Model Citizens: Unmasked (WIP - Update March 11, 2022)

If all else fails, we can be lonely together… or just go back to Divorcee Club and eat our feelings with the goodies Eileen’s provided.

Great, a pit and a well? Maybe it is all connected and we’ll find The City down there…


Misery loves company, so, the more the merrier. :stuck_out_tongue:

I found it while I was tunneling. There was a creepy little girl inhabiting it, but I’ve… evicted her.


Same here. It’d be a big mental toll for sure.

I had this class… I want to say that it was in sophomore year of high school, and it was called Justice. Most of the class was studying psychology/morality, but we had these hypothetical situations that the teacher would ask and then a lot of us would answer and debate our answers.

One was, “Say you were a conductor of a train and found that the brakes aren’t working, you see five people working on the tracks ahead of you, unable to sense that you are coming, there is also a side road, but on that side road there is another person working, also unable to sense that you are coming. Would you turn?”

Then it evolved from there, ex. Say that one person working alone was the person you cared most about, would you turn?

Say you were going too fast and turning would result in the death of your passengers, would you turn?

Say you were a bystander, and you could push someone into the way of the train- effectively stopping it from killing the five workers but killing the one person- would you push them?

And so on.

I actually use these hypotheticals a lot when flushing out a character, helps me get to know their own morality better. (ex. from the first one I know that Jacob would turn because it saves more lives, and Ricky wouldn’t because turning would mean he was making a conscious- legally trackable- action to kill a life, meanwhile Eileen would probably have a breakdown and end up not turning because she just wouldn’t be able to make that kind of decision in time.)

Hey, I mean, those were all my thoughts before I actually started writing Icarus Sun, so you’re not alone!

I guess it’s kinda like Occam’s Razor- the simplest, most effective thing is often just that- the simplest.

Haha, well, you’ll get to see what happens as time goes on…[quote=“freelance, post:139, topic:22922”]
Ah, now that explains it. In that case, I hope I can keep my impulsive shopping habits to a minimum… :sweat_smile:

Aha! Well, as long as you haven’t already spent half your money on the clothes in the beginning you’ll probably be fine.

Or just try and get a raise.

I imagine I go the bathroom to do just the same and see you curled up there crying.

“You too, huh?”

Ha! Well, there’s certainly plenty of options to explore, aren’t there…?

I’ll send it Kharon for you when they’re finished. Express mail.

Very, very good points! And probably what I’ll do.

I mean, I already know there’s gonna be a couple of times when the reporter can put their charms to use to get info out of villains and heroes alike (some with some rather funny reactions from the interviewee), so maybe one of those’ll click well? We’ll see.

Haha, yeaaaah, not the smartest idea when the MC is married to one of Nickelport’s most powerful supervillains.

True, true, very true. Tiramisu is worth it all.

I know it’s such a weird, outlandish idea that everyone no one would ever think that that’s the reason, huh? :wink:

Huh, so like anti-villain type, kinda?

Whenever I hear tall, dark, and handsome I remember this one cartoon from my childhood and it’s all I remember from that episode but I watched it when I was young and it’s just those three words in a cartoon character’s voice echoing whenever I read them and then it goes back to normal…

I have no idea why.


I know this isn’t exactly a funny reaction, but I can imagine MC having a dance-with-death moment when they’re trying to interview a villain. Whether MC lives or dies would depend on how well they dance with the villain and ask questions at the same time.

All of the unwanted attention and potential stalkers a charming MC could attract. How is MC supposed to get any work done when they’re constantly being kidnapped and heroes are trying to save them from every little thing? :laughing:

If it isn’t too spoilery, what are the exes’ powers?

I think I’ve developed an obsession for tiramisu, at least it won’t be the first food I’ve been obsessed with.

Shh, it’s a secret, don’t tell anyone.

Yeah. As much as I like characters like the Joker, I sorta empathize with their reasons (not much) for being villains, but they aren’t what I would call strong reasons.

I suppose you wouldn’t happen to remember the name of the cartoon? :sweat_smile:

Edit: I need sleep.

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Ok, so I went over these hypotheticals and all the different variables in my head for the majority of my shower. Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Apparently, modern trains still have whistles, so I’d pull it and see what happens.

  2. If we’re assuming that the 5 rail workers can’t sense the train coming because they are blind and/or deaf, I’d try cutting off the fuel supply somehow. Hopefully, at least one of them is just blind, so they’d be able to help their friends off the tracks.

  3. Say, for some reason, that doesn’t work. I take the turn and pull the whistle to signal the solo rail worker out of the way.

