Model Citizens: Unmasked (WIP - Update March 11, 2022)

Oh man, reading all this talk about our Ex with all the headcanons and non-spoilery information we’ve gotten of them and now I’m flip flopping between my not-so-evil ex-wife and my super skilled tall glass of water boss. The love triangle I can already sense is so sweet.

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Reading all these posts about our ex makes me anticipate any possible future interaction with them all the more. :smile: The pit just keeps on getting deeper and deeper.

Also, I mentioned a while ago that’d I’d draw some of the characters. I’ve slowly worked on it bit by bit due to having little freetime lately, so I still have 2 busts to finish. I’m including what I currently have completed if anyone’s interested.



'Tis a good problem to have, I imagine. :wink:

Soon we’ll reach the center of the world!

This is… this is so beautiful. This is amazing and perfect and I am at a loss for words this is so good holy shit I cannot express how absolutely fantastic these are and how indescribably happy I am right now. I mean- I scared my dog when I saw these because I let out a shriek and he jumped up and is now giving me an accusatory look because I woke him up but these are so cool!!

I mean, Yolanda looks positively gorgeous, Finley looks exactly how I imagine them looking (like to a T, did you read my mind?? Are you secretly a super powered hero and that is just your power?), Raf looks adorable oml, Ricky looks great and I’m totally getting the politician vibe with the tie and suit and everything, and Eileen just looks beautiful and perfect.

I just… This is so cool and I know I’m gushing so I should stop before I ramble too much but seriously.


Thank you. Thank you so so so much for showing me these this has made my month.

Okay, whew, I need to stop before this gets too long (and apologize to my dog). I’m just… gonna go and excitedly bounce in the corner.


Cool, yeah, I didn’t expect either one of them to be 100% “moral” or “immoral” anyway. That’s something I’ve learned overtime, that it’s kinda unrealistic to expect anyone to fit perfectly into what we think of as a “good” or “bad” person. Nothing’s so black-and-white as that. Like sexuality or gender, morality is a spectrum, I think. It’s something I have to remind myself of sometimes, because I tend to hold myself to a pretty high moral standard, but that doesn’t mean I’m entirely “good,” or entirely “bad,” for that matter. I suppose it’s all about what matters to us most, and what we will or won’t do for it. But I could go on and on about that, so I’ll just stop there, for now.

Anyway, I could reasonably see myself going for either one of them, given what I didn’t know about them when we got married. I was wondering, though, can we pick the gender of either spouse, or are they fixed gender? Or, are the genders of both spouses dependent upon our sexuality, which we choose before meeting them? Also, if a player is aro/ace, could they choose that and then the option that they loved their spouse, when choosing why they married them, is greyed out?

How about “Pozzo Rinascimentale?” (“Renaissance pit” in Italian, according to google translate.)

Huh, I hadn’t thought of that, but I like your thinking. And that does sound like something I would do, anyway. I resonate with the whole “killing them makes you no better than the bad guys” thing. Reminds me of Captain America or something, which is actually who I’ve compared my Heroes Rise character, Conduit, to a few times. Supergirl’s more of a role model to me, but both have ideals that I value and try to uphold as much as I can. Though, I don’t quite have the leadership or people skills they do, but I hope to someday.

This is where I imagine my MC makes her debut as the truth-seeking vigilante, Exposé, who uncovers the dirty secrets/scandals of the rich and successful, capitalistic corporate moguls who deserve to be knocked down a couple hundred pegs. She would also reveal certain scandals pertaining to celebrities and politicians, only really if it had something to do with the particular person being a bigot, abuser, rapist or pedophile, etc. She would extract that information from the guilty party themselves, or other reputable sources where available, then put it up online for everyone to see. Sorry, this started as a way to get Triple N out of power, since I have an underlying distrust for most big-wig, capitalist organizations, then it turned into something that’s starting to sound really good and I wanna see if we can take it anywhere further…

Or, as for Triple N, Exposé could blackmail the Triple N execs into publishing what she tells them to, or she leaks their secrets for the whole world to see, tarnishing their reputation and credibility, possibly costing them their position. (I think I found my dream job…) :smiling_imp:

All solid ideas. I’ll add it to my growing list of screenplay ideas. (Not that I know what to do with them… Maybe I’ll dig them up in however many years when I have the money and resources to actually make a film.)

