Here’s my stats
Yep, I’m still looking for stats. I’ll remove the request from the ending page (or more likely edit the request to something else) once I’m done collecting them.
Being haunted by you know not what for something you can’t quite remember certainly suits all the mortal Harbingers in the story.
Interesting demo, I overall liked it with one big “but”: the on-the-rails segments with greyed out choices that the game sometimes machineguned at me. Those weren’t that fun to leaf through.
Thanks for the stats! Regarding the grayed out options, those are triggered by the MC’s previous actions and choices. If there are a lot of grayed out options in a choice, then that means something in-universe has gone terribly wrong with the MC in that playthrough.
If several choices are cropping up as mostly grayed out, then that sounds like your MC is possessed.
here’s my stats
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 1
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -1 ag2: -2 ag3: -5 ag4: -2
bg1: -2 bg2: 1 bg3: 2 bg4: 5
cg1: 4 cg2: -1 cg3: -1 cg4: -2
dg1: 1 dg2: -4 dg3: 0 dg4: -1
Timebubble Name: time bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Stats for stat balancing (also this is probably one of my top 3 WIP games right now - it’s so interesting and well written!!):
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 2
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -1 ag2: 6 ag3: -4 ag4: -999
bg1: -1002 bg2: -2 bg3: 12 bg4: 12
cg1: 1 cg2: 1001 cg3: -8 cg4: -4
dg1: -1 dg2: -2 dg3: 1004 dg4: -5
Timebubble Name: time bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
My stats :3
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: False
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Complete
Arthur Quest: 3
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -5 ag2: -4 ag3: 6 ag4: 3
bg1: 4 bg2: 13 bg3: 0 bg4: -3
cg1: 2 cg2: -7 cg3: 1 cg4: -4
dg1: -7 dg2: -1 dg3: -1 dg4: 3
Timebubble Name: warp bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: False
Courtyard Path: Lancelot Ver.
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 2
Lancelot Duel: 3
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -2 ag2: -5 ag3: -7 ag4: -1985
bg1: -1990 bg2: 7 bg3: 16 bg4: -6
cg1: -1 cg2: 2005 cg3: -23 cg4: -7
dg1: -8 dg2: 7 dg3: 2007 dg4: 18
Timebubble Name: time bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 2
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -5 ag2: 11 ag3: 0 ag4: 3
bg1: -3 bg2: 2 bg3: 13 bg4: 6
cg1: -6 cg2: 2 cg3: -7 cg4: -5
dg1: -8 dg2: 0 dg3: 4 dg4: -4
Timebubble Name: time bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
I’ll replay it a couple of times and update this post later
Run 1:
Lucid Dreamer: True
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: Dindrane Ver.
Stable Path: False
Arthur Quest: 0
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: True
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: -3 ag2: -4 ag3: 2 ag4: -998
bg1: -1001 bg2: 2 bg3: 5 bg4: -2
cg1: 1 cg2: 998 cg3: -8 cg4: 3
dg1: 6 dg2: -2 dg3: 1001 dg4: 1
Timebubble Name: pocket dimension
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Run 2:
Lucid Dreamer: True
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 2
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: Arthur
ag1: 0 ag2: -2 ag3: -6 ag4: 3
bg1: 11 bg2: 8 bg3: -2 bg4: 4
cg1: 12 cg2: -3 cg3: -6 cg4: -4
dg1: 4 dg2: -4 dg3: 15 dg4: -6
Timebubble Name: time-lock
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Accidentally saved over 2 other saves also in the bar, one next page button says “MC?”, idk if thats meant to say so
I won’t lie the title is what made me want to try this game out that… but also because I love King Arthur games as I grew up watching the show Merlin and I long to have a game with that kind of feel to it and so far this game it giving me it.
But on a very sad note my dreams of being a Fairy Princess were ruined… how could you give me that kind of hope only to take it back?!
Omg, when I thought it couldn’t get worse the pet really… that’s just damn right cruel.
Yes because my hoodie regularly snags on my tongue piercing… also can we have a pick all option as it’s kind of annoying to have to pick every scar, piercing or tattoo if I want all of what’s on one of those lists?
End Game Info
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: False
Courtyard Path: Dinadan/Melora Ver.
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 2
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
ag1: 3 ag2: 7 ag3: -4 ag4: 4
bg1: -3 bg2: 5 bg3: 7 bg4: 5
cg1: -2 cg2: -3 cg3: -6 cg4: -3
dg1: -6 dg2: 2 dg3: -1 dg4: -3
Timebubble Name: time bubble
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
Thanks for all the stats, everyone! Unlike with Chapter 1, I’m not seeing any horrible bugs indicated with these stats so far.
Here’s a quick preview from Part 1 of the Fencing Club route. Part 1 has been fully written, but at 87,000+ words (~14,000 lines), it’s going to take awhile to bug test/edit/polish. I thought I could get through 2000 lines of code per day, but yeah… that’s not happening.
Now I wonder if I can pull that off as a fourth wall break. Yeah, that’s a bug. It’s been fixed in my version of the game but won’t be fixed in the public version until the next big update.
Obviously your MC needs to stop sticking their tongue out when changing clothes. Otherwise, if you choose the inhuman Changeling secret, the Fairy Princess dream lives on! And it would’ve been a whole lot more traumatizing/darker if the pet had actually still been alive when Hell breached reality into the MC’s apartment.