  4. Turns out that doesn’t work because this rail worker is deaf and/or blind too! Apparently, the Annual Disabled Rail Workers United Convention was in town! So, I climb onto the front of the train and try to pull them onto the train with me or push them out of the way.

I’d probably just do the same things as before, except I wouldn’t bother pulling the whistle, since I’d already know them to be deaf.

Alternatively, I could tell anyone else in the cab (front train car) to go into the car behind, then I’d cut the link connecting the cab to the rest of the train, take the turn, then try to force the cab off the tracks, probably killing me, before it hits the person on the tracks. If that doesn’t work, then I’d try to pull them onto the train with me, or push them out of the way.

Again, I’d force everyone but me out of the cab and into the car behind us, cut the link, then turn. If turning doesn’t manage to kill me, then I’d try what I mentioned before: whistle first, veering off the tracks second, pulling them onto the train or pushing them out of the way last.

Of course not, I’d jump onto the tracks. Better me than someone else.

(But even though I do really believe that it’s better I die than someone else in such a situation, I’m secretly afraid that, if it ever came down to self-sacrifice, I’d freeze. I know that fear of death is such a common thing and I shouldn’t feel bad, but I would feel like such a coward if I tried to sacrifice myself for someone else but ultimately couldn’t do it…) :sweat:

That’s a great exercise, can’t believe I haven’t thought of that before! Btw, Ricky’s answer sounds like a lot of bullshit because he’s actively making a decision to not make a decision. Like, he’s responsible either way? He’d be in more legal trouble, being responsible for 5 deaths, in contrast to being responsible for 1. Honestly, at first I thought my answer would’ve been a lot closer to Eileen’s, because I certainly empathize with that. But not making a choice, ultimately, does nothing to solve the situation. So, being passive would result in feeling even more guilt than if I’d actively made a choice, because I could have done something and saved lives, but didn’t.

Maybe, if I actually write a choicescript game, we could start a CoG/HG Writer’s Anonymous support group, meeting sometime after Divorcee Club finishes up.

You mean things could actually turn out how I hope? What an idea… :smiley:

Oh, well, in that case, it’ll be a lot easier, now that neither of us are on our own. :slight_smile:

Might as well take my spot in the trash pile and wait for… whatever it is you have planned? I live here now. (It’s a neighborhood within Pozzo Rinascimentale.)

The motto of Divorcee Club. I made a banner.:+1:

How sure are you that you didn’t hit a child’s grave while tunneling? Or that she wasn’t a mole-person and you incidentally broke into her hovel…


Oooh, especially if the MC is undercover and can’t let the villain know that they’re trying to get answers out of them, and have to play it off as just regular ole flirting because if they’re found out there is a 100% chance that the villain won’t exactly be the happiest.

Haha, it’d certainly be a rather unique workplace hazard.

Hmm… Well, you will find them out soon since you should get to decide who your ex is in the next update. Until then, it might be a bit too spoilery? Sorry, but you’ll find out soon anyway :smile:

You and me both.

Yeah, I like it when there’s a reason. Otherwise the whole grand reveal of the villain and the climax of the story just feel kinda… meh. At least to me it does :sweat_smile:

Aha, sadly, I can’t. It’s just those three words in a slightly nasaly cartoonish voice with the vague image of bright colors moving around to make some kinda cartoon thing from my childhood.

Which narrows it down by none, when it comes to children’s cartoons. :sweat_smile:

You and me both, aha.

Huh, interesting answers.

They’re kinda like mine, I always tried to find a way out of the hypothetical and put it into my terms. Needless to say my teacher… wasn’t exactly the happiest with me. (Kept telling me to “stop breaking the game”).

Here’s the difference though- he could always say he froze up. Like Eileen would, like a lot of people would. The only way that they could really prove his guilt is if he turned, showing that he was able to make a decision and that he consciously did make the decision to turn and kill that one person.

I know it sounds like bs, but a lot of people actually had this answer when we did this exercise as a group- which surprised me. But in the end they’re reasoning was that (as is Ricky’s) you can’t prove that they were actively not making a decision. In that kinda high-stress, live-or-die moment it’d be a perfectly valid excuse to freeze up. Many would (such as Eileen).

Yeah, I agree.

I also think that it’s because of that that Eileen would have a very hard time living with that kind of guilt and constant regret for the rest of her life. It’d be something that would haunt her forever.

Sounds good, we can bring the leftover goodies to the CSG Writer’s Anonymous after Divorcee Club.

Can’t spoil anything but… :wink:

We can take down Kharon and become the new elevator managers of hell.

This really is turning into The City, isn’t it? :laughing:

Would that be an account of Digging and Entering?

(WOW, that was a bad joke, even for me…)


Do we have flyers yet? We’re going to need plenty if we’re going to do the whole underground city thing. Divorcee Club meetings are held in the pit, right?