You’re killing me, Rena. :coffin:

Idk, but if you think that’s wild, wait til you see what pennies are made out of:

They were almost entirely copper for over 200 years (except for 1943 for some reason. Whose idea was that, anyway?) until some numbnuts in the '80s was like “Here’s an idea: zinc!” Only 2.5% copper!? How long have I been living this lie?

So after a google search or two, what I’m picturing so far is: a historic, diverse urban landscape, somewhere by the ocean or a river, bad weather occasionally but uniquely beautiful when the weather’s nice. Sound about right?

You’re certainly not alone there. But, oh, so many Supergirl comparisons…

Awesome, I love reading about myself kicking butt! :grin:

You’re making me really excited to see these defensive/combat upgrades in action. :wink:

For some odd reason, I imagined you were driving, fell asleep at the wheel and died in a car crash, only to wake up at the entrance to hell, but it looks the same as where you died so you have no idea you’re dead…

That’s… that’s the weird place my mind goes.

Ironically, I don’t read comic books all that much, despite how much I love CoGs and other games about people with superpowers. But that sounds like what I’ve heard about heroes in comic books, anyway. Yeah, the only comic I’ve bought in the past 6 months was Poe Dameron Vol. 1 with a gift card I got for Christmas.

Oh, okay, I get what you’re saying. They find ways to get in by persuading/“hacking” people and getting the information they need through subversive means. And they’re a leader. I like it, and I read a book a few weeks ago, Invasive by Chuck Wendig, where the protagonist was a lot like that.

Omg that’s great, and I’d definitely be the person who’s like “I swear, I’m fine,” but is hiding what pain they do still feel because they want to be as resilient as they can be, to keep up with the other heroes. Actually, that’s probably one reason why Finley and my MC would be good for each other, because I would be too stubborn and proud to admit that I’m still “a little sore” (to say the least), but Finley would know me so well, since we’ve been friends before, that they’d see right through all that and help keep me from pushing myself too hard, too quickly after an injury. Also, I’d be worried they’re worrying too much about me to get their work done and stuff, so I’d try to recover quickly for that reason so they can focus more on their work and the other parts of their life that aren’t me. Also, if there’s a particular case/story I’m working on or something, I’d wanna get back to work as quickly as possible.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, you took the words right out of my mouth. :blush:

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Center of the world, huh? No wonder it was starting to get hot down here.

I’m… really flattered to hear that! I’m glad they gave off the vibes you were describing because that was exactly what I was aiming for. I had a lot of fun drawing them and this definitely won’t be the last time I draw these characters.

Also, please tell your dog that I’m sorry! :cry:

:innocent: You have your secrets… and I have mine.

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I kind of wouldn’t mind if one of the exes was completely irredeemable except for their love of MC. Anyway, would you say the second Ex is more likely to kill someone out of jealousy? Probably not in front of MC though.

That was probably the MC. So Ex pulls out the bottle of wine they stole, " I got you a present." MC crosses their arms, “You stole that from the restaurant we just got kicked out of.” Ex shrugs and MC pulls out two perfect plates of tiramisu from their coat, “Good thing I thought to take these before we left.” Ex tries to make out with MC but they aren’t having any of it, not when there’s tiramisu to eat. So they cuddle up in front of the fireplace, eat the tiramisu, drink the entire bottle of wine, and just to make this adorable, they’re drunk. They somehow manage to say lovey dovey stuff to each other, but that’s all they manage because they fall asleep on the floor.

If we start tunneling now we could make an underground city.


The War Board - they needed bronze and copper for the war effort. Ammo casings and such.[quote=“freelance, post:124, topic:22922”]
until some numbnuts in the '80s was like “Here’s an idea: zinc!” Only 2.5% copper!? How long have I been living this lie?

The cost to make a penny is more than the cent the penny is worth. Unless they debase it more, then it will only be more of a boondoggle then before. Communications is where most of our copper is used today.


Tunnel away! It’ll be like our very own City in Icarus Sun! Inescapable!!
But yes I look forward to the moral dilemmas we might have like when choosing to report something in or not that may give our career a boost but may also cripple the others. Woot!


That makes sense. I still don’t understand why they still make pennies, though. Seems like the money and resources could be spent on more useful/worthwhile things, but I’m no economics expert.


It’s also super interesting to see how flexible morality can be depending on the situation. What’s moral in one may be completely amoral in another. (Take food theft- if it’s the apocalypse and you have a starving family stealing food might seem not all that bad, but if you’re a thief in a more modern day society with money stealing food suddenly seems a lot less ok.)

