post to start with? And as the game progresses you can add to your “Shy” stat and take off the “Outgoing”?

For that, you set the variable for that opposed pair to be at 100, and instead of choices adding to the stat, have them subtract from the variable instead.

I’m assuming one of your opposed pairs is Codependent-independent.

So you would have one variable to represent that pair. So
*create dependency 100 (or whatever name you go with)

Instead of having
*set independent + 10
in your first choice, you would have
*set dependency - 10

And in your second choice, you would simply delete the line

*set codependent + 10

On the stat chart you would use the code that was provided above.

     opposed_pair dependency

Ah, what did I wrote?

Anyway, let’s deconstruct your code. (you can block a chunk of texts and click the </> button at the comment toolbar to do :point_down:)

  #Clean, sterile, and well organized.
    *set perfectionist +10
    *set independent +10
    *set self +5
    Everything is in its place, right down to the pens and pencils in your desktop
    organizer. Books are arranged on your bookshelf by type, then author's last
    name. All of the shiny, metal surfaces of your furniture are so clean that
    you can literally see yourself in them. Nothing hangs on the walls but a calendar.
    *Page_Break Next

  #Warm, inviting, and homey.
    *set codependent +10
    *set family +10
    *set carefree +5	
    There is plenty of cozy seating, complete with extra throw pillows, for
    visitors who drop by. Your furniture is made of wood, well crafted and
    sturdy, but also worn around the edges. The room is tidy, but close
    inspection might reveal some dust bunnies you may have missed. There are
    photos of friends and family placed here and there throughout.
    *Page_Break Next

  #Open and modern.
    *set independent +10
    *set self +10
    *set perfectionist +5
    Each room is connected by a large, open archway, giving the space a feeling
    of fluidity and spaciousness. Your furniture is sleek and streamlined,
    in hues of black, white, and lipstick red. Abstract art adorns the subway
    tile walls. All of your belongings are neat and organized.
    *Page_Break Next

  #Messy and chaotic.
    *set carefree +10
    *set codependent +5
    *set family +5
    There is no rhyme or reason to your belongings and decorations. There are piles 
    of papers on all of the flat surfaces, and piles of clothes littering the floor.
    A few old coffee mugs hang on the edges of tables and desks. Random art, posters,
    and pictures of your favorite people hang on the walls, some of which are a bit 
    off kilter.
    *Page_Break Next

Well, from my understanding, you have these variables:
and Family, right?

With Perfectionist x Carefree; Indep x Codep; Self x Family, right?

Well… frankly speaking, you get it wrong. You don’t need 6 variables. In fact, you only need 3 variables.
A variable each for an opposed pair.

This is exactly what I needed to know, thank you!

@Szaal, thanks, I see that now!

I appreciate the help, everyone.