New Beginnings : Medieval Era

Thank you. I feel rather terrible about delaying it again, I really feel a need to prove myself after coming back after awhile. But nothing can change the fact currently that despite making steady progress It needs a bit more time. You are right, I need to stop chaining myself into a date and just work till it is ready. ^^

I have been really stubborn about working on the world lore, glossary and characters as I really want to get my foundation straight before I dig into writing the story any further. ^^


And it will be worth it :blush: I am sure! Good things take time and you will be better of because you don’t have to edit so much later on :wink:

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That is exactly what I was thinking. The way I see it, if I fully iron this hefty framework stuff out now, I can release chapter content quicker in the future. As I won’t have to waste even more time creating lore that doesn’t yet exist, as it will already exist if that makes sense. ^^

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Can you somehow kill an immortal ?

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Yes, that will be possible. But it wouldn’t be an easy feat.

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Now I understand the purpose of the cheat

For anyone curious, this is the map artist I have chosen to go with. I think their style will fit the game.


Looks as if it’s going to be really cool can’t wait

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Hello all, just officially finished terms with the seller.This is the map I submitted to him to draw in his style for the game. I’m hoping it turns out just as well as his above image. (I bought the premium option)

I’ll try and keep everyone posted. Still on the hunt for a game cover image artist.


Is the world map in the game will literally be Pangea or just the inspiration for it?

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It was the main inspiration for it. I liked the Idea of it generally being a combined landmass which reminded me of Pangea. I then added the small islands around it and added some names I thought fit.

What I sent above, is what the world map will be. (The artist will make it look much better and with mountain markings and such I’m sure.)

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Looking forward to conquering the whole continent then, if possible.

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That is generally part of the idea. That you will find allies and work together to go from your small island of Fernweh to reclaiming the whole map and taking down the Elder authority.

(Part of the reason I didn’t make most of the land mass more detailed, as I have an idea in my head where as you reclaim you can rename the reclaimed areas, and make the world into what you want it to be, and want to call it.)


What forms of magic are there? Because im thinking of a demonic or undead army.

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I intend to include as many forms of magic as possible. Necromancy has in fact made the list.


It’s better than I imagined.


Closed at the request of the author.