They both have their own fixed genders. (One is male, one is female). Mostly because it’s easier for me to write characters with fixed genders (it just helps me picture them in my head), but also because if it wasn’t that it’d be a lot of variables to take into account. (Because then I wouldn’t just have two names I’d have to check for when discerning the reaction of the ex to any situation, but four. Also I’d have to create another set of she/he/they, his/her/their, etc. pronouns for both characters throughout the game instead of just pertaining to when the MC speaks about their divorcee in the third person. I don’t think I have that level of coding skill quite yet, and would probably get lost along the way. :sweat_smile: )

I wasn’t really planning to have the player outrightly state their sexuality? If people want that, then I’ll definitely put it in, but I was just figuring it’d go more along the lines of the player just knowing and then sorta acting upon those feelings/guiding the relationship as they would in real life, if any of that makes sense. Romance isn’t necessary for the game and the game plot, so someone who doesn’t want a romance or is aro could just play it without romancing anyone (and just not choosing the ‘married for love’ option.)

But, like I said, if people want there to be the option to directly state their sexuality then I’ll put it in.

That works, that works well!

Well, y’know, leaders aren’t born but made. (Or something along those lines. I think that’s a quote… is that a quote? I have no idea if its a quote.)

Oho, I have a feeling you’re gonna like some of the info you can find in this game. (There’s little extra bits and pieces of information that you can pick up from characters scattered throughout, not all will be pertinent to the case you’re solving or the story itself but most will connect things or help describe the world a little bit more. Some might even explain the motivations or pasts of certain characters, or be clues to things hidden in the future! It’s a little coding experiment I’m doing…)

Also Exposé as a name for a hero/reporter is a great alias.

Everything starts with an idea!

(Is that also a quote? I think that’s also a quote…)


Apparently since 1982.


Ahem, okay, jokes aside that’s very strange. Huh.

Coins are weird.

Sounds right! (Great tourist destination if you don’t mind the horrible traffic whenever an evil mastermind decides to enact their master plan to take over the world.)

Ha! If that happened to me I would probably walk up to whatever demonic hellspawn was guarding the entrance and ask where the gas station went and if I could refuel my car quickly.

I had no idea this existed and it looks really cool now that I’ve looked it up.

That’s Finley! They won’t be able to help you out all the time, though, because, well, they’ve got their own job to do, haha. But yeah, they’re definitely gonna be able to lend a hand when needed.

I’m just imagining Finley and the MC arguing over who’s too worried about the other. Finley’s saying that the MC is pushing themself too much and that they’re fine on work they just want to make sure that the MC is okay and the MC is saying that they’re fine physically and are able to walk and that they want Finley to not have to worry about them so much and be able to live their life and get back to their work.

We need to install and AC unit.

Really, they’re very amazing. Thank you so much, again!

Ahah, he’s fine. Just gave me an accusatory glance then remade his nest in my carpet and went back to sleep. (He has a dogbed, he just… likes to make nests.)

The next case: finding out the secret powers of Osulity.

Yeah, I guess. There’ll definitely be other villains that the MC will encounter, some of whom are pretty irredeemable, and if there was ever a third option for an ex I would probably put in someone like that for fun but… Well, I figured since there were only two it’d be best to stick with people who are aren’t completely villainous.

Hm… Maybe. It’d depend on the person and what exactly it was that was making said ex so jealous. (Like is the ex in a relationship with the MC at the time or…?)

This is so cute.

I can imagine the Ex just looking at the tiramisu and then the MC and just being like, “This is why I love you.”

Ha! The society of Pozzo Rinascimentale.

[quote=“Eiwynn, post:127, topic:22922”]
The War Board - they needed bronze and copper for the war effort. Ammo casings and such. [/quote]

I feel like you’re always so informative Eiwynn, you know all these amazingly interesting tidbits and its so cool to learn.

It’s all connected- via MCU we’ll make The City from IS, or maybe it’s that Nickelport is futuristic Alatum? (Hoo boy, this sounds like those conspiracy theories that connect a bunch of different movies to one universe, aha.)

The effects of what you publish may be more drastic than you anticipate. :wink:


Unfortunately that probably won’t stop me from pretending. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ex is married to MC in both of these situations. For one situation, we’ll use the person that bought a drink for MC while MC and Ex were on a date. For the other situation we’ll say a person is relentlessly flirting with MC right in front of their spouse (honestly this would probably be enough to make both MC and Ex angry).

