Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

I’m actually tied between three RO’s equally but went with K


You have to choose who your romancing at Chapter 5 apparently

“Agreeing to go on a date with Glitch doesn’t set your romance route. The romance route won’t be set until Chapter 5. Before then, you can flirt with all the ROs.”


So doing multiple playthroughs to get as much K, Sally, and Rosy then


Ah là, là, là Rosy, Rosy… How can I like you even more ? :heart:

It was not supposed to happen, I was ready to give the others a chance ! Well they didn’t have one ~.

It was a great update. I liked the explanation from Rosy, the comments of Glitch were good, and I liked the beginning of chapter 3.

It just feels a little strange to go from Button looking for something he doesn’t remember agreeing to do and going to the bathroom to the beginning of the chapter 3 and the office. Something is missing ?

About chapter 3 : the part where Rosy analyses the combat makes him feel like an instructor. I know, I know he is one, but he looks professional, it’s nice seeing him still in that role. I was wondering if some of you wanted to spy on his conversation with Clarence ? I did’n’t but I tought it could be a funny option. Not that we need this option. And no, I didn’t test all the options yet so if there is, I’ll have the surprise. I definitely love the books part. Will the choice made about the title have a big influence later ? It looks like it from what I could see. The meditation book and the way it could let you change the perception of the world, the one about Lying about your relations profesionnals and intimates… I can’t wait to see what will happen hé, hé. And I loved the puns !!!
About the Cookie Monster : So many people make decisions for the MC. It’s exhausting. Even if you like them. I still have to read all the options. I didn’t have the time.
About the past : I knew it ! I actually guessed what happened ! Yeah ! I won’t say no to a cookie… But about the MC reactions I really liked the one : where you don’t feel anything for your parents. Saying almost you’re better without them. For a child, growing up without them it’s actually difficult to make a bond with them. Some indifference seems like a good answer to me. Plus after a trauma and maybe thing your father gave up on you, choosing another member of the family. It could actually lead to resentment. Not the path I chose but it makes sense. The both options look logic.

And yes, yes I chose Rosy in the poll.
Why I didn’t chose Sally and Glitch ? I actually love Glitch personnality ! I just love more Rosy’s. But Glitch is a RO I will definitely play. Maybe more players will be drawn to him the more we know about him ? For Sally… I just don’t like the trend of the childhood friend becoming the future partner. Plus, I have to say the Cookie Monster could be seen a little as a childhood crush/friend becoming later the lover. Yeah at first he is Nick’s friend but MC hs the possibility to be friends with him from some years ago. So it’s a little like a replay. And between Sally and Gray, I’ll take Gray anytime. Cookie Monster !


@wildelight imho the scene where Mum controls the MC could be seen as weak. Previously a classmate already controlled the MC and the risk was for him to stick a pencil in his brain through his nose. But in this scene we don’t actually have any sense of an impending danger.

It’s a problem of raising conflicts. First the protagonist gets threatened and only then gets beaten. Doing the thing in reverse is anticlimactic.

Of course, you could have downplayed this part to balance a more dramatic future scene, but still the mother/MC dynamic seems a little weird. Like having a parent suddenly changing address because in a fit of rage slapped his 15yo son for the first time in his life.

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I think a big difference is MC’s mom was completely out of control. She wasn’t intending to control MC at all but was, and couldn’t stop, and basically temporarily paralyzed MC.

Plus, it’s MC’s MOM. So like… the breach of trust/violation is a lot more significant.

I could see how you could think it mightve packed more punch if that was like… THE moment MC realized just how vulnerable she (imc) truly was because MC never knew it could happen, but I think it can still be seen as THE moment MC realized just how vulnerable she is because she wasn’t even safe in her own home, the one place she thought she didnt need to worry so much about being defenseless.


The MCs mom didn’t just move away because of that. She was a Level 10 Ment and had a limit of 60 miles, she constantly heard their voice in their head 24/7 wherever they were and that incident was pretty much her having a breakdown after dealing with it for years. She moved so another breakdown couldn’t happen from hearing their thoughts all the time and not end up accidentally controlling them.


I actually really like Sally and Glitch and would have had trouble choosing which one to vote for on the poll if Rosy weren’t an option! I normally go for the best friends or more upbeat characters in games, so I’m really confused on how Rosy managed to catch my attention like this :thinking:

Now that we know what happened with Hope, it changed how I think my Button would feel. At first I thought that they would be more mad at their parents, but after knowing what went down I think they would definitely feel more guilty about everything

I also really like the interactions with everyone! Like the scene whole scene with Rosy especially the pun part (My humorous Button is all for joking around and teasing people) and the part with the texts help to show us more about the characters like how Glitch didn’t immediately take their best friend’s side as someone above said


Actually the MC is trapped in his own body, not even controlling whatever his body is saying, not allowed to move and screaming for help. The only person who could help him and hearing him screaming help being the person right in front of him being the cause of what is happening. Add this person is MC’s mother, someone he loves/loved, someone he always thought was on his side and hurting him that much. It’s a big betrayal.

Then she disappears the next morning. The father with her. After somehing that traumatic, for a child it’s like his parents are giving up on him. He can’t think it’s for his own protection, it’s a child.

So yeah being imprisoned in your own body as a puppet with the pain caused by the betrayal of someone you trust and you supposed loved you then the abandon.

It’s big. It’s way more terrifying than a prank going wrong (or its possibility).


