Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

Is the option to use the back pack strap to keep K from the room gone? I really liked that one :pleading_face:!!


The flashback with Hope punched me in the gut. Oof. Someone already said it but the thatā€™s my superpower choice was SO good at that part.

I actually picked K for the poll even tho I thought Iā€™d be going for Glitch when I first played! (Surprised to see Glitch so low in the rankings tho 0: ) Thereā€™s just something about K casually playing Minesweeper whilst Iā€™m agonising over the assignment and them smiling at me like nothingā€™s wrong even tho Iā€™m supposed to be mad at them. Like why am I so into that? What about that made me think yes Iā€™m gonna give u my whole heart now thank u.

The scene was Rosy was really fun! I loved all the variations of it as well as the "Weā€™ve already established my lack of humorā€ line and all the flavour text for the books. The bit where you move her name bar thing!! Is it possible to love a scene this much?

Typos/Other Things

Should be a line break here maybe?

Pronoun change here.

Something I noticed when I gave up on the assignment without trying nd also did Kā€™s route on the way to school is that when Sally texts u later, thereā€™s no mention of her being mad at you, but instead she gives u the standard text if youā€™re hung up about K. I feel like even if she decided to put that behind her to be there for Button, it felt a bit off? Like she went from frustrated to Girlā€™s Nightā„¢ļø real fast.


Played the update and WOW, that hit hard. And thereā€™s only one thing I can say: I absolutely love Nick, I just wanna hug him! Best big bro.


@jigglypuff Thank you so much for catching the typos! Sally doesnā€™t have a version of the text should you give up, which is an oversight on my part.

@dielight No one had caught that typo yet, and it occured in several scenes! Thank you for pointing it out.

@bric Rosy is 30! (As if them being Buttonā€™s teacher isnā€™t enough, theyā€™re also a decade older. Red flag alert?) Iā€™ll add the RO ages to their descriptions.

@spiriter Iā€™m glad you enjoyed the height jokes! I got a little carried away with the tall optionā€“there ended up being three separate jokes depending on your personality stats. And emojis are fun :grin:

@CorvusWitchcraft I suspect Sallyā€™s low ranking may have to do with her being genderlocked? Glitch is also less popular than I anticipated, and and they default to female if MC is bi. It could be people are more interested in the male love interests, since otherwise my world view is shooketh by Rosy being more popular than both of them. Also, what did you mean exactly by being unsure how to feel about the flashback with Hope? If somethingā€™s not hitting home right, Iā€™d love to know how it could potentially be improved!

@Etwo Rosyā€™s Affection -10 :yum:

@idonotlikeusernames Jensen Ackles is beautiful. I concur with @moonfungus. You have impeccable taste.

I love this phrase? I know the scene with Hope probably wasnā€™t what most people expected, but I hope (haha, dumb unintentional pun) that it still felt impactful. Explosions come later.

@Kutskyu Bookstrap option is still there! You need either measure the room or to have over 25 Insight. (I may lessen this requirement to 20 later, but weā€™ll see).

@Cryptic_Cupcake Happy birthday!!


Hmmm, could be part of it, sureā€”I believe male ROs are traditionally more popular than female on the forums.

Could also be an attitude thing, though. The other common thread between Sally and Glitch is that both are fairly upbeat, supportive, and (at least superficially) confident, and while those arenā€™t necessarily unattractive traits for people in general, I think many readers areā€”as weā€™ve well establishedā€”drawn to relationships that are a bit angstier or moodier in tone, when it comes to fiction. I believe that K and Rosy are both popular partially because their attitudes and romance arcs go against the grain a bit. I will say Iā€™m not surprised at all by Rosyā€™s popularity FWIWā€”this is coming from someone who has written (and been surprised by the popularity of) a character who is a much bigger jerk than Rosy.

Gray doesnā€™t fit the bill as well, and I canā€™t necessarily speak to his appeal (heā€™s not my typeā€¦in a few ways), but I think the fact that heā€™s so careful around the MC is drawing people inā€”the desire to overcome that unspoken barrier between them and all. Also (on the flip side of the angst coin), the fact that he manages to be nice and thoughtful without being overbearing, which feels like it could potentially be a problem with both Sally and Glitch.

Hmm, I didnā€™t necessarily mean that thereā€™s something narratively wrong with the scene. I guess itā€™s just moreā€¦real than Iā€™d anticipated? I thought it would be dramatized in some way, and itā€™s definitely not, itā€™s very raw, mundane even. As the narration points outā€”nothing was actually happening in that scene before The Incident, there was no reason why it happened, it just happened and then nobody knew how to deal with it. It was uncomfortably true-to-life and unembellished, in a way that nothing else in this story really has been so far.

Which is not a bad thing, to be clear. In fact, it might be goodā€”it certainly seems to be hitting people harder, and in a different way, than if it had been as dramatic and shocking as people had been predicting. Like I said, I donā€™t know how I feel about it yet, personally, but I donā€™t think itā€™s a problem with the writing itselfā€”just a situation with no right answers thatā€™s gonna take a bit to unpack.