Does MC usually commit petty acts of theft?

With a name like this we could be the world capital of trade. From there we could conquer the world! :imp:

Soon my nefarious plans shall come to fruition, the governments will fall and our cities shall rise from the earth! I, uh… I’m not sure what just came over me because I would never say something like that. :innocent:


Aha! Go ahead (you’ve actually got me thinking about possibly including a full-out, classically ‘evil’ villain as an RO, it would mean designing a new character and said characters story arch but… I’m not adverse to the idea- might be an interesting kind of character to explore writing since I’m usually more keen on writing the morally grey/debatably evil villains… hm…)

I could definitely see this Ex hurting said person if they were bothering the MC, badly. If they just bought the MC a drink then I imagine the Ex would get very romantic and visibly flirty/jealous but I don’t think they’d go further than intimidation if that’s all it was, long as the person backed off, y’know?

But they better watch out if you hurt the MC. Because that is a surefire way to make this Ex be out for blood.

Depends on the MC. There’s definitely gonna be some more morally grey/classically “bad” options there, so I wouldn’t put it past that kinda MC to steal something like tiramisu.


Now we know why you want a villain RO- someone to take over the world with, eh?


Hell yes. I mean…What could be better than a baddie?


Weirdly enough I’ve never been the type to fall for the “Bad Boy” trope.

But I do get why a lot of people do. So who knows? Maybe I’ll dabble with a villainous RO. (And bring the total RO count up to 9 :sweat_smile: hoo boy-o).


Oh it’s no problem! Like I said, I had a lot of fun doing it. Speaking of which, I haven’t forgotten about those Divorcee Club meetings we discussed…

Ex got a stuffed bunny and some homemade chocolate. MC got… alcohol and coffee beans for those late nights at work! They ended up sharing with Finley.

puts on a Clark Kent-esque disguise I’m on the case!


Well I was thinking more of the Bad Girl cliche :sweat_smile:. I mean, last time I romanced the villain it was Prodigal from the Hero Rise trilogy and… It didn’t end well…

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Yeah, but I think it’s not even about the current state of society, it’s more about the motivation behind the action. Not that that’s always a sufficient justification, but in the case of stealing, a poor/starving person stealing food is more justifiable than a well-off person shoplifting expensive clothes they could afford, but want more clothes without losing their money. With an extreme case, such as murder, is when it gets a bit… complicated? I prefer to say that no one deserves to die, but that’s a very idealist concept and I’m aware that the world we live in does not work that way.

Right, I can see how that would be overwhelming. I was just thinking, if I were to write a choicescript game, I’d want to make sure I made it as inclusive as possible, so anyone could feel like they’ve created the most accurate portrayal of themselves possible. But that’s not so easy when you get down to the specific variables and all that’s dependent upon those variables. I don’t know… maybe if I ever start working on my own choicescript game, I’ll gain some perspective on it.

In that case, I don’t think it’s necessary for the player to outrightly state their sexuality, as long as someone who doesn’t experience romantic attraction isn’t forced into a relationship fueled by romantic love. But that’s not something I believe you’d do, which is why being able to choose why you married your ex in the first place works just as well, at least I think so.

Neither do I, but if it wasn’t it is now. Anyway, good point, it’s not like you’re born knowing how to do anything other than breathe, blink, cry, laugh and shit.

Really? In that case, I’m excited to find out all that I can! Good thing all our notes are saved in the stats screen to review later, otherwise I’m afraid I’d forget a lot of potentially important details. :sweat_smile:

Thanks, I only realized I could also use it as a pen name somewhere in the middle of that headcanon where my MC goes beyond reporting and actually becomes a vigilante who fights for truth, taking on very powerful people, despite not having powers herself. I think it came to me because of the way you worded what exactly The Rust does, the word “expose” really stood out to me. Exposé does what she wishes The Rust would do, expose the misdeeds and inexcusable acts of people deserving of punishment and judgement, rather than the identities of heroes who don’t deserve for their privacy to be violated. And hey, maybe Exposé ends up exposing a hero for something they did that they managed to cover up, rather than admit to and apologize for. Maybe, that would even set a precedent for media outlets, such as The Rust, to live up to.

Another excellent point!