You could say it was her grave and I think there was something about a videotape? Seemed too much like a horror movie, so I kicked her out, she can go find another well to haunt. :smiling_imp:

What if the villain decides they like MC and chooses learn everything about them? Or worse, they decide to not let MC leave? And even better, what if they’re an amorous villain and they’re just laying on the charm trying to convince MC to stop asking “silly” questions? Poor MC.

I guess asking Triple N for insurance is asking too much?

Now I’m hearing it in my head. Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:


I need this oh my god. Amorous villains are my weakness, especially when they lay their charms on the hero or protagonist.

Also, this whole thing kind of reminds me of that movie Megamind. The villians and heroes are all mugging and trying to outdo each other while the MC just sit there, staring into the camera like their on The Office.

Am I the only one who sees it?


Honestly, I think I’m just always looking for an excuse to play the martyr, or I’m actually that selfless. I guess we won’t really know until a situation as dire as that arises, huh? Hopefully, it won’t, though…

There’s a difference between “breaking” the game and outsmarting the game. If you give me a hypothetical train, there’s no reason not to assume it has a hypothetical whistle, hypothetical source of fuel and hypothetical link connecting the front car to the car behind it. If your teacher doesn’t know the basics of most trains, why ask the question at all?

That’s exactly why it’s bullshit, though. All Ricky’s concerned about is saving his own ass. This is a life-or-death situation where, no matter what you choose, someone is going to die here, and all he’s concerned about is what happens to him! Assuming he damn well isn’t going to sacrifice his own ass, he’s going to be really ok, compared to whoever gets hit by this train.

Ugh. Look, I’m not gonna bother with the whole “looking down on them from my pretentious moral high ground” thing. That’s just how he works, and I wish I could be more understanding and put myself in his shoes, but I just can’t vibe with someone who thinks like that. And I wish, really badly, that that meant I cross him off the list of potential RO paths I take, but I’m desperate and thirsty af, unfortunately… :unamused:

Same here, but the more lives saved, the better, right?

Nah, he seems nice. Not like he’s forcing us into the underworld, he’s just the ferryman (elevator man?). I kinda wanna see the underworld, anyway. I don’t believe it’s all just people screaming in agony in endless lakes of fire for eternity. If it’s more Greek mythology and less Christianity, well… it’s not great for the majority, but hopefully we can wander about unnoticed and try to make eternity a slightly more pleasant time for everyone down there. If it turns out the underworld isn’t properly governed, perhaps we can overthrow Hades and work out a new system. (God, such a gullible idealist would never survive the underworld. Unless we start putting together a coup… Ok, I am getting ahead of myself. Also, I realized it’s been a while since I brushed up on Greek mythology.)

Ha, and to think, it wasn’t even on purpose! (Or was it…)

No worries, bad jokes are my favorite and most often-used kind of joke. :wink:

The flyers weren’t my job, I just got the banner. Eileen’s on snack duty. Anyone up for printing the flyers?

And yes, in the pit. Where else would we have it?

So, since you’re busy with extermination/exorcism duty, I guess Rena’s on flyers. Unless you’d prefer another job, @RenaB?


We’re going to need traps because I don’t think people are going to willingly jump into a pit. Eileen’s snacks can be the bait.

Just for clarity, I’m not qualified to exorcise demons so they might be something we’ll have to put up with until we can entrap someone who can. But I’m totally qualified to get rid of anything undead, let me find that improvised flamethrower and sack of salt…

I second this.


Not if it looks like a pit, they won’t, but we’ll class it up and make it more hospitable and atmospheric, turning it into a more inviting environment. Rome wasn’t built in a day. :wink:

What about that vacuum contraption from Ghostbusters? I’ll hit up Holtzmann and see if she’s willing to let us borrow any of her creations for the time being.


Then the MC might have some major trouble, even if the villain doesn’t find out about their job at The Rust you can bet that they’d be much more distrustful of a reporter than… well, anyone but a hero.

Especially if they happen to stumble upon a li’l tidbit while extorting their villainous connections about the MC’s connection to another villain…

Now… that would be quite the disaster, wouldn’t it?

Y’know it’s funny… but between all these hypotheticals and everything I’ve come up with a truly villainous major character who might actually become an RO as you talked about. :sweat_smile: And they’d do both of these things according to what I’ve written down so far.

(You can also blame the song Vampire by Lazyboy Empire, it came on while I was writing and it just… sparked the idea for this character and now they’ve just… stuck. Something about the tune and swing of the song, plus the kinda playfully sinister tone of it all.)

You’ve guessed correct.