I think the fact that Sally can get into a relationship with Nick has led to her low ranking in the poll. As weā€™ve seen in the past, most people here doesnā€™t exactly take it well when it comes to NPC relationship dynamics.


Firstly, shame on me that Iā€™m only just noticing the Spice Girls reference on the stats page.

Random thoughts about the update:

The pages with images (the chapter titles & K/Sallyā€™s profiles) take a while to load, I donā€™t know if itā€™s my internet or dashingdon being slow though because the same thing happens when Iā€™m trying to access the stats page.

I love all the little variations/flavour text, like the different books you can pick on Rosyā€™s bookshelf (my favourite was his response to The Art of War), the different responses you get depending on what you choose to text, the height jokes, Gray crush flavour text (ā€œGod, how you adore that dimple.ā€), etc. Itā€™s so much fun trying them all out, although it must be a lot of work to put these all in! Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s no way to actually add the emojis in the game itself, but somehow hearing them described is funnier.

Grayā€™s desk is actually ON one of those ledges with the transparent floor??? :scream_cat: I visited that building a few years ago and it freaked me out so much just to stand on it, so I actually did shudder at that part, lol.

All the silly options you could pick about Gray were so cute! I donā€™t know if itā€™s the same as Arizona iced tea, but we do actually have iced tea over here! I think the most popular brand is Liptonā€™s. For me, the most annoying thing about American measurements is when you find a recipe online and the measurements are in ā€œcupsā€, like how big is this ā€œcupā€???

Ok the reveal about Hope, I might have cried because Iā€™m a baby too, but it was really heartbreaking (especially Hopeā€™s reaction and her not being able to stop it) and creepy at the same time. Like Iā€™m pretty freaked out at how vulnerable Button is, taking into account the humming/bathroom trip from earlier too. Not only they couldnā€™t control what they said, but they couldnā€™t move or even blink, whilst being fully aware of what was happening the whole time. But knowing that it was an accident, as messed up as it was, I think it changes my view of how I think my Button would feel. Before they were on the more resentful side, but like a few others said the ā€œSo yeah. Thatā€™s my super power. Driving the people I love insane.ā€ option was SO perfect, I really think theyā€™d internalise the guilt of how they affected their mother & broke apart their family (in their view).

Also I couldnā€™t choose the ā€œI love you Nicky Mouseā€ option fast enough, but I would have also liked the opportunity to give him a hug at that point, just from the relief of being freed but also the need to be comforted (and comfort him too because he was struggling not to cry :crying_cat_face:)


I personally love playing matchmakerā€¦ as long as itā€™s not between ROs Iā€™m interested in (in that route).
Since Sally is not an RO I will pursue in any way and Nick is so lovable you can bet Iā€™ll be the best wing(wo)man there will ever be.

Tho I do understand why people donā€™t like relationships between ROs/NPCs.

I canā€™t speak for Sallyā€™s ā€œromance-abilityā€ since, like I said, I donā€™t intend to romance her, but I love her personality


Iā€™m not against matchmaking either but do I really want my best friend dating my brother so I can end up in the middle of all their conflict and feel awkward?!

Me thinks not. lol.


Something, something, parental abandonment. Something, something, predisposed to seeking approval and affection from older persons? :thinking:

(not a complaint - btw, as previously established, I really like this character)

I think the genderlocked thing could absolutely be a contributing factor, but at least one reader (*waves * Hi!) adores her in the bff sense, but wonā€™t romance her because of her crush on Nick. Both because the reader is intrigued by the idea of getting to matchmake (really unique touch and I dig it a lot), and because the MC already gets the option to take the attitude that theyā€™re guilty about how much theyā€™re interfering with Nickā€™s personal life and how thankful they are that he made a friend in Gray. If Sallyā€™s crush isnā€™t 100% one-sided, then the MC getting in the way of that would be unkind.

Tl;dr - Sally feels slightly off limits because sheā€™s already interested in someone else when the story begins. Again, not a complaint. I donā€™t feel Iā€™m missing out on an RO so much as Iā€™m gaining RP opportunities.


Sally wasnā€™t originally intended as a romance option, but sheā€™s so much fun and, hey, itā€™s IF! It seemed ridiculous to me to not let players have their MCs develop feelings for her if they so chose, especially when I think their dynamic has so much potential.

Although like @rkgk and @moonfungus pointed out, a lot of people strongly dislike RO/NPC relationships. Which I understand even if I donā€™t share the sentiment (there was a COG thread a while back that I lurked on that had me seriously concerned).

@Bobcat Thank you so much! The reason hugging Nick isnā€™t an option is because Button can still barely move at that point.

@CorvusWitchcraft Itā€™s funny, because I assumed Sally and Glitch would be popular because they were upbeat. I underestimated the allure of angst.