Sounds like travel expenses would be really cheap, because of all the mortal danger. Unless… that’s why people travel there, in which case it would be way overpriced. I think I’ve brought this up much earlier, but taxes must cost a fortune, with public and private property being damaged constantly by hero-vs.-villain battles. One thing’s for sure, the MC did not move there on account of affordability. :thinking:

That’s the thing, the entrance is the gas station, so it doesn’t look any different from before you died. Except, there’s a totaled car on fire on the opposite side of the road, that looks suspiciously similar to your car. And how did you get out of your car, anyway? Also, why are standing in the middle of the road? The only sign of “life” being the ‘hell’ gas station, you go inside to see if anybody’s there to help you. You realize you’re a bit past being helped after you close the door to the gas station behind you, turn around and come face to face with a man, who appears to be in his forties or fifties, wearing a pristine black elevator operator’s uniform. Behind him, bizarrely, is an old-fashioned elevator, with its stiff-looking gate opened. The man, smiling at you now in a way that conveys satisfaction, as if he had been waiting for you and is pleased that you’re here now, opens his mouth and says, “Good evening, I’m Kharon. Care for a ‘lift?’” :imp:

Oh yeah, it’s great! I wish I had some Star Wars-esque music to listen to while I read it, though. Yknow, for added effect and immersion. Nonetheless, it did give me a little more insight into Poe’s life and the kind of work he does for the Rebellion, plus how he manages tight situations, and his relationship with BB-8. Anyway, I could go on forever about it. Fortunately, Vol. 2 is coming out sometime in February, so we won’t have to wait long for more.

I can’t wait to see more of how they and my MC interact! :hugging:

Yup, that’s me! Though, tbh, it would mostly be out of self-deprecation because I’d think I’m not worth Finley’s work performance suffering because they were too concerned about me to sufficiently do their job. :sweat_smile:[quote=“Revenant, post:126, topic:22922”]
That was probably the MC. So Ex pulls out the bottle of wine they stole, " I got you a present." MC crosses their arms, “You stole that from the restaurant we just got kicked out of.” Ex shrugs and MC pulls out two perfect plates of tiramisu from their coat, “Good thing I thought to take these before we left.” Ex tries to make out with MC but they aren’t having any of it, not when there’s tiramisu to eat. So they cuddle up in front of the fireplace, eat the tiramisu, drink the entire bottle of wine, and just to make this adorable, they’re drunk. They somehow manage to say lovey dovey stuff to each other, but that’s all they manage because they fall asleep on the floor.

Oh no, now you’re starting to sell me on getting back with the ex! I mean, I was already planning on saying I married them for love, but now the added context to what our relationship might’ve been like is leaving me missing that time we had…

That’s one way to set yourself up for heartbreak…



This is it- I’m going to have a heart attack because this is just too sweet.

Eileen, sweet summer child.

This is so amazing oh my lord I want to like… I don’t know, put it in a museum or something it’s bea-uti-ful. (I love their expressions so much oml, the MC’s face is just… so perfect. And Eileen- ugh, Eileen. I love her. And the Ex’s tiny happy smile is so cute.)

Ha! Perfect, Finley will be sure to send their regards to Eileen as well.

Ah, yes, what a perfect trustworthy reporter who is completely different from Osulity. Not similar in any way at all nope nope…

Aha, yeah, I just mean “Bad Boy” as the trope in and of itself. (I’ve always heard of it as referring to any gender of character who fits under the trope, :sweat_smile: sorry for the confusion).

Ahh, yes, I did that romance once.

Not exactly happily ever after, eh?

Very, very true. I’m kinda similar in that I want to believe that “no one has to die” but at the same time… I don’t know, in the end it becomes those “kill one to save a million or save one but let a million die” kinda situations which are always difficult.

It’d definitely be interesting to try out, if you do ever go for it I’ll be sure to check it out and wish you good luck!

That’s what I’m hoping/going for. Like you don’t have to love anybody, you just have to have been married at one point in time (which is not always conducive to love, at least in this case.) And if you do you just chose who to pursue a romance with, so yeah.

This would also make an amazing quote. Sounds like a killer one-liner from a movie or something like that.

Ahaha, yeah, I made sure to put that in so that you can always keep track of everything! It’s also a bit more organized now so that the notes will be split into subcategories by character and then extras.

Your hero seems like the type who would, after amassing fame and wealth, buying the rights to The Rust and then change it for the greater good, to be as it always should have been.

