I downloaded a fresh copy and I am able to open up the index from the zip file no problem. When I extract it to the desktop I get a script error and the game continues to try and load. Thought it might be a bad copy so downloaded agian with the same results. The third time I downloaded and tried to just copy and paste to my desktop. The problem presists, can open fine within the zip file but once moved it cause a problem. Any ideas on how to fix this, or am I doing something really wrong. Thanks
I haven’t had to do this in a while, but from what I gather you downloaded the zip file, unzipped but you’re not able to move the dan file to anywhere else on your computer?
One moment. I’m going to dl one and have a look.
Okay so it works okay for me. This is what I did.
Step 1. Go to the website that contains the choicescript file to download <<<— Click here.
Step 2.Click on the download zip button.
Step 3. When the window pops up asking what to do with the actions, select save file then click ok.
Step 4. Locate downloaded file, highlight, then right click to bring up the menu.
Step 5. Select extract all. That should bring up a screen asking where do you want the files to be extracted to. Click on browse, then select desktop. Click ok.
Step 6. File should be extracted now to your desktop. When opening the index file make sure that it’s opening with firefox and not defaulting to explorer or something like that. If it’s not, highlight index file, right click, then select open with… then select firefox.
I hope you’re able to get it to work now. ^^^^---- I just did it before to check. It should work. Good luck
Maybe a day or so before I can try it, but lol I just remembered chrome will not work with this off line. I have been using the IDE that @CJW is building for so long I forgot some of the basics. Will download Firefox and should take care of my problem. Thanks for looking into this and jogging my memory.
No worries. Glad to help. I figured if you’ve gotten it downloaded and all correctly then it might not be opened with firefox.