And thanks for your feedback about the flashback (which is the last major one, thank heavens, now that Buttonā€™s backstory is fully laid out). I consider ā€œuncomfortably true-to-life and unembellishedā€ to be a compliment since it was what I was aiming for (the fact that you applied those adjectives to a scene where someone is being brain controlled by their psychic mother brings me joy). The tonal dissonance is something Iā€™ll take into consideration, though. I donā€™t want to give readers emotional whiplash.


Ahh, yeah the whole matchmaking angleā€”totally slipped my mind that that was even a thing TBH. But yeah, it does make sense that that would have an effect on Sallyā€™s popularity as an RO.

Not for me, obviously, but I see why it would be relevant to others.

@wildelight Hey, something else Iā€™ve been curious about. Thereā€™s been much talk about how the MC can feel about the parents, whether or not to forgive them (if they even blamed them in the first place), etc., but will it be possible for the MC to actually blame themself for the incident? Like, extrapolating from the ā€œI drive the people I love insaneā€ option, will it be possible for the MC to fundamentally believe that theyā€™re the problem, not Hope, and feel guilty about the fact that the parents more or less uprooted their entire lives because of them? Because in my mind, thatā€™s how my (non-Sally-romancing, non-misanthropic) MC would likely feel about the issue.


Yes. Oh yes. Button can definitely feel that way.


Donā€™t really see the problem Gray is still a good six years older and Nickā€™s second in command which means he outranks us even more. So in terms of office relationships it is still comparable to the mailroom clerk dating the executive vice president. Particularly since this company is an intelligence agency and the mc is genetically unable to keep anything secret for long it would be a situation with even more red flags than the recruit dating the drill-sergeant.

Well one more thing to like about the Gray romance is that in my case the brothers would be trying to pursue the otherā€™s best friend (and in my mcā€™s case also more like only friend) romantically. Truly a situation worthy of a sitcom. :grinning:

It also means that in Nickā€™s case he isnā€™t only dating someone younger but heā€™s also dating a fresh recruit when heā€™s the big boss, which is also a situation of unequal power that tends to raise red flags these days. Basically, at least in my playthrough, both his own (but letā€™s see how to get the mc over his denial first) and Nickā€™s potential amorous entanglement would be the stuff red flags are made of in the real world.

It differs depending on the WIP. Astrid and Sera in the Keeper series are way more popular than any of the male ROā€™s with even Leon usually coming in third to them whenever there has been a poll on that.
Of course I do indeed only really care about male roā€™s since being able to be a gay male protagonist without (m)any of the stupid Hollywood tropes is what got me here in the first place.

If Rosie being 30 and billed at being a decade older than the mc, that means the mc is 20 and I think it was stated somewhere that Gray and Nick are both around 26-27.


Wait. 6? Idk why but I thought it was likeā€¦ 4?

Ah, nvm youā€™re right! I knew where to find the ages in the game so I did a quick playthrough. I just misremembered. I thought MC was 16 & Gray was 20 when they met. But he was 22.


Dude this update man o: Iā€™m still recovering :ā€™ D That was just really emotionally charged, and as someone mentioned before, really grounded and that made it hurt worse (but not in a writing bad way)!

I also enjoyed the scenes with Rosy and Lev :heart: Family feels are my weakness /o/


Looking forward to when we get to talk to K about the whole being an empath thing kinda suspecting it would be dramatic.

Also how dare you our mighty author give us Kenna, Sally, and Rosy how do you expect us to choose. Seriously tho these three ROs are really great and Iā€™m so not looking forward to having to choose one


while i do get how hearing button in her head 24/7 could be super stressful, her snapping at button for having a condition that causes them more suffering than anyone else is a bit harsh even before she takes over their mind. (ā€œwhy are you never quiet? why are you always there?ā€, yeesh, itā€™s not like morbid button wants to be there anyway. and by there i mean alive.)

i do still plan on forgiving mommy dearest, but sheā€™s gonna have to earn back buttonā€™s love. that is, if sheā€™s still willing to try.

great update btw, rosyā€™s deadpan humor is just awesome. goes to show theyā€™re not nearly as much of a jerk as some claimed, especially when satan exists for comparison.

also, about roā€™s, could we potentially pick nobody, but have buttonā€™s reasoning be something like ā€œiā€™m not worthy or loveā€, or ā€œiā€™d just get in the wayā€ in the case of sally and her getting with nick in particular? like not even being edgy, but genuinely believing theyā€™re unworthy?

oh, on the topic of sally and nick, you say theyā€™d not get together if button has feelings for sally and/or doesnā€™t actively matchmake them, but what if that makes a resentful button feel even worse, like theyā€™re an obstacle between their happiness?


Then donā€™t choose. And then see what happens, could be funā€¦if not potentially lethal.


So like why choose one when you can have them all???