You’re right- and that little fact certainly isn’t helping with the MCs li’l financial… erh… situation.

Ha! That’s brilliant.

I just imagine me wandering around this gas stating for a good hour or so trying to find the bathroom or buy items or just look for help. Cue Kharon outside checking his watch and thinking: I got a good fifty more souls to move on after this- what is taking her so long!?

Then when I finally get outside it would take me a good minute or two to be realize what’s going on.

Oooh, sounds super interesting! I’ll have to look into this! (Geeze, I have so many recs from this thread, haha.)

I’ll do my best to make it good!

Cue Finley doing all in their power to show you that you are worth it all.

Hoo, boy, some of those flashbacks are really gonna be killer for you, aren’t they?


Isn’t that basically the big, final conflict in Heroes Rise #1, though? Obviously, very specific circumstances, but how I solved that very nerve-wracking and terrifying problem fit with my policy of “there’s always another way.” Again, very idealist concept. I tend to be a bit naive about how the real world really works, if it wasn’t obvious up until now… Anyway, when faced with that decision, I ended up sparing Prodigal and stopping the Deathwave with my newfound Infini powers, not just because that decision was consistent with my lawful-natured stat strategy, but because it’s what I’d do anyway. But if faced with something like that in a real-world situation where I don’t have powers and, either way, I’ll be responsible for the loss of life… I just don’t know what I’d do. I mean, initially, I’d think, the less life lost, the better, right? So I’d just kill the one person. But, again, this is purely hypothetical, whereas if I were actually faced with this kind of choice… whatever I decide, it would certainly get to me, maybe even break me, at least for a little while. :sweat:

I mean, I certainly have plenty of ideas/prompts I’ve put down in my notes app, but that’s usually as far as I get. Maybe once I go back to school in a few weeks, I’ll be more motivated to write? Which is kinda skewed logic, since I definitely have more time now than I will then to write. Also, I’ve never played around with choicescript before, besides playing CoG, let alone know much of anything about code but… (ugh, excuses, excuses…)

Ha, really? Thought I was just stating a matter of fact. (Unless we know more than that when we’re born that I don’t know about.)

Wow, that sounds like a beautiful goal. I’d love to do something like that someday! :grin:

Ah, now that explains it. In that case, I hope I can keep my impulsive shopping habits to a minimum… :sweat_smile:

I have a feeling I’d do something similar, except it would be more out of shock, so I’d be looking for something to stress-eat while I digest the situation. :joy: Or just hide in the lady’s room and cry.

Damn, Rena, you really want me to fall for Finley, huh? (Not that it would take much effort, anyway.) Cuz you’re doing a real good job of it, so far.

Just put the last nail in my coffin and be done with it, man. :coffin:

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If you wanted to go with an ex that we can choose their gender, I think this would probably be the way to go or even if you wanted a non-binary ex option. I could imagine an ex like this wouldn’t be able to move on from their ex-spouse and would hunt MC down to the ends of the Earth to get them back. In this case, I wouldn’t see Ex as controlling or anything similar, just that they consider MC the only truly innocent human on Earth. Maybe MC was the only friend Ex had as a child, maybe MC was the only one who was nice to them, or maybe MC had given Ex one of their inspiring “It’s Not Too Late” speeches and Ex tricked MC into marrying them (of course MC can’t know that Ex is a villain).

Overall, I say play with the idea and have fun with it, if it turns into something you definitely want to add. Great! If it doesn’t turn into something you want to add. That’s great too! Maybe there will be another game you want to add it to or maybe it’ll give you an idea for a game.

I wouldn’t want to be the idiot that tries to sexually harass MC in that case. Can’t say I’d have any sympathy either. :laughing:

Never put it past anyone to steal tiramisu. In fact, it would be morally wrong to not steal tiramisu when given the opportunity.

I don’t know where you’d get an idea like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not so much take over the world as it is get rid of government and ensure society can stand on its own feet instead of using government as a crutch.

I’m much more of a tall, dark, and handsome type myself. Throw in long hair and… yeah.

Pfft, I didn’t want to be the only one getting back with Ex. Here I was, all worried my plan wouldn’t work and I’d be lonely. Now I have renewed motivation.

Just a wee bit closer to my well, you won’t fall into it. Sure it’s too dark to see the bottom, but it isn’t that deep. I promise. :upside_down: