New Heart's Choice Game! "All World Pro Wrestling" by David Monster & Jim Dattilo

THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Yeah, romance is very much a focal point of the game, but you can kinda ditch whoever you pick in the early stages. Good feedback, though. In the sequel, I’ll make sure you can play without any “romantic entanglements”. But, you can chose not to have sexual encounters. THANKS.


Wow, thank you so much! Such amazing words. You’re making my heart soar!


Nice! Yeah, I get the same reaction from straight guy friends. They think gay wrestling is hysterical. I based Mandrew off one of my straight male friends. And, I will definitely include metric measurements in the future. Thanks for the advice!


YES, thank you so much! We really appreciate it!


I imagined Rory with brown hair, but I guess that wouldn’t make him a “golden boy,” would it? :joy:


WOW, THANKS! This is a great review. I really appreciate it, and the feedback. Is there one npc’s name you can give me that you earned relationship points and disappeared? I’ll look into it, and see what’s going on. Also, thanks for the bug report. We will also look into that.


Sorry I think I need to clarify a bit. While I think some people would like it if you could go through without romance in general, I was more talking about just having a bit more time to settle into the story or atleast kind of choose to put off being interested for just a bit since for the character I was in the process of making (in my mind atleast) had dreamed of making it there and being champion and basically showing why hes such a purist and best in the world at his craft lol and romance would just come naturally but really be included and not just feel like an afterthought. I didnt know I would be jumping right into it from the start lol

Thats all on me and my expectations before going in and from the demo though, not on your writing! People are loving the game it looks like and rightfully so it seems.

Also that last poster made me chuckle since it looks like Bobby Roode a bit lol


my thoughts on the gay wrestling game is that it is very gay and very wrestling, also there is a character called mandrew, which is like andrew but with man in it, 10/10


You’re welcome! Any praise is all entirely deserved!

The NPC I’m talking about specifically is Chris Enos, but it’s not that anything “disappears,” exactly, as much as it is that we can spend a lot of effort buttering him up (or earning his enmity) but then…nothing else really happens, as far as I can tell? It also seems weird that there’s a rivalry sideplot with him and your formal trainer Dyer, but you don’t actually affect it despite the many hints that it’s something super important that everyone is concerned about.

The situation is similar with a lot of the other senior trainees. At the end of the game I’m sitting at 85% relationship score with Clint, which is even higher than the 83% I have with Bravon who I’m actually dating at this point lol, but I’ve got no more content with him than with anyone else. Max Gunn of all people appears on the relationship list, and as far as I can tell there’s zero content with him at all! That’s what I meant when I mentioned the relationship score system; unless I’m playing the game completely wrong (which isn’t out of the question of course lol), none of it seems to end up mattering at all for anyone outside the core rookie trainees.

The most glaring example though is probably Jeffry, an antagonistic character who gets TONS of focus tossed at him during the introductory chapter, is very conspicuously shipped off to another super secret organization very quickly, and then…disappears for chapters on end until a two-page cameo near the end and then is gone again. I can’t join this organization as far as I can tell (and believe me I tried lol!) and no one else ever says anything about it. I would say it feels squarely like sequel bait, except it also almost feels like content that was intended for THIS game but simply never ended up being finished.


Wow, gay wrestlers eh? :grin: Anyway, Congratulations to both of you! Keep inspiring us - the newbies. I will check this out as well…kudos!


This may be very early to state but here is a spoiler about Chris Enos if you dare to read. All of the relationship modifiers and interactions with him are a slow burn leading up to his role in the sequel. We were going to put him into the first game but it just didn’t fit.

Some relationship scores and stats in this game or any game are there to show you how you’re doing with someone or performing in general. They are measures but don’t necessarily have an impact at that time. Although I would refer to my spoiler above for impact they may have in the future.

So this is a bit different. David wanted to show that not everyone gets into training. It’s kind of a mini twist at the beginning. Players of these games expect that a character who gets a lot of screen time must be important, but we wanted to show that not all characters will make it in the end (or even at the start).

Of course it’s possible we tried something and it didn’t work.

Correct, you cannot join them. You can get a special ending where you get invited to a match for the Sex League.

In this case, I don’t believe he actually will be part of the sequel.

It definitely seems that way, but in the first draft of the story on which the game was written, Jeffry leaves training in chapter 1. It’s only after some beta testers asked for some follow-up that we decided to add in the interlude with him at the championship matches.

I certainly continue to learn a lot with every game I write or help to develop. Every character has an impact and it’s really hard to do them all justice.

This is really great feedback @BrianWilly


@DavidMonster @JimD Any possibility of having a polyamorous relationship with Rory and Bravon in a sequel?


I didn’t notice the sizes until after I sent my initial comment :rofl:, but you did really well and the descriptions are pretty accurate, I havnt finished reading it yet but I recently read the cockfight and I was in stitches laughing at it. I feel so sorry for who ever gets Adam’s ten and a half inch monster :rofl::rofl::ok_hand: but you did extremely well


I’m gonna throw my thoughts in here once I’m through exploring paths in this game, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anyone can help me metagame a little bit. :slight_smile: I just got a contract for the first time after like five playthroughs, but I didn’t think I was playing much differently than some of my others—so I’m wondering what the conditions are for being offered the contract?

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I don’t know the exact specifications without replaying, but I know you need a high power rank, high staff relationship, and low cocky score


I have a big cocky score and I have it. maybe is a bug however,


Does anyone know the full list of which guys we can get with?

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Oh my god oh my god oh my god, there might be a sequel. I’m gonna be broke buying all these games.


Hm, I’ll explore it! I may have had a higher staff relationship this time around. My cocky score wasn’t particularly low though; it was about 50/50 with cocky slightly taking the lead. Thanks for the tips!


I know for sure you can have sexual encounters with Rory, Bravon, Stan, Mandrew, Marcos, Clint, Dyer Anderson, Marky and Vinny O, Hide, Adam, Reeves, and Jeffry.

Update: there’s also sexual content with Cage and Joey Chase if you do their private matches.

As far as routes go, I’m pretty sure it’s limited to the rookies Rory, Bravon, Stan, Mandrew, and Marcos.