I should be able to add a ‘choose all’ option to the scars & piercings (didn’t really think to bother since going by people’s previously posted stats, people generally weren’t using them that much), but it won’t be possible with tattoos since those require also choosing the subject matter of the tattoo.
Think I found a bug that seems a bit complicated to describe. I’m no code-diver or anything so I’ll just try to explain. Basically during the Camelot dream sequence, if you go to stables to talk with Arthur and then go to the training grounds to fight Lancelot and after that want to return to the stables, the game sends me to a placeholder “Fencing meeting here”, then “Book club meeting here” and finally sends me back to the scene when you head back to Adrian’s apartment (can’t uplad the picture here unfortunately >_<) while the stats remain as if the dream continues. This doesn’t happen if you go to Merlin instead.
Not sure if this was previously noticed or reported, if you need any more info that could help with it let me know.
Hmm… you should’ve gotten booted out of the dream after the spar with Lancelot (since the dream only had 2 time slots available, for that playthrough, timeslot 1 = talking to Arthur, timeslot 2 = dueling Lancelot). Did this just happen? I know when I updated the gosub file everyone who was currently playing a gosub scene got some pretty strange bugs, but that update was quite awhile now.
Otherwise, what was the last decision you made before you tried going back to the stables the second time and the game started bugging out? How did the spar with Lancelot end? And did you talk to Bedivere after the spar?
It did happen in the last hour, yes. I got to the last part of the spar where you lose if you’re not a lucid dreamer and then talked with Bedivere.
Last choice before was “Tis peaceful enough nowadays for two knights to travel without trouble, is it not?” while talking with Bedivere. Then after chosing "I retrace the steps of a certain suspicious stable boy into the nearby barn., the passage
" The stable situated within the inner courtyard is far smaller than the ones found in the outer bailey which are full of horses for the garrison, for the pulling of stock carts, for the sending of messengers. The scant few equines found herein are meant for the use of the royal family alone.
And the steed that the High King rides into battle and to formal functions shan’t be found here. Who would ever expect to keep a fae unicorn in so lowly a place as a mere barn."
Pops up and the next chapter button takes me to what I described previosly. Also if I pick the Merlin option it lets me have that whole conversation with him, so like a bonus time slot then? Honestly I have no idea how I triggered that but maybe I’ll just restart from the beginning and see if it happens again tomorrow. If it’s any help this is what I got after I picked Merlin over Arthur again and finished the dream:
Lucid Dreamer: False
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 1
Lancelot Duel: 3
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: False
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: None
Edit: Perhaps the cause is the fact that it was a continuation of an older save file? Sorry for being such a bother with this, wanted to share just in case.
Okay, I think I have the bug fixed and pushed through a hotfix for Chapter 2 (the dream sequence). And hopefully I didn’t introduce any new bugs like with my last hotfix.
It looks like time wasn’t incrementing properly when the player took the stables → courtyard path. So with the new hotfix it should hopefully be booting you out of the dream and giving you the “edge between sleeping and waking” scene instead.
Thanks for the heads up! That was a pretty big bug there.
Lucid Dreamer: True
Castle Path: True
Courtyard Path: False
Stable Path: Partial
Arthur Quest: 1
Lancelot Duel: 0
Fae Fight: False
Met Modern Arthur: True
Arthur Promise: False
Arthur Suspects: False
Arthur Flirt: None
▇▇▇▇▇: False
Camelot Oddities: Arthur
ag1: -4 ag2: 2 ag3: -3 ag4: 7
bg1: 8 bg2: 4 bg3: 15 bg4: 7
cg1: -8 cg2: -7 cg3: -11 cg4: 1
dg1: 1 dg2: -2 dg3: -7 dg4: -3
Timebubble Name: phase shift
Restarted from Beginning?: Yes
i think of all the times i’ve replayed, (going on like 5 maybe 6? chunky demo + fun spin on Arthurian got me hook line sinker), i might like the secret crush on Adrian best atm. and until otherwise proven im taking my obsessive about lore mc only has as much merch as she does bc its the easiest thing to buy and gift her for holidays + bday like a “oh! its the thing mc wont shut up about, next bday gift for her”. she has rent to pay you know. i do love how acknowledging the inner narration is about it being kinda cringe. cringe but free.
Also i’m feeling like unless Merlin does some magic shenanigans, a news reporter or cop mc in particular is going to having some issues with being (possibly) kidnapped by some white haired weirdo who does interpretive dance and their clubmate.
Thanks for the stats + comment! Feel free to send my way whoever it was that bought your MC the $2000 Excalibur prop replica.
Regarding the ending where Merlin & Adrian kidnap the stubborn MC… they actually got away scot-free because the entire apartment complex burns down if the MC doesn’t help protect Merlin casting their ward. So there’s no one left who saw anything and everyone else will be assuming that MC is buried in the wreckage with all the other casualties (not turned into a duck and kidnapped by some sketchy mage and a stalker friend).
Merlin: ( ✿ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈) ꕤ* ゚ Silver linings
Wait, turned into a duck?
I may have to play stubborn…
Stubborn MC is my favorite because of the duck transformation LOL
10/10 would attack Merlin again