Oh yeah, I'm back too, I guess

Joining the line of ‘Hey folks, I’m back’ posts.

I’m back as well.

I’m older, debatably wiser, undoubtedly more tired, but nevertheless working on games.

For those that know me and miss my old stuff, fret not:

Curious Cuisine is being ported to Twine (which will also allow for a visual cooking minigame) and getting a bit of a rewrite. No new demo up yet, but the Dev Blog is HERE

The Ballad of Devil’s Creek is also alive and kicking and going well on twine. It rather recently had an update, bringing in Ch7 and some bonus content. You can find the Dev Blog HERE

And in addition to those games I have two games cooking in Choicescript.

A rewrite of ‘Beggar’s Luck’, a fantasy pirate adventure (BLOG) , and ‘Ashenmaw’ a dragon fantasy romp (THREAD and BLOG)

Not much else too add, but let’s see what the community is up to these days.



Welcome back, lovely! Happy Holidays to us! :heart:

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Welcome back

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thank you all <3


Welcome back :+1:

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Welcome back

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Welcome back!

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