Always glad to be of service. :wink:

Haha, you’re definitely not alone there. I hadn’t noticed it before but I can definitely see where the similarities are.

Always best for everyone if a life-or-death situation doesn’t come up, I’d think.

Oh, I agree. Which is why I kept “breaking the game” throughout that entire class.

I don’t think that teacher liked me very much…


Ahaha, I can definitely see your MC getting into some clashes of morality with Ricky. But, yeah, he definitely can be knocked down a peg or two if you play your cards right. (Lots of debates on what’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’- which I think might make his romance more interesting if you do chose to try it out, since you’ll be able to talk about and discuss what exactly is best. Who knows? Maybe one of you will convince the other…)

Very true, in my opinion.

Not exactly how I expected someone to describe the ferryman to hell but I see your point.

Sounds like a plan. I’ll help gather people for the revolution. Vive la révolution de l’enfer! (“Long live hell’s revolution”, according to google translate.)

Or if we’re going with Greek, επανάσταση ζήτω κόλασης!

Meh, we’d have an eternity to plan it out, wouldn’t we? Could get one hell of a coup d’etat going.

You’ll never find me out

I’m on it. I’ll make the best flyers this side of Pozzo Rinascimentale.

What kind of traps though? That’s the important question here.

I think we now know what the PR’s tax fund is going towards…


Haha, I would’ve done the same. I’ve certainly done similar things to spite/piss off other teachers and authority figures who didn’t necessarily appreciate my problem solving skills and other qualities. Or maybe, they were so impressed with my abilities that they were jealous.

Tbh, you’re just making this path all the more tempting. I do love to argue. “Takes two to tango,” as they say. :smirk:

Yeah, he’s just doing his job, right? (Not that that’s always a valid justification, but I think it is in this case.) Plus, he’s already dead too, so what more can we really do to him?

I like the sound of that. Though, as much as I love promoting freedom over order/security (in games such as HeroFall and The Elite Trials), we will have to do something about truly villainous souls like Hitler and Bin Laden, who I don’t feel comfortable simply letting roam free. I was thinking something along the lines of a hell-prison.

Oh, Rena, for the love of Hades…:joy:

Not if I have anything to do with it. (I feel like Tom Hanks in Catch Me If You Can.) :spy:

Well, you can’t have a “Renaissance Pit” without art.

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Yeah, but some might not be easily convinced and it’s going to take a while to get everything nice so why not go ahead and make a trap or two? Nobody’s gonna get hurt. :cry:

I dunno, seems kind of wrong to vacuum them up. Sure we could probably use them as a power source, but I wouldn’t call that humane. Demons might not be vacuumable, but I guess that depends on what kind of demons we’re talking about.

A pitfall trap would be the easiest, we already have the pit so all we’d have to do is cover it up and trick people into walking over it and we could probably set up a few of those net snare traps. We should definitely avoid any traps that could seriously injure potential pit dwellers this includes bear traps.

Was I supposed to talk this over with PR? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wouldn’t that depend on if the villain finds out what MC is being paid and if MC is willing to give up their job? Even without that and the villain being distrustful or knowing about The Rust doesn’t necessarily mean they fall out of love, maybe they just feel more justified in taking extreme measures. Possibly going so far as to destroy MC’s place of employment and framing MC, then the problem of MC being a reporter is solved.

I’m trying so hard not to squeal, aw screw it, I’m going to go squeal! Seriously, words can’t describe how excited I am! Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be too excited yet, but I can’t help it. :hugging:

Huh, that song makes me think of electro swing mixed with reggae. This entire time I’ve been listening to songs I find romantic with the occasional not-so-much-romantic-but-melancholic song.

And Triple N is too cheap to even give me a paper clip as a prize. :unamused:

You got anything else I won’t ever be able to get out of my head? :neutral_face:


I love Vampire!!! It’s on my list of songs for level grinding on games! Very swingy! I do also like Jill Tracy though she’s more steampunk type…

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In that case, cover the pit entrance with leaves or something, put one of Eileen’s treats on top of it and wait for someone to fall in. Alternatively, you could leave a treat on solid ground while waiting in the shadows, armed with a people-sized net.

Oh, I kinda just assumed they were vacuumed up as easily as ghosts cuz they’re both dead. Maybe bring in a pastor or a warlock or something, someone who can send them to wherever spirits are supposed to go.


just listening about the pit makes my want to jump in…ah why the hell not jumps into the pit after performing a bow in mid air.

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That’s a long way down…


On it! :imp:

Ghosts are restless spirits that haven’t moved on to the afterlife. Demons are more complicated than ghosts are, you can call them spirits, but they’re nonhuman spirits and not considered dead.

Don’t worry there’s a cushion at the bottom. I think…