I absolutely love this WIP for its humor, the effortless flow of the story and all the potential of it like many here, but last night… I don’t know if it was because last night was heavy for multiple reasons, but the reveal just got such a visceral reaction out of me and I can’t stop thinking about it.

Since it was said in the last update that Button’s current situation had something to do with what their mother did, I can guess most people went to the conclusion of her taking over her child’s mind and that’s… that’s fucked up on it’s own right, yeah — but the way it was delivered, the overwhelming despair it caused me as I read the scene, it took me the fuck out. I had to call my best friend to try to calm me down cause I could not stop crying. I guess I was triggered by it, but I still don’t fucking know what happened to be honest.

Now it’s evening again, I’m calmer and yet I can’t stop thinking about that scene. The first time, I could only see it through my Button’s eyes (I’m trying to be serious, but damn what a cute nickname) and feel their devastating hopelessness — All the options of response following the accident are heartbreaking as hell. The situation is heartbreaking, now trying to see through Hope’s eyes — hearing her child 24/7? That’s a mom’s dream! You can know what your kid is up at all times! But then they are loud and always there and good God the moment she snaps, it’s just… chilling. How do you salvage anything after something like this? How does she forgive herself for doing this to her own child? God damn, it hurts just thinking about it.

Anyways, sorry for giant text… I just wanted to write these feelings out. Mind Blind is short but it’s already one of my favorite games, I can’t wait to see it all.

On a lighter note — I’m hopeless romantic, but all this familial love Button gets from Nick, Gray, Sally and Uncle Lev! just warms my heart, man :’)


I absolutely LOVE the new update! Where to even begin…

First of all, I love Rosy even more now omg. They’re just really endearing to me in the new interaction. Maybe it’s bc my Button won the assignment, but they were really sweet they even complimented button :eyes:. Also, the pun?? I’m living for it. And the fact that they just gave away their book to Button like that? And saying that Button had earned it? That was really sweet. Oh, and i’ll also look forward to messing with them more in the future like with the name plaque thing, i love it

The big reveal was… Oof. It hurts me everytime Button’s utter vulnerability is shown. And this one is even more concerning (Button was paralyzed!) The fact that mom was the one who did this and how it happened is devastating. And it also lasted half an hour? That’s terrible. This whole incident makes you think that if a level 10 telemetrist was able to do this unintentionally, what can a deliberate, level 10 telepath (noh?) do?

Hmm what else? Gray was thoughtful and considerate (about proximity), but ngl it made button a bit offended. I like Gray more now, tho. The texts were adorable (especially glitch’s). Oh, and the option at the end about how Button drove the people they loved insane was just perfect

Can’t wait for the ultimate confrontation with K and the lunch with dad!


I…was not expecting that to be the big thing mom did. I was expecting something way worse, and I mean really bad.

Since I play a Button that, underneath the teasing and deflecting, wishes that they weren’t a burden to their family, feels guilty that they have to rely on Nick and interfere with any future relationships (unless its Sally), and would rather keep their mother as far as possible for her own sanity, I don’t see Button every really making up with. Not because they blame her but because they don’t want that to happen again.

Wow I play a secretly train wreck Button. Huh.


The incident with Grace almost made me cry! It was so good and it completely changed how my Button thinks about certain things.

I picked Rosy in the poll but it was hard. I really love all the RO’s characters so far which makes me glad we don’t lock into a romance until later.

Rosy is just one of my favorite types of characters. They’re competent, they know they’re competent and they expect the people around them to be as well - without being needlessly cruel about it. And the office scene :flushed: Giving people books is my love language! Literally nothing makes me happier than giving or recommending a book I like to someone and having them actually read it! I didn’t think anything could surpass K being a loving dog owner this early in the story but this did.

I was actually pretty hesitant coming into the game when I saw one of the RO’s was your teacher but from everything the author’s said I feel pretty confident the whole power dynamic / ethical issues won’t be handled in a gross way.

I also like that Sally and Nick have the chance to end up together. It was one of my favorite things in Inquisition when Dorian and Bull got together because 1. you could see how they worked together and 2. it was this lovely reminder that the npcs have their own thoughts and feelings and they exist outside the pcs sphere. My Button’s knee-jerk reaction to Sally’s crush was eww, gross, thats my brother and but he’s so old! (the height of irony) Which has morphed over the years into the decision that she’ll only try to matchmake them if it’ll make them both happy.


Question!! Is it possible to get K’s relationship stat higher than 58? If so, how? I can never really read what choices would be best with him, he’s hard to read, and always get a 56


There’s a reason I called what the mc has to suffer through “shut out syndrome” before in this thread with the closest non-fictional counterpart being of course locked in syndrome and they are both the stuff of nightmares, which is again why my mc desperately needs the glimmers of hope Uncle Gary and his conspiracy theories and mistrust of the government provide in order to keep his normal depression from turning suicidal, as simply accepting his disability that can render him a puppet in his own body anywhere, anytime at the whims of strangers will never, ever be a valid option for him.

And since the whole plot revolves around the mc being unwittingly and unwillingly being used as a puppet again I don’t know how that is going to affect him but chances are it won’t be good, particularly if there is still no hope of improvement by the end of it all. :worried:


Found a bug. Relationship stats go over 100%

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This is not a bug. It’s the true depth of Nick’s love for Button.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature😉


You must’ve been possessed by Bethesda :joy:


You’ re everywhere! :rofl: